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The Not So Skinny On The Second Trimester

Hi Everyone!! Time FLIES when you’re growing a human!! I promised when we first announced our baby news that I would follow up with more updates, info, products etc. and here we are over a month later and not a peep from me!

Ok … so … pregnancy hasn’t been ANYTHING like I imagined it would be. I’ve been told that I’m “lucky” and that I’m having a “good pregnancy” … which is great, but I’m worried I’m going to get my ass kicked in the delivery room or that the worst is yet to come!! LOL … I haven’t had ANY cravings (other than a margarita lol) and my energy levels are great! I’ve been sleeping good, Justin will tell you I’m not the emotional mess he was expecting, and overall I feel GOOD!!! The only thing I will say is that my belly AND my butt are GROWING (I keep joking that there must be two babies, one in my butt and one in my tummy because why else would it be getting so damn big!?!?!? LOL) and I am still not used to that.


Striped Tank | Jeans | Denim Button Up

We were shooting photos for my blog today and I kept trying to suck in. When I see my bump I LOVE it but I STILL feel like the belly is a product of not being a regular at the gym … so what’s up with that? Is that normal? I see these pregnant mamas with tight dresses and shirts totally ROCKIN’ the belly … but I think they are further along … 6-9 months … is that accurate? ***UPDATE … I wrote this blog two weeks ago and as of today my bump is ALREADY starting to feel hard and is a-poppin’!!! It is officially out and ready for action and I LOVE IT!!!!! I love my bump the most when I’m fresh out of the shower and have my pj’s on. OH YA AND MY BOOBS are bigger!!! I totally thought I would LOVE bigger boobs since I’ve never had any before this, but they totally get in the way! They stick together when I sleep on my side and after I put lotion on I can feel them touching my belly!! K this might be totally normal for big boob gals but it feels SO weird for me!

The last month we put a bit of a hold on “baby prep” and focussed on both of our careers, lots of rest and just being “US” knowing that it was going to change VERY soon. But the last few weeks, changes and planning have been imminent…

I’ve been stocking up on more maternity clothes, although I still find that MOST of my baggier clothes fit me and I’m trying to buy non-maternity items that I know will fit me post pregnancy, like peplum tops and shift dresses. I FRIGGEN LOVE pregnancy pants and can’t believe they just don’t make all pants like this because LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER with a big soft band around your belly!!! Here is a little round-up of my fav outfits and clothing items in my second trimester (some are maternity some are not!)…


1. Scrunchie | 2. Dress | 3. Hat | 4. Purse | 5. Flamingo Flats | 6. Nail Polish | 7. Denim Cut-Offs | 8. Sandals | 9. Mama Bear Bracelet | 10. Sunglasses

I’ve also been using a few different products, like scrubs and oils, to deal with my expanding skin, and have been trying to keep all my beauty products as natural and cruelty-free as possible! I did a post on this and you can find some of my new fav products here.

I’m still taking the same vitamins and swear this is the reason my energy levels are up. I actually bought a bottle for my mom to take because I love them so much!! I’ve linked them here!!!

And last but not least … baby prep and nurseries!!  SOOOOO I have TWO nurseries to stock and decorate. Because I am due right at the tail end of the LOVE IT OR LIST IT SEASON, I can’t just peace out and leave the network high and dry, so I will need to get back to Vancouver shortly after the baby is born and finish up the season. We are making lots of plans now on how this will work but I’m excited and know I will have TONS of support from the show, Justin, family and maybe a little help around the house! After we are done filming season 4, I can see what it’s like being a working mama and decide if I want to stay filming the show or take a break from the TV career.

In the meantime, we are stocking up TWO nurseries and I am SO excited about both. The Vancouver nursery is going to be a bit smaller and I’m calling it “practical first” as this is where I will have the most grueling schedule and feel the most pinched. I am going for more of a modern look (we already received our Stokke Sleepi) and I’m using an Ikea dresser (white with a nook pebble pad) because it has THE most storage!!!

For the Kelowna nursery, we have a very white (hahah of course) and airy themed nursery planned. A lot of texture, heather greys, oatmeals, white and cream. A bit more traditional! We have JUST started shopping for the Kelowna nursery at The Cross Decor and are SO excited to see it all come together!!!! I have my eye on this rocker (NOLA GLIDER) though… what do you think? I will post a nursery round up with all of my inspiration and items for you soon ….


Some of my other favorite brands that I’ve loved browsing so far are:
Von Bon
Mini Moc
Kickee Pants (so soft!)
Snuggle Bugz
Beluga Baby
Sweet Charlie
Glitter And Spice
Good Husbands Apparel
Redfish Kids
Aden + Anais
Petit Vigogne
Arrow & Lace
The Cross

OH YES!!! I promised you this story from the last blog!!!

I have to quickly tell you how we handled being pregant for 3 weeks during the holidays with family around. When we found out we were pregnant it was a rollercoaster of emotions: happy, call BFF’s, sisters, brothers, cousins … then followed by panic. OMG WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS!!!!!! Followed by let’s decorate the nursery NOW! … followed by OMG we are going to be the BEST parents ever, and then OMG we’re going to be the WORST parents ever lol … it was exhausting! But after the buzz subsided, I was horrified to realize that I had just started a RARE 18 day “vacation” with a FULL house DURING the holidays and had a car full of wine, champagne, baileys and rum … that I COULD NOT TOUCH!!!!

At the risk of sounding like an alcoholic, I whined for a good hour while I made my cousin Sam a rum and eggnog and stirred it with my jealously stick. Let me be clear, we drink in moderation, but our house is a constant stream of family and friends and we love to celebrate with a good glass of wine, a caesar and when the time is right, a few fireball shots. We’ve had flip cup tournaments with the WHOLE FAMILY every Christmas for the last 4 years and I make a mean homemade limoncello. So eventhough we were SOOOO excited for our new little bean, I couldn’t help but be a little busted about my “moonshine cherry hiatus.” But that wasn’t the real problem … the issue was that our family KNOWS how much I love to entertain. I always make sure everyone is having a good time and keep their glasses full. With all the aunts, uncles, grannies, parents, and company over … HOW on EARTH would we keep this from the family?

While the kids (I still think anyone under 40 is a kid) all knew about the pregnancy, we decided to keep it a secret from the adults until we were clear towards the end of the first trimester. So having Justin’s parents at the house for 3 weeks would be a challenge. Let just say that while sparkling apple juice and non-alcoholic beer were FINE (have YOU EVER DONE A SHOT OF GINGER-ALE AND WORSCHTESCHIRE  SAUCE pretending its a shot of whiskey??! Ummm I promise you it tastes worse) that was pretty much the extent of my Christmas celebrations, My Birthday and New Years … choking down fake cocktails and FORCING my eyelids open past midnight … anyone who has kept a pregnancy a secret during the holidays deserves an award …

OMG … It turns out that there was SO much to tell you and talk about! I HAVE to keep doing this regularly!! … until next time …


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    1. She links them in the article where it says I linked them here highlighted in orange. Not being snarky at all just telling you 🙂

      1. Oh – thanks! They weren’t linked up when I first read the post so it must have been added later on 🙂

  1. I love this post Jillian! I am pregnant as well! I haven’t been able to find many mommy-to-be blogs. I like that you are candid about your pregnancy! 🙂 Do you think you are having a boy or a girl?

  2. So glad your pregnancy is going so well… what a blessing!! My pregnancies were tough with morning sickness and neurological things, but I don’t really start showing a lot until about 7 months, and then I get HUGE!! Everyone is so different!! You look adorable and I love your maternity style! I used to try to shut my jeans with a little tie, and then when I finally tried maternity jeans, I though, “Why didn’t I do this sooner!!!” They are so much more comfortable!! Seems like so long ago… my babies are now 16 and 10! 🙂

  3. I am at 23 week also – we found out we were expecting just before the holidays as well – two days before leaving on a family trip to Mexico. I got called out on being pregnant by my brother within the first half hour for turning down a margarita.

  4. Love this! I bet that shot at least made you make a face like it was whiskey! We found out 2 days before Christmas last year, so I feel you! Your bump is so cute it actually makes me miss being pregnant!

  5. Hi Jillian! I would LOVE to have your homemade limoncello recipe if you’re willing to share! It’s my boyfriend’s birthday this week and that’s his favorite drink 🙂 Keep up the blogging, we’ve missed you!! Congrats on the little one, can’t wait to hear about your adventures as a mama!

  6. Hey Jillian I’d love to know where you got your stripped shirt and pants with the chambray shirt outfit at? 🙂

  7. I just love your pregnancy style! I ordered the adorable striped peplum top! I completely understand your holiday dilemma! I’m about 7 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy and I am a girl who loves her wine lol! So far we’ve only told immediate family but my sister in law is having a birthday celebration this weekend with all our friends and I’m worried they will know the moment I don’t order a drink!

  8. You look fabulous!
    As a new first time mom I thought I would give you a tip.
    One of the things that has saved my sanity (and my arms) with my baby was my Tula. Sometimes, baby will just not go down and just wants to be held, but you need to get stuff done. Babywearing can help with that. I put my babe in the Tula and he falls right asleep, and I have my hands free to do what I need to do.
    Also, EVERYONE has an opinion about what should be done with your baby. Trust your instincts. You will know what is best for your baby and your family. 🙂

  9. I gained weight in my butt with my daughter and my son was all belly. Are you going to reveal the sex of the baby? I’m not a very patient person here! As for big boobs….I had a reduction 30 years ago and they are still flipping big for my 5’2 height! Lol

  10. Your boobs will get even bigger when your milk comes in, if you choose to breastfeed…hehe. I always thought I would love bigger boobs and I was in the petite 32DD cup range pre-pregnancy, but when my milk came in, I was in a J/I cup (no that is NOT a typo), I will never every wish for big boobs again. 21 months of breastfeeding later, I’m down to 30G… I don’t think I will ever see a D again. 🙁

  11. Omg loved every minute of this!
    I’m dying over the “SHOT OF GINGER-ALE AND WORSCHTESCHIRE SAUCE ” !!! You’re a trooper!!!

  12. The big boobs was a huge adjustment for me! I HATE the feeling of them touching my belly, so I started wearing a soft sleeping bra (that also works to pull aside for breast feeding) and have never gone back to letting the girls swing freely at night lol! This is now my 2nd pregnancy and let me tell ya, the boobs are back in full force, and they never even went down to original size to begin with! Keep on with the blogging, I love your posts 🙂 cheers!

  13. NOLA glider is so worth the investment. We’ve had ours for five years and it is still in impeccable shape, and super comfy for the 3 am play sessions, where baby plays and mama sleeps in the chair. Happy and Healthy pregnancy.

  14. Nola glider looks fab.. But might I suggest the Monte glider… Especially with the ottoman if you have the space. I have one and it’s fantastic and with the ottoman it’s ergonomically better for nursing?

  15. SOOO hilarious and wonderfully written!!!! Just LOVE your style. ?

    As for the preparing for D (delivery) – day, I personally found reading positive birth stories and continuing to do as much information gathering as possible super helpful for feeling strong and (semi) confident… And although I nearly decided against it (because I thought that I could do without one and she might just get in the way), a wonderful doula turned out to be my rock! Hope that helps ?

  16. This post made me laugh out loud several times. I can absolutely see myself in your shoes one day. 🙂

  17. What a great post!! I can relate to a lot of what you described about the belly and boobs! I hated the big boobs nothing looked right on me and it just wasn’t the body I was used to having for the last 10 years! It takes some time after the baby arrives to feel back to “normal” but it will happen, just try and remember that 🙂 xoxo suzanne

  18. Wow! I thought I was the only person in the world that had easy peasy pregnancies! All those body issues you talk about are SO normal. My booty gets so big when I’m pregnant – my tip – do some squats now because, in my experience, when you lose the booty, gravity takes its toll! The glider looks so nice but I would recommend getting one that reclines. I have a Shermag glider with ottoman that I love but spent too many uncomfortable hours sleeping with baby on my chest in that chair! Hubby and I both want a recliner (similar to the Nola in style though) for when baby #2 arrives in June!

  19. So excited to read a pregnancy update! I just started the second trimester and can totally relate to the boobs issue. It would be cool to see both splurge and save options for baby/nursery items for new mamas on a budget 🙂 Also tips for creating a registry!

  20. One of my favorite purchases has been the Maternity Bodycon Dress from Old Navy…IN EVERY COLOR! I can dress it up or dress it down and it is SO comfortable and extremely flattering, PLUS, my wallet loves it ($34)! Pretty much the best investment piece for second/third trimester wear!

  21. I had a tough time accepting the body changes too but I found this quote and read it daily as a loving reminder of what I was doing it all for. As I sit here with a 10 week old baby boy I can tell you it’s all worth it and that wine (in moderation, of course) tastes really good after 9 months! Good luck! “Pregnancy is a great time to learn the life lesson of surrender. This body is NOT for your personal enjoyment at the moment. It is a cozy home in which your child is growing, and you can choose to fight it or enjoy the ride…” – Unknown

  22. I am just about 20 weeks and am a little over weight so I am not really showing yet. I notice but I know my body. I also have bigger “girls” in general and they ate getting bigger and this too bums me out lol. I know they will get “used” for baby and I might even loose some, which for busty girls like myself I say Amen!.
    You look great!! My Doctor told me the other day that I’m looking great and that I haven’t gained any, I’ve actually lost a little which I’m ok with. I changed my diet so it’s all good.
    Are you going to find out what you’re having? We are and sadly we get some flack for it but I don’t care. It’s our choice. I like the idea of not knowing buy it would stress me out ha!
    I love reading your blogs!!

  23. That rocker is beautiful! My only advise on that is make sure it’s a rocker that is as cozy and comfy as can be… You may have many nights sleep in that chair! Lol

  24. I had a good pregnancy as well, and one of the things that I think helped me have a good, quick delivery also was that I went to a chiropractor that specializes in pre and post natal care.

  25. My pregnancy is the exact same so far and I’m almost 28 weeks too. You should check out the brand #lulujo it’s a Canadian product and their stuff is beautiful. You’d love it.

  26. Please check ou Julu Designs on Facebook for the most adorable monkey pants! They are made by My friend in Yellowknife NWT . The patterns on the fabric vary and are limited edition. I Think all babies should have a paired monkey pants!

      1. I tried about 5 days ago but my comment has not been approved yet (likely because i was attaching a link). If you search Julu Designs on Fb though you will find them. If you can’t, let me know and I can put you in touch with my friend.

  27. I had a “lucky” pregnancy as well.. I just had back pain at night but I felt great! My labor was quick as well only 5 hours except.. I had to take the epidural twice considering the first time it didn’t work… Being a first time mother I was WAY to scared to do a natural delivery.. GOODLUCK! And take at least a week off before getting back to the show, you won’t be comfortable girl! ❤❤❤

  28. So I went to “Top Shop” cause I loved some of the clothes. I cannot buy anything in CDN that will ship to Canada??? It makes me change to a different page to ship to Canada and then turns the $$ in Sterling pounds??? I had to create an account and now it won’t let me unsubscribe???!!! I keep getting an error message! 🙁

  29. Check out the Canadian made Monte Glider!! It reclines and swivels!! I saw it at Momease Baby Boutique in Victoria, and now dream of it all the time!!!

  30. There’s an amazing face-wash designed especially for pregnancy called Gorgeous Glow by the company Mama Mio. It’s really awesome. They have a whole range of products for moms-to-be ranging from stretch mark cream/oil to sore legs rubs and much more. It’s been a lifesaver for my hormonal fluctuations! Xx

  31. The best change pad my family has found and my granddaughter just loves it is the Peanut Changer by Keekaroo. If or when your baby pees, poops or spits up in it, you can wipe,it down, and for bad messes, you stick it in the bathtub and shower it down. Best thing ever.

    Also you must get the Aden and Anais gauze type bibs. When she spits up, it just absorbs right in. She has a terry one on one day, and the spit up slide right down the bib and on her and whoever was holding.

    Good luck and have fun stocking your nurseries.

  32. I LOVED everything baby that you just blogged about, BUT what I’m most drawn to is this limoncello recipe that you have! Any chance you’ll share that on the blog? Big congratulations…you look amazing!

  33. You are absolutely glowing! I have a golden tip for you. It’s a ways a way right now but when the contractions start, start reciting a nursery rime. You might not get the words right but concentrating on this rime takes your focus away from the contractions and helps you through them. It made my second delivery a breeze. I wish I had know this for my first. All the best wishes for you Jilly!

  34. So I’m sure you get a hundred emails a day and I don’t even know if you will read this but I hope it blesses you!

    Girl, you are beautiful – from your baby bump to your sweet smile! I understand finding the one a little later and then having God open the door to a life I literally thought was off the table- being a mother! Now a mother of two – I want to encourage you for the BEST! Best of times are yet to come, and get ready for it?
    You literally make me want to stay in touch with my cooler and younger self now that I’m 35.
    Love you even though I don’t know you!
    Blessings from one girl to the next!
    XO liz

  35. You are SO pretty! I know your phone gets blown up by emails by everybody, but if you read this, I just want to say that you are gorgeous and your baby bump is absolutely ADORABLE and thank you for poating pictures♡

  36. Sooooo, about the Nola Glider….you must sit in one before you purchase. I made this mistake and hated the one i purchased first!!!! Very similar in style to the Nola Glider, which has a low back, which means NO head support for you! And you’re going to want that head support at midnight, 2am, 4am, and 6am when you are up with your sweet little baby and you’re sooooo super tired and sleepy too!!!!!!! Just some food for thought from one Mommy to another! Congrats and so excited for you and Justin!!!!!

  37. You are my style icon! I can’t wait to see your beautiful baby’s adorable wardrobe as well! Congratulations 🙂

  38. Absolutely love that dress in the very very top photo, I just got one from Aritzia myself! Real talk though, do you wear shapewear/slips underneath? I find the fabric is pretty clingy and I’m trying to decide what type of slip would work with it! Thanks!!

  39. Just had my first baby in February so a lot of what you are saying sounds SO familiar! I had a really good pregnancy too! The best thing about not being pregnant is definitely being able to have a drink at dinners and when I feel like it – so I hear you on that front! After we had our baby is when I became a roller coaster of emotions for a while, but that all settled after about a month – that was definitely when having such a wonderful support network was such a huge help, sounds like you are well set up there! You look great – enjoy your baby when he /she arrives! Every month gets better and better.

    Some things I absolutely love:
    Mamaroo chair – he loves it and it’s worth every penny for being able to get some things done like shower…
    Aden and Anais muslin wraps – you had them on your list, and they are excellent for so many things
    BOB stroller – its amazing and also worth every penny, as we like going for walks so often

  40. Do you have any maternity leggings that are your favorite? I’m barely pregnant but I am so bloated so regular pants feel wayyy too constricting for me.

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