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A Week In My Closet – Week 36

Happy Saturday!!! OMG and Happy APRIL FOOL’S DAY!! Eeeepppp … What. A. Week. Holy man, this week has been the end of a very special chapter in our life … we’re officially moved out of our home and are (not-so) patiently waiting for our new home to be FINITO!!! I can’t believe this time has come … so freakin crazy!!! Amongst all of the craziness of the week I’ve actually had so many FUN outfits goin’ on this week and I’m excited to share all of the details of them with you!!

Actually, I’ll share a little insider tip with you … if you’re like me and totally LOVING all things gingham (how cute is the yellow gingham button up below?!) then you won’t want to miss Monday’s blog as it’s ALL about the latest gingham craze!!!

Alright … let’s get to the good stuff!!!

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Gingham Shirt 

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My Shirt | Justin’s Hat | Justin’s Sunglasses

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Sweater | Jeans 

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Dress | Heels | Leo’s Bodysuit | Bow Tie | Pants 

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Watch | Jumper

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Sun Hat | Sandals | Swimsuit 

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Heels | Headboard

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There you have it! Like I said, make sure to pop back on over this coming Monday as I walk you through this season’s Gingham trend!! Until then, have an AMAZING weekend loves!!



Leave a Reply

  1. Love everything about you and your great fashion sense and your decorative edge! I especially like how you share where you shop!

  2. Are you really getting married? It’s not an April fools joke is it? I hope it’s true.
    Congratulations and have a wonderful time!!!❣??❤️???????

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