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A Week In My Closet – Week 37

Hi lovelies!! I hope you had an amazing long Easter weekend!! The good news? We’ve already made it to the weekend again!!! I freakin love short weeks! Lol!! I was just sitting here enjoying my cup of Joe and thought to myself that it’s been a while since I’ve shared a week in my closet with you … let’s blame that on my move … LOL!! But, today is a new day and I’m on a caffeine high and my fingers are zooming around on this keyboard, so let’s get into the good stuff and take a peek at some clothes!

What would you call these sort of blog posts?? WINDOWS shopping? Get it?? You’re on a computer … windows … lol … oh geez … Ok, that was a total mom joke, too much coffee. On to the clothes! On to the clothes!

Jillian Harris. A week in my closet.

Shirt | Pants (Similar)

Jillian Harris. A week in my closet.

Justin’s Hat | Justin’s Sunglasses | Justin’s Shirt | Justin’s Pants | Justin’s Sneakers | My Sunglasses | My Jeans | My Watch

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Jumpsuit | Clutch | Heels | Watch

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Jillian Harris - A Week In My Closet-5

White Shirt | Overalls | Watch

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Sunglasses | White Shirt | Watch | Overalls | Sneakers

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Leo’s Shirt | Leo’s Pants | Leo’s Sneakers | Justin’s Sweater | Justin’s Jeans | Justin’s Sneakers

Jillian Harris - A Week In My Closet-3

My Shirt | My Jeans | Heels | Justin’s Shirt | Justin’s Sweater | Justin’s Jeans | Leo’s Shirt | Leo’s Pants

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The dress pictured above was given to me by a very dear friend, they are all hand finished in Victoria and made of the highest quality of fabrics. If you’re looking to invest in a beautiful statement dress all while supporting a local Canadian company, these are a quality investment. From now until next Saturday (April 29th) you can save 15% off everything on their site with code JHarris15.

With that being said, I better get back to my weekend and cuddles with Leo … and Nacho, of course! Lol!!



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  1. I hope that you save some of Leo’s babyclothes for your grand babies! I dressed my sons in their Dad’s vintage threads that my mother-in law saved! Talk about adorable!!!

  2. Hi Jill!!

    I’ve never commented on anything on your site or social media pages before (typically just not my style), even though I follow you religiously – I literally look forward to watching your insta stories of Leo and your life after I get home from work everyday and they ALWAYS make me smile – but I saw your Instagram story the other day and you haven’t posted since so I feel like you could definitely use a pick me up after all of that negativity! I know that this is for sure a dime a dozen because so many people love you but I just want to tell you that you are truly AMAZING!!!! It makes me so sad that anyone could make you feel otherwise – you really are a wonderful mother, spouse, friend, role model and all round human!!!! I totally appreciate the plant based lifestyle you are trying to live – my fiancé and I have watched TOO many documentaries about climate change and still struggle to do this ourselves, I definitely appreciate how hard it can be! I also (obviously) LOVE your design style and have been following your new house reno all steps of the way. I feel like I literally get so excited every time you reveal more about it – my fiancé and I have been looking for our forever home for over a year to renovate and make our own so you certainly give me so much inspiration! Not to mention – could Leo be any friggin cuter!?!? Omg he’s so happy and just the cutest baby ever!!! A true testament to his mom and dad!!! I have absolutely loved watching him grow over the past 8 months, makes me so excited for when I become a mom! Anyway I feel like I’m rambling at this point, but just know that you have so many fans and followers that love and respect everything about you – don’t listen to those haters (for sure easier said than done, but try to remember they are hiding behind a computer screen!) My fiancé and I are actually coming to Kelowna and Vancouver in June – if you have ANY restaurants or things to do in either places that you recommend I would love to know what they are! We’re from outside of Toronto and have never been out west but from what I’ve seen from the show and your stories it looks amazing so I’m SO excited to explore!!! Anyway this is probably the longest post ever – I really hope this brought some light to your day, because you honestly bring so much joy to mine and so many others lives through what you share so please don’t stop!!!

    Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

    Love always,

  3. You are such a inspiration and a amazing beautiful woman with a beautiful family don’t let all these haters get you down you are the best!

  4. Saw your message this am…ATTA GIRL!!! That’s the strong willed, courageous, intelligent woman I have come to know and adore. Leo will be damn proud one day!!! Continue to kick ass in life. Many wonderful blessings to you today

  5. Jillian, it’s good to see you back. I don’t know what comments were made but all I can say is don’t let that bring you down. Let all of us who follow you and love you, lift you up. ❤️ You and your family are adorable? Btw Kelowna rocks! My family lives there. Hugs…. You got this Girl!

  6. I love, love those Sam Edelman hot pink suede heels. My daughter is graduating high school and will be walking the “Red Carpet” on June 2 in Ladner. I need a new dress/heels for the day. I’m thinking of ordering the heels and then looking for a dress at Zara etc. Suede on a hot June day though??? I can’t decide.

  7. Soooo very happy that you put your “big girl panties” back on and showed those asses who is who! Welcome back and you have a great Sunday also! ?

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