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10 Jet Setting Necessities

Well incase you haven’t noticed … I travel A LOT … and while it might seem glamorous, most times, it’s not. My grandma Margie said to me the other day… Jillian, you are just like HORSESHIT, you are ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!! AHAHAHA … well sometimes after so many trips you feel like horse crap … your feet get swollen, your face gets greasy, you are jet lagged, swollen faced, sweaty and often a disorganized MESS!


Its taken me a few years to slowly fine tune my ‘travelling skills’ and I think I’m close to nailing it! I will say however … organization has never really been my thing. I opened up my suitcase on the side of the street in Toronto the other day, and I’m not kidding there were panties flying everywhere, one missing shoe and a half opened bag of peanuts! LOL … so … I’m not sure if I am 100% the person you should be listening to … but while I refine my organizational skills …


1. Caudalie Face Elixir – this is a must must must must! I do NOT travel without it!! Its expensive but trust me, one spritz of this before or after a long flight will make you feel like a WHOLE NEW WOMAN (que you make me feel like a natural woman soundtrack)

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2. Leather Leggings –  I bought mine from Aritiza almost SEVEN FRIGGEN years ago … can you believe it??? And guess what… I’m writing this ON A PLANE and I’m wearing them RIGHT NOW!! Justin makes fun of me because I rarely wear anything but. Why? Well, I always FREEZE on planes so they keep me warm when I’m cold and believe it or not they keep me cool when I’m warm. They fit and feel just like your sloppy old around the house leggings, but instead, look like a million bucks! Might I mention, they are wipeable so if you are a complete slob when you travel like me, a quick wet wipe and you are as good as new! Two more things (if all of this wasn’t enough) they are high waisted so they make you feel skinny when you’ve just hoarked out on airport food anddddddd you can crumple them up at the bottom of your bag and wear them BACK home again without worrying if they look ragged!


3. Face Sensitive Wet Wipes – Why? you will use them for everything. Wiping down your leather leggings, getting that scummy feeling off your hands (ugh its always there when you travel), wiping your face, the arm rests & table tray! A few must try…face wipes

1. Tarte | 2. Bear Naked | 3. Korres

4. Good Bags –  I have gone through almost every bag you can imagine when it comes to travel. It all comes down to two brands that stand the test of Jill. For suitcases I use Briggs and Riley. They are classy and sleek, functional, THE MOST durable suitcases I have EVER owned. And when you do beat the living sh^t out of it and it finally kicks the can? They will SEND YOU A BRAND NEW ONE! Blows my mind … I just got my new one after my last one bit the bullet (5 years and estimated 400 flight segments later).

I am an over packer. I feel that if you are going to bring one bag, you might as well bring two, so I put a nice duffle on top of my suitcase and they travel like one. When I was on the Bachelorette, CINDA B sent me an entire collection of bags. This was about 6 years ago and I have still yet to see ANY sign of age with them, they are washable and seem to fit pretty much anything you can stuff into them. Major brilliant investment.cinda b

1. Cinda B Duffle | 2. Briggs & Riley Suitcase

5. WATER WATER WATER – I can’t say this enough. If you chug TONS of water you will avoid almost all of the physical nuances that come with traveling. You will be peeing every 5 minutes but your next day recovery will be seamless. I travel with my BKR bottle so its good for the environment. Mama nature got no time for your plastic water bottles!

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6. Blanket Scarf – I have a few lovely versions from Aritzia and they are a great accesorry but also act as a blanket when your chilly, a pillow or even a towel when you spill your water all over the cute guy next to you.


7. Saje Peppermint Halo Roller – So dude next to you is going to feel like he just stepped into a spa at this point. Trust me, he don’t mind. You’re cute anyway. A small dabble of this always helps me chill and gets rid of any headaches. If your too afraid to apply it right on the plane (I agree that might be a bit brazen) apply it a few moments before stepping on board.(product pic). I also love the Eco Diva Beauty version – Zoe Organics Refresh Oil they are definitely both must haves depending on your travel style.saje

8. Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Mask – My skin technician at Project Skin gave me this idea (and YES I’m wearing it right now) but when you are on a flight, with a clean face, slather on a thick coating of the B5 Mask, and wipe it off right when you land. You’ll thank me later. Its like you skin has been drinking water the ENTIRE flight (even if you have moved from water to wine).skinceuticals

9. Face Care Travel Kit – I always try to travel with my make up and toiletries bag…because I never know what I’m running off to as soon as I get off the plane (and in case they lose your bag…that kinda stuff is expensive!!!). I like to keep it simple and have everything I need in one place…this Dr. Alkalis Organics one from Eco Diva Beauty is perfect! I also add there dry shampoo to the bag to keep my hair looking a little less disheveled and not nearly as greasy. AND the most important part … I ALWAYS travel with my Digital Detox Bath … this bath is no joke … put down your cellphone & computer and disconnect from the world either at morning or night. It is the most relaxing thing you will do on your entire trip and it will leave you feelin’ fresh and ready to tackle the world lol!!!


10. Scrunchie –  Here it is… the grand finale. This is where it ALL comes together. I don’t care if you look like Debbie Gibson (if you don’t know who that is I am too old to be your friend) a scrunchie is a SAVIOUR on a flight! Have you ever rushed to your gate, misplaced your passport, dropped your bag on some poor guys head, sat down and just felt totally dishevelled? Throw your hair up in your scrunchie, wipe your makeup off with your wet wipes, spritz your face with your elixer, slather your vitamin B mask on, a little peppermint roller to the temples, CHUG some water …. and then, order some wine. Now THAT is travelling in style (even if you do look like a complete idiot!! LOL)scrunchie

And that is what I call JET SETTING!!!! Do you have any jet setting secrets that you can fill me in on!?!?




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Leave a Reply

  1. ha ha, love that Debbit Gibson reference! Excited to check out your suitcase pick! I need a new one!

  2. You are so funny! Thanks for all these great, down to earth hints. I know I can definitely use them. I still have my Hello Kitty scrunchie so I’ll bust that out next time I fly.

  3. I was gunna say… “HOW DO YOU DO SO MUCH TRAVEL?!” You’re a machine! lol
    With all the time your spend on a plane (like Toronto last week) do you work on your laptop the whole time?
    I always get board in the air 🙂
    Thanks Jillian!

    1. YES… it’s the only time I can rip through my emails uninterruptedly!!! That’s definitely the biggest positive for me about flying haha

  4. No joke, I am reading this with my hair done up in a leopard print scrunchie (I am about the same age as Debbie Gibson) We must be soul mates!

  5. Hi Jillian! Thanks for all the great tips, I was wondering if you could share/suggest what you use as a makeup bag for traveling? Thank you!!

  6. Any suggestions on more affordable (and quality) facial products for those of us still immersed in student life and on a budget!?

    1. Drug stores carry Alba and Burts Bees products. Affordable yet great for your skin. OR…..i make my own beauty elixir using rose water, glycerine, and essential oils (use whichever you like). Hydrating mask: 1/4 of an avocado, tablespoon honey, olive oil teaspoon and one lemon wedge. Mix and lather on face.

  7. Have loved you since your Bachelorette days and now I watch you on Love it or List it! Thanks for the tips!!


  8. For the record, I keep coming back to this article!! I read it before traveling internationally a few months ago and re-read it before another trip. Seriously makes me feel SO much put together on a long flight. Thanks for all the tips!

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