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My Heart

Five Lessons My Dad Taught Me

I hope you guys had a wonderful Father’s Day with your pops yesterday! I got to thinking about some of the things I’ve learned from my dear Dad and thought I’d share them with you!

1. Positive Outlook
The first and most important thing my Dad taught me is to be positive. Because of him I’m always trying to find the bright side in whatever life throws my way.


2. Sense of Humor
My dad has the worst jokes and always laughs at his own… I love it and find myself doing the same thing as I age! My favorite joke he tells over and over? “Why do squirrels swim on their backs?… to keep their nuts dry.”


3. Get Good and Dirty
My Dad’s taught me how to filet a fish and power polish my own car. I’m an only child so not having a son, my dad is the reason I’m a little bit of a tomboy…. and I love it.


4. Stay Grounded, Stay Kind
My Dad is always able to chat it up with strangers and make everyone feel interesting. He once told me tonever let the city get to me and never forget my roots. Always look people in the eye and engage in a conversation once in a while… you never know if you’ve just made someone’s day or reminded them that they are special.


5. How to Drive Stick
My first vehicle was a little burgundy Isuzu truck and it was manual. My dad taught me how to drive it and I’ve since taught all my friends how to drive stick. Its been such a valuable tool, as guys really love a chick that can drive stick… thanks Dad! 🙂

What’s the best lesson your Dad’s taught you?



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