This has to be one of the most fabulous, emotional, wonderful blogs I have EVER written and we are SO happy to share this news with you. This blog and its community has become an extension of our lives, you have supported us, shared your love, questions, frustrations, stories and lives with us, and now we can’t wait to share ours!
I have dreamed for years of being a mama … thought about how I would tell people … how I would feel … what kind of mom I would be … and here we are … Justin and I couldn’t be MORE STOKED to grow our little family!!
Justin and I have been together for almost 4 years now, and he will tell you I started talking about babies on the first date (NOT TRUE JUSTIN!!! It was the second date I clearly remember lol). But truly, I was 32 when we met, and Justin was a fresh ripe 24 (BTW I SWEAR he told me he was 27, which I rounded up to 28… so in my mind we were basically the same age HAHA). Our age difference was never really an issue for us, our love was always strong and very real and that’s all that mattered. But truth be told, I could have gotten knocked up with his baby on that second date and I probably would have been over the moon… haha… ok MAYBE too soon, but I WAS smitten. Nevertheless, the topic of babies was always front and center in our lives, and I waited patiently for Justin to ‘catch up’ in age to me … and confidently tell me he would be ready. We both decided that the year I turned 36 would be prime time … so, in late 2015, right before my 36 birthday, we “practiced for baby”… and got lucky, we found out 12 days BEFORE my 36th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!
I can’t WAIT to tell you all about how we found out, and how we dealt with the weeks that followed (THE HOLIDAYS!!) stay tuned for blog #2 … it was CRAZY!

Until then, I wanted to let you know I feel GREAT and so far we are all very healthy and SO excited.
Being pregnant has been the WEIRDEST thing I have ever experienced. Maybe I will call it beautiful once the baby is here but for now, it’s just WEIRD. I am literally growing a tiny person. I still can’t get over that.
I don’t think about any of the things I thought I would. I mainly obsess if the baby is ok down there, if he or she will be happy, healthy, a good person, will they have a big heart. I use the Ovia App and Justin uses the “WHOS YOUR DADDY” app and every Saturday we bolt out of bed to find out “what size the baby is now” … this week it’s the size of a canary! Chirp chirp!! LOL
We have put off this post for a while, mostly because … I don’t even FEEL pregnant?? IS that normal? I keep looking down there and saying “hello bud, are you still in there??” But, with my little belly growing and friends and family starting to really buzz about our New Family Unit coming (Justin calls the baby NFU), we figured we better share the news with you before my grandma got on Facebook and did it for us LOL …
Before I end this wonderful announcement, a few of the questions our loved ones have asked:
1. We are going to keep the gender a surprise, so we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl!
2. YES, I have kept a VERY good eye on my diet since becoming “vegan-ish.” I have been eating some local grass-fed beef about once a week, SPCA approved eggs almost daily, and ocean wise salmon a few times a week. Lots of beans, quinoa, chia seeds, yogurt, nuts, shrimp, and tofu. I’ve gone over ALL of this with my AMAZING doctor and we are feeling healthy and happy!!!
Lastly, we want to say that we are SO thankful that we have been blessed with this miracle. We realize that it’s not always easy to conceive and what a gift this is. We can’t WAIT to meet our little babe and keep you posted along the way!
Jillian & Justin (& Nacho too!!!)
Amazing news mama to be! So excited to share in your journey, and enjoy every minute! xx
Congratulations! Wonderful news 🙂
OMG SOOOOOO happy for you two! Best Friday news ever! Congratulations J&J ❤❤❤
What wonderful news!!! Congratulations! Nacho will be an awesome big brother! !?
I could not be more happy for you!!! You have been my favorite since Jason’s season and I’ve always followed your story and hoped you’d find true love!!! I related to you with when you got your nose job because for so long I wanted one and it inspired me to do it, and I could not be happier I did!!! Now I find out your boyfriend is younger than you and again I can relate to you. I was 26 and my boyfriend was 23 when we started dating, it seemed so weird to me and people would always make comments on how young he was . There were times I feel like I let it affect us and I would worry I would be more ready to settle down than he was. You give me such inspiration again even now that it does not matter!!! Thank you for sharing your stories! Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy!!! XOXO
Major congrats! So happy for you and excited for what’s to come!!
OMG so incredibly happy for you!!!!!!! Such an exciting time…enjoy it!
Congratulations Jill & Justin so excited & happy for you!!!!! <3 <3 <3 🙂 xoxo Hugs!!!
I’m so stoked for your family! Congratulations!! I am 25 weeks pregnant and I am still in the “this is so weird” stage, haha. I have had a great pregnancy and like you “haven’t really felt pregnant” besides watching my belly grow; can’t believe there’s a human in there. Except now that I have started feeling baby more, it’s becoming more real. Looking forward to post #2.
oh my gosh! I am so happy for you both right now! congrats, Jillian 🙂
Enjoy every minute! Your first pregnancy is the best! You learn so much about yourself and the little being you are growing inside of you! Growing a person is hard work though! Take care of yourself! When is your sure date?
This is so amazing! Huge congratulations to you, Justin & Nacho! x
Ok I had to contain my excitement on Facebook so that my friends wouldn’t make fun of me loving you so much… CONGRATS JILLIAN!!! I feel pretty much as excited as I would be for my cousin or sister to be pregnant. Very happy for you and Justin (and nacho!) I think it’s been hinted at for a while that you have been looking forward to becoming a mom. It’s all very exciting! I think what would really make your week though is meeting a loyal fan like me 😉 ask Karolina Turek to do a maternity shopping shoot and I’ll beg her to let me assist again! Congrats again on the pregnancy, enjoy the days before you start feeling like a blowfish! 🙂
You need to do prenatal yoga it is such a life saver and you will find it helps you in so many ways. Plus it allows you to share special time with your growing baby. I did it for my first pregnancy and it allowed me to bond with fellow first time mommies and to learn so much about what to expect and prepare myself for labor.
Yay! Congratulations Jillian. I squealed at my desk as if one of my good friends was telling me was pregnant. So happy for your little family! xoxo
Congratulations Jillian and Justin!!! What a blessing. I’ve loved following you over the years and now on this new phase of your life. Welcome to the world of parenting. 🙂
I don’t even know you (though I feel like I do!) and this is the most exciting thing I’ve heard all day (week?!). CONGRATS JILLY AND JUSTIN!!! You guys are going to make the most GORGEOUS babe. Hands down.
I seriously lit up with joy when I saw this come across my feed!! So beyond excited for you both and you look absolutely adorable! Congrats!!
That’s so exciting!! Congratulations!!
Congrats – Motherhood is a wonderful wacky experience!!!
Congratulations Jillian and Justin such exciting news!!
You sound over the moon, as you should! Congrats it’s a great ride!
Congratulations guys!!! So awesome, cant waiy to see the nursery! !!! ???
Congratulations Justin, Jillian and Nacho. That is the most wonderful news. Blessings!!
❤️❤️❤️Oh my gosh .. Congrats!! This is super exciting for you guys.. Jillian…you will be an incredible momma… ??how far along are you??
This made my day! I love following you on snapchat and Instagram. Congratulations to you and Justin…… will be remarkable parents!
This is wonderful news!! So excited for you guys xxoo
Awe congrats Jilly ! You guys are gonna love being parents it’s amazing
WOOOOO!!!!! Congrats!!! <3
EEEEEEEKS, I have been waiting for this moment forever. YOU dear Jilly, are going to be an amazing mom. I don’t know Justin enough, but you picked him so I know he will be amazing too. (oops, I said “he” ) This baby will have a HUGE heart, and be as loving as his parents are. Just remember one thing…. YOUR baby comes 2nd.. I know I will get hate on this… Your relationship with daddy has to come 1st.. So many people don’t realize that, and that’s why you hear.. Well, things changed once I had a baby. It doesn’t have to. You are smart, why am I telling you this? I guess I am a mom and that’s why. My son is 31 now, and we are literally best friends. I am only 51, so we grew up together. I can’t wait for the updates and then to internet meet this little guy.. Ok, I am sticking to my story about it being a “he” Eeks… can’t wait until the next post.. Get some rest missy, you’re going to need it. Love and hugs. Donna
So excited for you both! It’s such an adventure to be a mom. Congratulations!
Congratulations to you both (and nacho)!! I am so happy for you all! My favorite son (only child) turned 28 this past November, so I have gotten to enjoy motherhood all these years and am still thrilled. I am also very happy you are leaving the gender a surprise–it is so much more exciting. I cannot wait for you to meet the little one and continue to grow your happy family. God Bless you all!! ♥♥♥
PS>> Thank you for Love It or List It, Too (I am in Ohio, so I do not get the Vancouver show). I watch and record every episode and rewatch (many, many times)–almost to the point where I can say what everyone will say before they do. I have nothing but HGTV on all the time, but only record Love It or List It (Hillary and David) and Love It or List It, Too. You are very entertaining, creative, funny, informative and extremely likable. Please keep it coming for many more years!
Hi.I think In the US on HGTV,they call the Vancouver show love it or list it too.
Thank you Terry-Pat. I watch the Love or List It, Too on HGTV faithfully! 🙂 I did not realize they were the same show. I thought I was missing out on another great series.
If the price of the house…well over One million…that what would be love it or list it too.Vancouver.
Love, love LOVE this. I’m so so happy for you! This seriously made my day. You are going to be the cutest and best mom. You’re little family is more than adorable! Congrats guys!!
Congratulations!! Such wonderful and exciting news! Now all your gorgeous flowy dresses from Hawaii make sense 😉
Congrats! Such an exciting time!
Wonderful news, congratulations to you all 🙂
Love this post! Congratulations Jillian and Justin!
So exciting!! Congrats, Jilly! I’m sure you will be a great mom 🙂
Congrats on your new bundle of joy, you’re not weird lol.
I felt the same way when I got pregnant with my Daughter Shaelynn!
Just wait till you get the crazy cravings or the butterfly feeling that I first felt her at 18 weeks and I know that’s early but when you feel it~ it’d the best feeling!!! I’m a big fan of yours and motherhood Namasté ?? Tasha
Oh my gosh! Congratulations Jillian!!! I kept getting a feeling you were pregnant following your Hawaii snaps…crazy I know.. I think I have a strong intuition! But I cannot wait to continue to follow your journey and see you grow and the little babe! I also love that you’re not finding out the gender. I think that it’s the most natural surprise that God can give us. And as an interior designer myself, you’re not stuck with all “boy” or “girl” only baby gadgets and clothes! 😉
AHHHHHHHHHHH! congratulations! You two are going to be the most parents! Not to mention the baby is going to be way too cute for words.
Oh my gosh! Congratulations Jillian!!! I kept getting a feeling you were pregnant following your Hawaii snaps…crazy I know.. I think I have a strong intuition! But I cannot wait to continue to follow your journey and see you grow and the little babe! I also love that you’re not finding out the gender. I think that it’s the most natural surprise that God has given us. And as an interior designer myself, you’re not stuck with all “boy” or “girl” only baby gadgets and clothes! 😉
Congratulations Jillian and Justin!! Jillian I remember you from the Bachelor days and I really love you on HGTV.
So happy for you 3!!!!!! Enjoy & embrace the pregnancy, you’re going to be a cool and amazing mom!!!!!
So happy for you guys. Can’t wait to read the next blog. Love that your sharing the news with us fans.
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you two! I keep telling my husband that I wish Justin would propose and y’all would have a baby! Finally!! I’m 38 weeks pregnant and we’re not finding out gender either! Sending you all the best from Montana and looking forward to following your new and greatest, life adventure! xoxo
Congrats!!! You guys are going to be such fun parents!
OMGGGG!!! I’m so excited for you!! I have been following you ever since you were on Jason’s season & then your own! I love you to pieces even though we don’t know each other. You are an amazing person & I couldn’t be happier for you & Justin!! I too am preggo, and my hubby & I are due in early Sept!! Can’t wait to hear more news!! 🙂
Congratulations!!! Been following you from Iceland since the beginning 🙂 so happy for you! All the best to you and your family 🙂
Congrats!!!! Crazy to think I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw Justin’s post, because I don’t even know you guys, but I am ecstatic! I am so happy for you!
I didn’t feel pregnant with my second baby until about half way through. I honestly kept forgetting we were having another baby!!
Congrats! So happy for the two or should I say three of you! I am predicting it’s a BOY!
We shall see! Enjoy this special time, it’s truly amazing!
So, so exciting news! Your nurturing nature will make you a wonderful mother!
Congratulations!!!!! You are going to be the most stylish preggo ever!!!!
YAY!!!!!!! Congratulations!!! So excited for your growing family!!
Congratulations! You mentioned that you wonder if the baby will be a good person with a good heart? I imagine this baby will have that in spades. It starts with parents that have the same qualities…and who grow and nurture that along the way. You can move that one off your “obsess list”. 😉 All my best…
Congratulations!! From one first time pregnant lady to another, it is weird to think something is moving and growing in your tummy yet you can’t quite feel them yet minus the aches & growing belly! I’ve been struggling with nausea & feeling lazy! It’s amazing I use to be go go around the house and this baby just doesn’t wanna. Could I request perhaps you share some of your mommy to be reciepes? I need a well rounded diet that won’t lead me to yacking everything back up in an hour!
Awww I’m so happy for you both, this is probably my favorite blog you’ve written!!
Congrats to you, your post is so much more exciting than the one I just published for sure – ha ha!! 🙂
Congrats – all the best to you all during this wonderful time 🙂
Congratulations!!! I have the biggest smile after reading this post! I’m so happy for you! 🙂 You two are going to be amazing parents!!!
Congratulations you guys!! Such an exciting time!! Wishing you all the best! Nacho’s will be the perfect big brother! Xo
This is SO EXCITING! Congratulations Beautiful! I wish you and your cute family all the best in this new adventure!!!
Same age difference between me and my husband! It doesn’t matter!
Congrats! Couldn’t happen to a cuter couple.
Jillian, I’m so happy for you and Justin! This is such happy and fantastic news! You two will be awesome parents and have a great family! My husband and I just had our first baby and I know how you feel. So many wonderings and questions, but everything will be fine. Enjoy every minute. It is a miracle and a blessing!❤️
What a sweet blog post. Tears in my eyes. So happy for you. What an amazing Blessing. I look forward to reading the next post. <3
Jillian, you ask any of my friends who my favorite “celebrity” is and they’ll tell you Jillian Harris! Even though we have never met, I feel as though I know you. You have shown your followers who you are, the good, the bad, the ugly. You are vulurable and brave. A woman I look up to! Your style is on point, your girlish personality mixed in with your love for adventure is a perfect combination! My point in all this rambling (sounding a bit stockerish/obsessive) rant is that I’m over the moon for you, Justin, Nacho and the rest of your family…like I would be with my best girlfriends! You two will be amazing parents and will raise such a kind, well rounded little human! Congratulations! Looking forward to learning how pregnancy is and all the cool new baby stuff you discover so when we get pregant all the leg work will be done already! 😉
Marisa Sickle
Soo Happy for you both!!! 🙂
CONGRATS!! You will make such great parents <3
Jill!! Congratulations to you and Justin!! So excited for you, I feel like I just found out one of my best friends is pregnant even tho we’ve never met lol! So happy for you, you will be an amazing mom xoxo
Congratulations! And I applaud you for not finding out the sex of the baby. There are so few surprises in life, why not enjoy this one. Plus it doesn’t really matter the gender, you can’t send it back, hahaha!!
Congrats you two!! How far along are you? I’m currently 15 weeks with my first and feel exactly the same as you – is there really a baby in there? haha (my hubby’s name is Justin too)! Can’t wait to read your next blog and ride this crazy journey together. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy! xoxo
Woohoo!! Jillian you will be the best mom!! So happy for you!! Congratulations!! Can NOT wait to see how you decorate a nursery 😀
Congrats! So incredibly excited for you! Thanks for being an incredible example of positive thinking, creativity, taking life in stride – and leading with your heart. All these qualities are going to make you such an incredible mother. Must be so odd to have so many people who don’t (technically) know you excited alongside you. I can’t imagine!
Blessings to you guys – and the sweet babe growing inside of you! WHOOP!
Eeeepppp!!! Congratulations!!!! I’m 21 weeks with my first and just now starting to feel pregnant – still weird – but pregnant!! 🙂
Yay!!!! You will be an amazing mama how exciting!! My daughter is 20 months and we didn’t find out the gender either and it was the most magical experience!!! Great motivation when you’re in labor since you will be so ready to see if it’s a boy or a girl!! ?.
YAY! I am due in May with my first and am so excited! You will be an unreal Momma! All the best:)
This is such an exciting time for you both! Treasure all the experiences you are going to have before baby and after baby comes.
I would love see your journey and how you cope with pregnancy, like fitting into cloths and of course it would be awesome to see you design the baby’s nursery! 🙂
Congrats Jilly & Justin! Such an exciting time in your lives, enjoy being pregnant and experiencing that little miracle growing inside you. I felt odd too, and it’s such a surreal yet normal thing to happen to you. Get prepared to receive a lot of advice, including enjoying every moment of quiet before baby arrives and SLEEPING IN with your man. Lots of love to you both xx
Congrats on the baby!!! Age is only a number, my mother in law was 8 years older than my father in law and the had a happy healthy marriage for over 50 years!! Enjoy!!
OMG JILL! I am soooo happy for you! We are the same age and I just adore watching you on snapchat and all your goofy silly posts. You seem like such a cool girl that I would def be friends with (LOL I cant believe im saying that about someone I havent even met–but its true!) Anyway, im thrilled for the two of you! CONGRATS and I know youll be a great mom and how cute you and your cousin are both having babies around the same time!!! ADORABLE!
Congratulations! Wishing you all the best for your growing family 🙂
Just woke up to this news in Australia – soooo happy for you 3 ? ??
Whoa! Congratulations to you both!
I am so happy for you Jillian and family! Love that you are not finding out the sex of the baby – i did that too and don’t regret it one bit! Can’t wait to hear more – Congrats!
Yay! I’ve been following you for years, and lately I’ve been checking in often waiting for an engagement post but this is SOOOOOOOOOO much better!
Follow ohbabynutrition on insta. She seems to have an incredible understanding of holistic nutrition, much of it plant based.
So happy for you both! Congratulations!! That is going to be one very loved lil babe.
Congratulations!! I’ve followed you for quite some time on various social media platforms and feel like I’ve been waiting for this news! This is SO exciting!!
so excited for you congrats gorgeous omg think of all the little outfits
Congratulations to both of you. What a wonderful love story. Xoxo
So happy for you both! <3 I actually said to a couple of my gfs that I thought maybe you were! Based on all of the cute one pieces you packed for Hawaii and your dress choice at the Bach wedding! (which looked adorable by the way) 😉 Enjoy the bump b/c it goes by quickly and nothing can prepare you for how your life changes in the most exciting way… so soak up every minute with your man & pup. Go to the movies and out for dinner as much as possible and then enjoy your little nest once your sweet babe arrives! Congratulations! All of you loyal tribe is pumped for you! <3
ps: welcome to the never-not-worrying-forever club! haha
So so happy for you…congrats!!
How exciting. …congratulations to you both..
Don’t ever worry about ‘not feeling pregnant’ because you once you’re in the third trimester you feel VERY pregnant and the novelty starts to wear off. Congrats and good luck!
Congrats!! What a lucky baby!!! I’m so happy for you both!! ❤
If you take omega3 supplements, you get the benefit of eating fish too, without making sure you’re eating enough (or too much fish due to mercury levels). I took the ProOmega ones from Nordic Naturals. They smell like lemon and they guarantee purity. The OB said omega fatty acids help with brain and eye development. Win win!
Marine algae is where fish get their EFAs from. You can avoid eating fish completely, and take a vegan supplement from plant sources (although chia seeds are a great option too), and you’ll have MORE than enough.
Congratulations you two!!! So excited for both of you!! I think you’re going to be a wonderful Mommy!! Becoming a mom really is the best thing in the world!! Enjoy your pregnancy in the meantime!!
Congratulations! I am also first time pregnant & 16weeks, and relate with what you say about “not feeling” pregnant! But super excited nonetheless! Isn’t it the most weird feeling to grow a human? I’m in awe everyday! Good luck with your pregnancy! Sending you lots of love, though it looks like you’re surrounded by tons already!!!
YAY!!! Congrats girl! SO excited for you!
Congrats Jilly and Justin, happy news! My sister didn’t get married til she was 34 and had her first baby at 36 & 2nd baby at 39, all beautiful, healthy kids, who are now toddlers. You look terrific, are you 16 weeks?
Jillian – I have been a huge fan since your days on the Bachelor and am so stinkin excited for you guys! I feel weirdly emotional even though I have never met you, haha. Congrats to your growing family!!
Sooo happy for you!! We are expecting our first little babe in June and pregnancy is totally WEIRD. hahah I can never get over it!!
Jillian Harris……that’s beautiful…..first watched you on The Bachelor days, and now Love it or List in Vancouver…..
Congrats!! I identify with this so much. I’m due in July with my first and I don’t feel pregnant at all and never have! When all of the other preggos I know have been having all of the “symptoms”, I look down at my belly and say..”you still with me?” It’s the weirdest and most miraculously fascinating thing I have ever been a part of. Congrats again. Welcome to the amazing.
Congratulations!! What exciting news!
Congratulations! Being a mum is the most wonderful thing! It’s true what they say that you don’t know love until you’ve held your little one and it’s truly amazing how you can find a whole new love for your spouse when you see them as a father. Best of luck!
So happy for all of you … I was watching last weeks show and you made a comment maybe we should move here when I become a mom ?,,,,, Nacho will be an awesome fur brother !!!!!!
So exciting!!! Congratulations!!!
Ha – congrats. I had told my husband (then boyfriend) who’s also a few years younger that “if” I was going to have kids I better have one before I turn 36 – I didn’t know if I wanted them but knew he really did. 19 weeks pregnant and due 2 weeks after my 36th birthday. Also feeling very weird but excited.
So so very happy for you both, My daughter…a kidney transplant patient who is also 36 and with a guy 4 years younger LOL is carrying a little miracle baby due in May. So I can totally relate to how you are feeling. So weird as when I was watching LIOLI the other night I found myself wondering if you planned to have
Jillian this is just too exciting, it’s raining babies in Bachelor Nation! I live in Van and am 20 weeks with my first, we just had our big ultrasound today – something you get to do in a month! Let me tell you I understand the weirdness! I have constantly second guessed if this is real or not, even after seeing ultrasounds! But it’s happening – eek!! So so happy for you and would love to talk strollers LOL – it’s a whole other world and language to learn!
Jillian & Justin – congratulations! You will be in awe of how incredibly wonderful parenthood is and will discover a whole new kind of “love”! Enjoy every second – it goes by way too fast!
Yay! Congratulations!!
so soo soooo excited for you & Justin. you’ve been my favorite bachelorette ever since and I’ve followed you forever. best wishes and can’t wait to read more about your journey. ps I didn’t realize Justin was that young. he seems mature. at least mature enough from snapchat, insta and blogs haha xo!
You have to do Hypnobabaies for your prenatal class!!! Jen King is the best in the city and will help you to have an easy and comfortable birth!
CONGRATULATIONS! Loved you since the Bachelor (and more importantly love your designs *I may or may not be obsessed with Love it or list it too.
Wishing you all the best!!
you probably don’t feel sick or have bad symptoms because of your diet. omega3 fatty acids and vitamin D are a huge component in feeling better, and you are getting both. i wish i would have know this in my first pregnancy and i wouldn’t have sat around eating bowls of Cheerios, crying and punching pillows.
CONGRATS! We just had a little guy 8 1/2 months ago and he has truly been the greatest blessing. Your little person will change your life in pretty much every way possible but it will be AMAZING!
Also, I did not eat any meat or seafood during my pregnancy and have not eaten meat since I was 15 years old and at 39 years old I had a completely healthy baby who is now pretty much just one solid muscle; he crawled at just 5 1/2 months and is about to walk any day now at not even 9 months. So just saying you don’t need animals to make a healthy strong baby. 🙂
Two words….placenta encapsulation! Lol Birth Kelowna, and Sara Spada are uh-mazing. Congrats Mama and Papa xo
Congrats!! That’s so exciting! You look really good 🙂
Wow, congrats! So happy for you both! 😀
Congrats!! I am also pregnant with my first! Looking forward to some stylish maternity wear posts!
Life altering happiness coming your way! Congrats!
Congratulations girlfriend!!! I am so happy for you and having a proud friend moment (you don’t know it yet but we are friends). I love keeping up with you and I can’t wait to see where this crazy journey takes you. SO AMAZING! ❤️???
Congratulations and all the best to all three of you! Wonderful news and so happy for you!
I just screamed I am so excited!!!!!!! You and Allie are my favorite bachelorettes and you’re both pregnant!!! My husband and I have been trying for 8 months and haven’t gotten pregnant yet but seeing others be able to embark on this special journey makes my heart happy!
Congratulations to you two!!!! I’m pregnant too! We’re due around the same time. I found out 12/1 and we told our families on Christmas Eve. I’m due 8/7–you? Xoxo
Oh and check out “The Business of Being Born” on Netflix. SO good!
I found out I was pregnant right before my birthday in September and it really is the BEST birthday present ever!! You will start to feel pregnant once you get kicked from the inside! Hahhahah such a weird feeling 🙂
Congratulations Jillian and Justin!! So happy for you !! What great news and bet your mom and dad are over the moon!!
Oh my gosh!! Yay!! You will seriously be the CUTEST pregnant woman!! 🙂
I found out (about my first/only) a few days before my 35th birthday – best birthday present ever! Congrats! Being a mama is the seriously coolest thing I have ever done in my life! The planner in me HAD to know the gender in advance (to prepare), but I can see the draw to being surprised, too. Enjoy! And when you’re not enjoying, remember “this too shall pass” (words to live by).
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now, and I feel like you’re one of my girlfriends… So I was SO excited to read this! I’m so happy for you both and your exciting new addition!!!!!!
Good for you for keeping the gender a surprise! Everyone and their dog finds out these days! LOL! It’s truly the best surprise ever and you don’t get a lot of those in your life! Congrats and may the rest of your pregnancy go smoothly. p.s. get as much rest as you can NOW 🙂
Congrats to both of you!A first pregnancy is so exiting! I just read your diet and please know that any shell fish is a big NO! So say good bye to shrimps and specially sushis! Anything unpasteurized as well. I got a big laugh when I read that you eat only spca approved eggs. I never heard of that! I have been eating farm eggs for years…
The best is yet to come!
Actually that is not true… Eating Sushi and even shellfish is completely safe and one of the biggest falsehoods that American cultures believe. Almost all fish is flash frozen before shipped and makes it safe, even then if fresh the chances are extremely rare. Its the mercury levels that you have to be concerned about and most sushi like salmon and shrimp are totally ok. I lived in Asia for 2 years while pregnant and they pretty much laugh at this idea and even find it offensive to their culture that Americans think its so “unsafe” What do you think women in Asia do?? Stop eating their main diet… :/
Congratulations, what a beautiful blessing!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you guys, I watch your snaps daily and I feel like I know you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ You’re going to be the best, most fun parents!!
You are going to be an amazing momma! Motherhood is unlike anything you could ever imagine. I’m so happy for you! <3
Congrats Jilly! You are beautiful as ever. I know that babe will have a heart of gold just like you <3
Can u get married please
Its time…..
How about they get married when they want to get married.
Keep the married questions to yourself, just a simple congratulations is all you need to say.
How bout u shut the f up?! LoL
Lol so classy
So because gorgeous Jillian isn’t married she’s not classy?
Is that what you’re saying?
Get a grip! What makes you or anyone else better because you had children after you were married?
No one cares. It is a beautiful thing bringing a child into the world, being married has nothing to do with it.
Yes, just as I suspected. More trashy talk from a double wide trailer dwelling loser…LoL
I’ve never understood why grown women still behave like catty high school girls, it’s embarrassing.
I don’t know why you are so angry and bitter but I hope you find some happiness so you can start living life and stop wasting it.
Be positive and be kind 🙂 You will feel much better about yourself.
Thanks love XOXOXO
I beg your pardon? Lets spread some kindness and love not trash talk!!!
Sue I wish you happiness it seems you need some 🙂
LoL, thanks Jillian?! Good luck
Crawl back into your trailer sue and smoke some more crack.
Aww congrats! You are by far my favorite blogger and snap chatter. Feel blessed to be able to watch your journey. ..its an amazing one. I enjoyed all 3 of my pregnancies so much — it really is surreal carrying a child ?
I legitimately screamed and got emotional as if one of my besties announced this news, haha. Couldn’t be happier for you guys!!!
Wow!! How exciting Jillian. Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet the new little person!! xo
Congratulations. I’m a new mummy, my baby was born last December. I’ve never thought that I can be like I’m right now, always thinking on my baby, he he. I hope the very best for you.
I finally just finished watching the Valentine’s Bachelor special. I have to say, pretty sweet to watch Justin keep putting his arms around your belly when Seal was singing. 🙂 Congrats to you Mama. xo
How exciting! So happy for you both!!
Congrats!! I am 7 weeks myself, nd know exactly what you mean about it being WEIRD. It’s so weird. I’m not like I thought I’d be either. My boyfriend is beyond excited, we check the apps too. We’re at raspberry. Can’t wait to follow your story (and your bump style) 😉
Awwww. This could not have happened to a nicer duo! Will you name your toddler to be Tod?! 😉 Don’t forget to get Nacho primed to be a big brother!
Just had my son 9 weeks ago and I remember pregnancy being weird! It’s a roller coaster for sure. My hubs and I were given some heartbreaking news about our son 6 weeks before he was born but thankfully our little man is perfectly healthy. Embrace the amazing times and keep a good perspective during the bad. I wish you the best in your journey!
A big congratulations !
Congratulations beautiful couple
I have followed you for years and you seem like such a genuine, happy person. Being in the spotlight is not an easy task, and you have embraced it and are such a wonderful role model. I have no doubt you will be great parents and your baby will be happy and a wonderful contribution to society.
I have been on this love journey with you since, well, way back on The Bachelor. Best Bachelorette ever too! I’m so happy for you Jillian. I can’t wait to see your pregnancy bloom and follow along with you. This is so exciting! Always, Your Footless Bird 😉
Awesome congrats!!! I’m 7 years older than my boyfriend and always thought that threw us out of the running for having children, thank you for the hope!
So happy for you guys! Can’t wait to follow the up coming awesome adventures!
Congratulations to the both of you!
Congratulations!!! It sounds like I am 1 week ahead of you in my pregnancy! I’m excited to see some of your outfits you are wearing during the pregnancy since you are my style icon/inspiration! Hoping you can post some great outfits to dress the bump and places to shop! ?
Congrats Jullian…I delivered my first child last year and being pregnant is just beautiful! Tip for Justin: don’t do what my husband did, eat her food, even if she’s full, trust me, she’ll want it for later! God forbid if you do…RUN! Enjoy every moment guys!
LOL!!!!!!! THank you!
There is a lot of talk on a web page that Jillian has already had the baby. One poster insists that she knows the baby’s sex, name and birthdate. She claims to be friends with a cousin of Jillians. S
No that is not true lol I am still pregnant….
How is that when she was only 16 weeks when she announced it a month ago ?
Excuse me “Jo”. Can you get a grip because you’re being very rude and childish and this is coming from a 13 year old. No one asked you to be vegan and you can’t go around telling Jillian and other people how to live. So kindly keep your two-cents to yourself.
Lulu is actually right Jo, that is exactly how your post came across.
You must feel so good about yourself right now, coming on here and Putting down a 13 year old.
Grow up no one cares if your vegan go and have another shot of grass.
Thank you love!!!!! And it’s ok … she can have her own opinions on things not everyone in this world can be lovely!!! She can go ahead and unfollow me if she likes … XOXOXOX
Thank you Jess. And Jo, maybe you can’t read because I asked you to keep your two-cents to yourself.
Thank you Jess. And Jo, maybe you can’t read because I askec you to keep your two-cents to yourself.
While I definitely don’t want to condone the attitude of the poster below (telling Jillian to “get a life” is totally inappropriate), I agree that the use of the word “vegan”, even with the “ish” behind it is irresponsible, at best, and offensive, at worst. We’re lucky that Jillian is so open with us about her life – her diet, her pregnancy, her lifestyle – and I love reading her blog and following her on social media, I love watching her on Love it or list it, and I loved her season of the Bachelorette. But being so open does make you open to criticism, and in this case I think it’s understandable that people are getting upset.
Jillian, thank you so much for sharing your food tips and recipes with all of us, but it is a bit silly to refer to yourself as “veganish”. It is certainly possible to keep to a vegan diet while pregnant, and it’s also possible to raise a vegan baby! Those choices are yours to make, and ONLY yours (I have been horrified seeing all of the ridiculous attacks about coffee and other dietary choices on your instagram!), but I wonder if you could maybe just stop referring to these choices as something they are not. Eating beef, salmon, eggs, and yogurt on a regular basis does not even qualify as a vegetarian diet. It is an incredible, healthy diet, and you obviously care a lot about your body and your baby’s health, and you set a wonderful example for all of us. But it just seems a bit fake and silly to insist on using this word, and it obviously seems to make people upset. If I am being charitable to Jo, I think that’s what s/he was maybe getting at – not telling you how to live your life, but questioning the way that you chose to talk about it.
I don’t want to incur the wrath of 13 year old girls, and I’m really sorry if I’ve over-stepped, but I do think that the people who are criticizing you on this particular choice to use this particular term are not off-base.
I do agree that the term vegan-ish may be offensive but don’t you think its offensive when people tell us that eating meat and animal products is wrong?
That does make sense that they were offended but Jo did not have to display her opinion in such a rude manner.
But I think that this should be the end of this discussion because its getting a little out of hand.
Omg so many offended by her term veganish. People need to get a life! Congratulations Jillian & Justin – age is a state of mind and with my hubby being 6 years younger and 29 years later – age is irrelevant – enjoy life!
Seeing that you are commenting implies that you have no life too.
Congratulations You Two…..soon to be Three. You will be a amazing Mommy…
Congratulations your going to be an amazing mommy.
And the baby will have a beautiful nursery done by her team love it or list it xoxo
Congratulations to you both, you’ll be great parents. Being pregnant is a wonderful feeling, just wait until you experience when the baby does a complete turn now that’s cool.
OMGEE Congrats !! Blessings to your family xxx
Jill! When do we get to read about the holidays and how you found out u were expecting???
JILLIAN, you’re having a boy. I can tell 🙂
Congratulations Jillian and Justin!! Being a Mom is one of the most blessed experiences I have ever had, my 3 babes are pretty close to being the best thing in my life!
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to you Jillian and your handsome beau Justin!!!
I, with the rest of BC and probably the world, am very Happy for you both.. Wooo Hooo!
And, I think it’s awesome that you are keeping the gender of your baby a surprise to yourselves and everyone else.
Getting that surprise, after all the hard work of labor, is the best part of pregnancy. Good for you!
Any plans that you will continue with “Love it or List it Vancouver” sometime in the not too far future? I still record it whether new or re-runs bcuz that’s how much I love your show…
Anyway, all the best to you thru the rest of your pregnancy and during the birth of your precious little bundle of joy! Can’t wait to hear the good news and see pictures!
You rock Jillian Harris…?????
I want to share my testimony on how i got pregnant, i have been married for the past 11 years and i was not able to bear children my husband and i always quarrel all the time and his family disrespect me because i don’t have a child, i cried all day all night until i met a spell caster online name Dr. Alli and i explain every thing to him and he guarantee me that his spell work and it work very fast in action, so i send him my info and he consult with his gods and told me the problem i was having and how to cure it immediately with spell work so i follow his instructions, now i am one months pregnant and also have a son. i wanna tell the whole world that this is real because i know what i pass through, contact him now via email [email protected] or call him +2348100772528…,
No doubt whether a boy or girl, you will have a very fashion conscious little one.
Waiting for due date (or did I not notice that point already addressed)?
Looking forward to future postings. Jillian, keep up the good work at caring for you and baby. ?
(Ps, love your dog)
You two will make one beautiful little one! Congratulations:))
My husband and I are regular viewers of your show and realized recently that you were expecting. Congratulations. Wonderful for both of you. In the months to come, you will no doubt receive advice and suggestions from everyone. I’d like to leave you one practical tip. There are hundreds of different kinds of blankets and changing pads for babies. When i was expecting, my older sister turned me on to using regular plush bath mats for changing pads. They have a waterproof, grip back, they are slide free, extra soft, match everything in a million colours and best of all, can be tossed into the washing machine and can hang dry. Keep one in every room, and especially in the car. They are just fantastic, second only to flannel feeling waterproof sheets. We saved so many surfaces from stains of all kinds while using these items. I hope you will have a speedy and comfortable pregnancy and delivery. It is very kind of you to share your life experiences with your viewers. Our son just turned 290 years old. Time truly does fly. Enjoy every moment you can.
Congratulations to your son on being the oldest on the planet!
I am thrilled for you and congratulations! I can’t wait till your baby is born and you can experience the thrill of
being parents. Children really are a gift from God! It’s an exciting time in your lives. The years fly by so enjoy
every moment with your little family. God bless you and may God give you a healthy baby.