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How I’m Getting My Business Ready Before Our Baby Girl Arrives!

Ok before I get started, I want to say … to all of you mamas out there who live in Canada and who aren’t self-employed … you are sooo lucky to get the option of an 18-month Maternity leave!!! I know this is super rare, I think the US gets 3 months?? Being a Canadian is AMAZING for that!! Unless of course, you own your own business!! LOL!! Then, you get about 18 hours off!! Hahaha, I kid, I kid. I am taking SOME time off, but I often fantasize with my girlfriends who have such a nice break with their new babes!

This time around I will only have about 6 weeks maternity leave as I’m under contract with Love It Or List It and the season is already signed and secured (this was the same with Leo!). Which means that the network has obligations that need to be met and if I took time off that would mean the entire crew would also have to take time off, and this would affect air time, network schedule, the works. It’s complicated to explain but it’s just the way it is. And then, of course, what would happen to Team Jilly??? I can’t risk losing my girls!!! LOL!!  While I SO wish I could have more time off I’m grateful for the position with LIOLI and having my own business so I’ll “suck it up”  and look forward to next summer! The season should be wrapped by June or July and it’s my “intention” to then take a BIG break to spend with the kids before they go to Kindergarten … now THAT is exciting!!!

Now, 6 weeks is STILL 6 weeks and the last time I “vacated” work for that long was with Leo! A lot has changed since then and we’ve been preparing like crazy to make sure everything is organized and in order before I take that time off. I plan to REALLY slow down during this time so that I can bond with my new babe, rest my body and be there for Leo (and Justin! LOL). I’ll be less stressed knowing everything is taken care of and I’ll be less inclined to check emails when I’m supposed to be taking time off! When I had Leo I was checking emails from my HOSPITAL BED! How crazy is that?!

I honestly think this will be such an amazing break for me because lately, I feel like I’ve been way TOO connected! From texts to emails to Instagram messages, I have been all over the map! So, before I take off on my mat leave I plan to get as caught up as I can on all of my emails, my goal is to have my inbox at 50 or less unread messages before baby comes and then once baby girl is born, I’m going to try and avoid checking emails for 2 weeks! It’s all about working SMARTER not harder!

Jillian Harris How I'm Getting My Business Ready Before Baby Girl Arrives Jillian Harris How I'm Getting My Business Ready Before Baby Girl Arrives

So … leading up to the baby … Team Jilly and I are sitting down and going over all of our to-do’s and outstanding items so they know exactly what needs to be done before I’m off the grid and what they need to be working on while I’m away!

We already have monthly team meetings at my house where all four of us hunker down and review what went well and what didn’t go so well, in addition to what we have coming down the pipeline and it also gives us the opportunity to discuss any opportunities coming up that we want to explore further.

When we break for lunch we typically find ourselves, checking emails, editing blogs, etc. which means there are four laptops hooked up to my wifi and I’m pretty sure if you looked close enough you would see steam coming off of our keyboards! LOL!

I honestly don’t know how we would pull all of this off here and run this business without a solid network connection that is FAST (thank you, Telus!! LOL)!! It means Justin and Leo can be streaming Baby Shark, Mackenzie can be uploading photos from a shoot, Shay can be video-conferencing a client, Mindy can be editing a blog post, and I can be approving additional blogs and proving feedback ALL at the same time, with no lag!

Jillian Harris How I'm Getting My Business Ready Before Baby Girl Arrives Jillian Harris How I'm Getting My Business Ready Before Baby Girl Arrives

Before we went with TELUS’ Internet 300 our connection was slower and we weren’t able to pull all of this off as smoothly as we can now. My home is basically the girls office at least once a week so I had to make sure we were able to work as efficiently as possible … and more importantly, once our new baby is here it’s so important that I’m able to stay home with her and Leo and still be able to tackle some work when I’m feeling energized to do so! LOL!

We have been working so hard lately, making sure that we have content lined up for the blog, we’ve already shot a ton of photos that we can use while I’m MIA and we plan on completing our yearly reviews prior to me leaving as well so Team Jilly feels knowledgeable, secure and up to date!

We’re also trying out something SUPER exciting this time around. I’ve asked each of the girls to take over my blog while I’m off!! Shay, Mindy, and Mackenzie will each be writing blog posts that will highlight their specific roles on Team Jilly along with topics that they’re most passionate about!

Jillian Harris How I'm Getting My Business Ready Before Baby Girl Arrives

I’m so confident and excited to step away for a little bit and let them take the lead. I’m certain things will run smoothly and it’ll be fun to sit back and check up on what they share with you!! If you have any specific topics you would like to see them cover, make sure to share your ideas in the comments section below!

There you have it! That’s the game plan as of right now … I’m sure you will start to hear less and less from me once we get closer to the arrival of our baby girl but I’ll make sure the girls know they can share updates with you as they roll out!













Thank you Telus for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.


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  1. Hi Jillian and team Jilly! Your blog content is super great and I love it! Jillian I’m in awe of you for doing all you do while being a parent to a young child (soon to be children ❤️). I just wanted to highlight that most people are not able to take advantage of the 18 month maternity leave. Being on maternity leave is a financial sacrifice. I know we are so much better off than the states. But being on maternity leave in Canada means you need to save like crazy beforehand, having no help with the kids other than family who have their own busy lives, and maternity leave can be extremely lonely. Not having an adult conversation for days is so hard. Really what I’m trying to say is the grass is not greener on the other side. ?. Best wishes to you for new baby and everything you do!

  2. Would love to see some info about how to start up as an interior decorator (apps/websites that are helpful for working with clients and designing a space). Love following your blog! Goodluck with baby #2 and enjoy your time with your family!

  3. Hi, love your pictures how they look so clean and fresh. I saw you the first time on the Bachelorette. I honestly didnt know you had a group of 4 girls (o more ppl) helping you out. My question is…what exactly is their title name/job position? Im trying to re enter the work force after two babies and looking for flexible jobs to apply. I am so intrigued about what they do or they help you. Are they social media experts? Bloggers, or PR people? Thanks! Good luck with your delivery ?

    1. GREAT QUESTION!!! The girls are going to be taking over the blog while I’m on mat leave so they will share a bit about their backgrounds and roles!! xo

  4. I’m an avid reader of tons and tons of blogs, and I have never come across a sponsored post that was as interesting, helpful and organic as this one. Thank you for giving us this fascinating behind-the-scenes look at your business and how you’re balancing it all. I’m so looking forward to more content like this as your team blogs about their specific roles while you’re on leave!

  5. Pleeeeeaaaasssseee share baby pics and of course lots of pics of Leo. We will all miss his sweet character and that face. Hope you have an easy delivery and you feel well after. REST REST
    Good Luck Jillian

  6. Hi Jillian

    I’m a huge fan and have been following for about a year. Starting following a year ago when I had baby number 3!!! And was off on mat leave. And I agree being a Canadian is amazing however like most middle class families with babies to feed we can’t afford to take the extra time off of work. Since you’re still getting the same amount for 12 months just spread over 18 months and I’m a full time worker. So I had the option to stay home for 18 months but financially my family needs me to work which I’m sure is the reality of many Canadian families. So I guess I felt like your ad blog for Telus was making assumptions that non self-employed women get to enjoy a 18 month “break”. I loved and cherished every minute I was home with my three children this past year but I wouldn’t call it a “break”. Caring, feeding, cleaning for my three children 24 hours a day with minimal help and support from friends or family was far from a “break”. I guess my point is that the Canadian women faces many different challenges and struggles and everyone’s story will be a different so all we can do is be support one another ?
    Best wishes with baby #2

  7. I would LOVE to see digital marketing tips/strategies for entrepreneurs! Anything about social media, design, SEO, lead pages, click funnels, list building, etc. You have such an awesome online presence which can be really hard for newbies to tap into. Enjoy your time off 🙂

  8. I absolutely love your new diffuser and will be purchasing it as soon as I get some extra moola! I love it and want to promote it. I’m so excited for your baby girl to arrive and all the exciting things you are doing. Thank you for sharing !

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