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My Winter Bucket List

I don’t know about you, but I’ve actually MISSED the snow and I’m REALLY excited for winter this year! Maybe it’s because the launch of the Jilly Box was so crazy and we’ve been in countless meetings and it’s taken up so much of my brainpower and time lately that I’m craving downtime and adventure!

I’m actually laughing while writing this right now because I remember about a month ago I posted something on Instagram about how excited I was to be able to have more time, but now I’m actually 10x busier! What was I even doing before?! LOL! Anyway, today I wanted to switch gears and talk about something other than a box or a product! LOL! I’m so excited to share my Winter Bucket list with you! These are a few things I’m looking forward to in the cold and snowy months! Let’s take a look!

1. Take Leo Snowboarding

Last year we spent a weekend up at Big White, and Leo tried snowboarding for the very first time!! He did such a good job and he LOVED it! It was so awesome to see Leo and Justin do this together! So, we definitely want to get back up there and take Leo snowboarding again!

2. Take Leo Skating

Lately, Leo has been showing interest in skating and keep asking us about being on the ice! So, I would really love to get him set up with some skating lessons! It would be the perfect family outing and I mean, how CUTE  would it be to watch little Leo in some skates!? LOL!

Jillian Harris Winter Bucket List

3. Swimming Lessons for Leo + Annie

I would really like to get both Leo and Annie in swimming lessons during the winter so they’re BOTH ready for summer and feel more comfortable in the water! Annie is a total water baby already so I’m excited to see how she does in swimming lessons!

Jillian Harris Winter Bucket List

4. Hosting a Small Christmas

I couldn’t be more excited to host Christmas this year with JUST my Mom and Dad! Gosh, that feels so weird to say as we normally host my ENTIRE family! LOL! I’m so looking forward to a quiet and relaxing Christmas break and being able to celebrate with the people I love so much! This is the first time in 7  years that my cousin Sammy and her hubby, Dustin will be in town! Crazy right? So I’m sure there will be lots of fun family festivities over the holidays!

Jillian Harris Winter Bucket List2

5. Hit the Gym

SCRATCH THAT! LOL! If I’m being completely honest with you guys I actually don’t care about getting back to the gym as of right now! My body isn’t necessarily what I would like it to be, but I still love it and I’m content with it! But besides that, I am just so grateful for being healthy and at some point, I would like to get into a fitness routine to make sure I stay healthy without putting pressure on myself.

6. Ditch the Snow

As much as I’m looking forward to the snow this year … I’m also looking forward to DITCHING IT! LOL! I’ll be swapping the snow for some sandy beaches and sunshine early December to celebrate my 40th birthday with my girlfriends! I’m so excited to be able to have some fun and embrace this vacation with all of my girlfriends!

Jillian Harris Winter Bucket List2Jillian Harris Favourite Swimsuit Styles

7. Date Nights with Justin

Something I’m really looking forward to is spending time with Justin! I’m so proud of the relationship that we have built together and it’s so important to me to nurture that! I want to dedicate at least one time a month where we go on a little date or do something fun and turn our phones off! If you have any tips on how YOU make this work, I would love to know!

Jillian Harris Winter Bucket List

8. Play in the Snow

Growing up I LOVED to be outside in the snow, I would spend hours out there no matter how cold it was … hellooooo Northern Alberta! Believe it or not my kids actually don’t like being outside in the snow and they aren’t fans of the cold weather! So my plan is to pull those little rascals outside to enjoy the snow and build some snowman, and make some snow angels! I would also love to get all of the family together and have a bonfire outside in the snow as well!

9. Give Back

Team Jilly and I normally sponsor a few families over Christmas to help make their holidays that much more magical. Being able to help out my community during this time of year is something that is so close to my heart and brings me the greatest joy.

What is on YOUR Winter Bucket list?? Share your ideas in the comment section below!




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  1. We would love to be last minute snow birds and go on an impromptu trip to Florida in the new year. Easier said then done because we have our dogs and more importantly we are caregivers to our daughter. This is my bucket list!! (Our 35th Wedding Anniversary is in December)

  2. Hey jill! Sounds like you have so great ideas planned to get you through the sometimes long winter lol. I too will be hosting a very small group in my home this year on Xmas day too. I always go to my family’s for Xmas dinner but unfortunately I’ve been battling something very painful (physically and emotionally) and some in my family chose to use it as gossip and spread lies so I have removed them from my life. I’m really looking forward to a new tradition with my husband , kids, mom and several amazing friends and a few of my hubby’s side on Xmas day (I’m an only child like you) I’ve saved my beautiful fraiche apron to cook in Xmas day lol I also am planning a 10 day getaway with husband and kids (13 & 21 lol) not really kids anymore are they? Lol anyways, planning a nice trip to our favourite spot in Mexico together. I’ve had a pretty rough couple of years. I could write a book lol. I’ll also be sponsoring a family this year like I do every year. That brings me so much joy to be able to do that and shows my girls the true meaning of Xmas and how lucky we are. I hope you have a beautiful Christmas with your family. Enjoy your bday getaway too. May 2020 bring you much love and success, health and happiness. Always and forever a Jillian Harris supporter, Shawna xo Ps. Could you tell me where you got that beautiful blazer you wore to the smash+ Tess/ jilly jogger launch party? I loved it! 😬

  3. Hi Jillian! I just want to say that I adore numbers 5&7 especially! As a mum of two littles (16 months and 5 months), it’s been a journey to love my post partum body, but I’m getting there! And #7, it’s so important to make that time for date nights when you have two little ones at home! Cheers to happy holidays!

  4. When my husband and I got married, our pastor gave us some helpful advice for cutting out the noise -phones, social media, notifications, emails, etc. His advice was to charge our phones in a different room altogether. This way we pay attention to each other exclusively. We owe it to our partners to commit to them for a few hours, even just a few minutes, each day. I hope this helps!

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