Morning everyone!!! Mindy here again! What a whirlwind this season has been, hey?! It was certainly an emotional roller coaster for Colton … and the girls!! Well … since the cat is out of the bag, should we get straight to the point on this one?
I FELT SOOOO extremely bad for Tayshia and Hannah G. However, I do think Colton did the right thing by telling them that he was in love with someone else and putting an end to their relationship at that point rather than trying to keep going and dragging them through what could have been an even MORE heartbreaking series of events.
I think both of these ladies are honest and genuine and I have no doubt they will find amazing partners soon! I mean, let’s be honest … I’m sure their DM’s are BLOWING UP right now!! Well, at least my fingers are crossed that they are!
Alright … let’s talk about the elephant in the room, shall we?

Colton & Cassie
Jillian NAILED this prediction from the very beginning of the show! While I have always been a huge fan of Cassie (and of course, Colton!) … I’m not going to lie, I’m REALLY nervous about this relationship. Maybe I’m nervous because the show hyped up the drama and created these crazy plots twists for us (I mean, they DO want to entertain everyone) … but something has me on edge.
I mean, it COULD be the fact that she broke up with him and told him that she wasn’t ready … and then she told him AGAIN that she didn’t know what she was ready for! Those could be the reasons why I’m nervous. LOL! Although, I guess we do have to remember that she is 23 … and while there are a TON of people who have fallen in love by this age (even before this age!), there are some people who just need a little longer to figure themselves out and in my opinion, Cassie is one of them! Heck, we’ve ALL been there!

Alright, so of course, after watching the finale I busted out my magnifying glass and went full investigator and popped over to Colton and Cassie’s IG profiles to see how they were doing and they seem HAPPY! However, they’re currently traveling around together now (they were on their way to NY last night) … so … the whole “honeymoon” stage is obviously still carrying on, and of course this would all be new, fun, and exciting for the both of them so of course, they should be happy at this point.
I’m REALLY curious to see how it will all unfold after the hype is over. I REALLY hope Cassie is doing all of this for the right reasons and I hope they stay together forever and make each other really really happy. I would hate to see Colton end up heartbroken after all of this but I’m sending out all of the positive vibes for them. How do you feel about it?? Make sure to share your comments below as I really want to know!
Our New Bachelorette
Lastly … can we talk about the NEW Bachelorette?!?! HANNAH B!!!! Okay, I’ll be honest, I did NOT see this one coming! In fact, I was convinced that Caelyn was going to be the next Bachelorette! I guess that’s just another great plot twist for us! LOL! How do you think her season will be?? I think it could go one of two ways … it could end up pretty funny and entertaining because she IS a bit awkward on camera … or it could just end up being painful to watch! LOL! What do you think??

Well, I guess that’s it for now! Until May 13th, that is!!
It almost seemed like Cassie didn’t follow her own heart but rather followed the pressure, the fame and of course the big hunk Colton. I personally don’t think she is ready and I am relieved that they are just “dating” as I think this one may fizzle out.
I thought one of the 2 girls left standing should have been the Bachelorette after what they went through, but perhaps they turned it down! 🙂
Hi Mindy … Let’s just say I have serious doubts that Colton and Cassie will live happily ever after. I hope I’m wrong ( of course ) but the overall statistics on these TV couples remaining together are slim. Cassie doesn’t seem to be ready for a serious commitment, so I’m glad they’re just dating and getting to know each other out in the real world.
I was hoping the next bachelorette would to be Caelyn, or one of the last two remaining girls. This was honestly one of my least favorite seasons. They added way too much nonsense and drama … glad it’s over.
I totally agree that Colton did the right thing, and I’m actually surprised this hasn’t happened on the show before. I have always thought that’s what I would do if I were in his shoes and was certain on who I wanted to be with. I am nervous about this Cassie thing, too. Lots of questions, and only time will tell if they are in it for the long haul, but I’m hoping for the best. At least he got to have hot sex with someone he was in love with!
I was hoping Hannah B would be the Bachlorette, but was also pretty sure they were going to choose Caelynn because of her back story. But then maybe she wasn’t interested? Don’t worry about her being awkward! Yes, last night was a little cringe worthy, but they will help her out, and edit lots of that out on her actual season, and for the most part her awkwardness makes her more charmimng and down to earth.
Hannah B…..REALLY???? Painful to watch doesn’t even come close. The girl can’t say 3 words to make a sentence.
Congratulations to Colton and Cassie for maki g it real. Decency and respect., morals and values intact.
Hannah B was the worst choice for The Bachelorette.
Perhaps the scenes aired were chosen to represent only a certain persona of Hannah.
Part Bachloresttes have been strong, articulate decisive and of course beautiful. … with substance.
Physical beauty is a small aspect of anyone.
Good luck to the producers if they are able to maintain their followerss this upcoming season.
I know I’m not interested.
Hannah maybe be awkward but she is certainly refreshing , wishing her the best !
I think Hannah will be painful to watch. Like a baby giraffe trying to ice skate level awkward. She has challenges formulating words on one on one dates with someone else leading… How will she lead and navigate a 2 on 1 or all the group dates? I believe she wants to be loved, but i’m Not convinced she has the maturity to find true, deep love.
I agree that Hannah B could make for an entertaining season, but honestly, she was NOT the best choice to be the Bachelorette, and certainly not the most deserving. I cringe with her oh-so-obvious awkwardness, and have a REALLY hard time believing that she’s a former pageant girl. I mean, come on, THOSE girls are poised! Don’t think I’ll be watching.
As for Colton & Cassie, I’m with you….I HOPE it works out, but………..It’s obvious that he is head over heels for her, and I also fear that she’s just not ready, and will ultimately break his heart. She’s adorable, I rooted for her the whole time, but when push came to shove? Just don’t feel she’s all in.
Omg…I so agree with you!
Hanna B you are right one of two ways, my daughter and I felt the same way. I said I had no interest to watch her and she thinks it will be very funny to watch….will have to see.
Also agree about Cassie,. She doesn’t appear like she is ready at all.
Thanks for your blogs we really enjoy them.
I love them together and I hope it all works out for them. I live for their insta stories or pics right now lol.
I’m not sure how I feel yet about the new bachelorette. She is not a fav of mine. I’ll prob watch a few episodes and see what happens tho 🙂
I really don’t think Cassie is ready for a relationship especially since she just came off another reality show with her ex-boyfriend. Think she’s in it just for the fame. If she really loved him and wanted to be with him she would’ve agreed to them just dating when he suggested it. Hope Colton doesn’t end up with a broken heart again. ?
I’m sorry but… I have a feeling that Hannah B’s season is going to be painful to watch. I very much think they made a bad decision in choosing her and I doubt I will tune in on this one (which sucks cuz I haven’t missed one yet).
Forgot to mention that I think Hannah B is a great choice for the bachelorette. Yes, she’s a bit awkward but she seems to have a great sense of humor and is adorable.
This is going to be incredibly awkward! I couldn’t even watch her with the 5 guys- I had to turn the TV off I was cringing….
good luck though 🙂
I found it boring and predictable thos year.
I have to be honest. I loved Hannah. G since night one. I felt so bad for her. However I’m glad Colton got his happy ending and really hope they stay together.
Hannah. B well…….. it will be a intersting season. Also I totally agree, didn’t see that coming.
Colton really does love Cassie and I hope they have a great relationship and life together. Not a fan of the new bachelorette not watching.
I’m beginnig to wonder if this show is more about Brand recognition than love. Cassie has over a million followers on instagram and for what? I had never heard about her before the show and not sure what she has done to create so many followers….. I would love to hear Jillians take on this…. Don’t take me wrong as I have watched the show since its inception but it seems the past few seasons have the couples all miving to LA is what I assume is to advance their entertainment careers…. I love that Jillian stayed true to herself and does amazing things with her platform in Canada ??…..
I was a Cassie fan from day 1 but slowly grew to really think tayshia or Hannah would be a better match for Colton (love Is more than just chemistry and that is all we seen of the 2 of them). After watching last weeks show and his reaction to Cassie telling him she didn’t feel the same way or know if she could get there I was blown away by his frustration and not willing to let her go when he has done the same by then to Carolyn and Hannah. Cann’t the Bachelor get rejected too!? Come on? I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch this weeks episodes yet because I don’t have any interest in seeing it. I don’t think Cassie is ready for the kind of relationship that Colton is and it won’t last. I also feel that Tayshia and Hannah are too good for him anyway – my views of him changed too!
I loved this season. It actually felt more real than any of the more recent seasons. I LOVED that he didn’t do the usual and broke the rules and didn’t leave two hanging and I loved that she said enough and did t wait for that plot to act out either. Reality TV or not that is just an overdone ending that doesn’t work!!
I think if any couple can make itnis these two as they seem way more real and in love and trying to BUILD a real relationship like it needs to be done and hopefully away from the cameras. Cheers to them and I wish them lots of love and happiness.
As for Hannah as the The Bachalorette, I love it. She is quirky and hilarious and I think she will be great. So cheers to her rule breaking the usual rules and doing itnher way just like Colton did. ?❤️
I find it .. super interesting.. that she applied, submitted, then went onto the show…. When she didn’t know… What she wanted…
Well then, Whhhhyy was she even there in the first place?! “I don’t know what I want,” “I don’t know if I can get there..” umm if she wasn’t looking for marriage and falling in love .. um maybe Big Brother or Survivor(which I’d love to see her on..?.) is the show she should have made allllll that effort to go onto.. just saying 🙂
I don’t know about Hannah B being the Bachelorette.. was a bit iffy about it.. might end up being painful to watch!! lol!!
Hannah B is quirky and has a big personality and a lot of heart. She’s gorgeous and genuine… she may be a little awkward sometimes but aren’t we all? I’m excited to see her journey to find love!
I don’t know if Colton & Cassie will last but they certainly make a cute couple… I wish them the best.
I was so disappointed in The Bachelor and can’t believe who they picked for Bachelorette. Won’t be watching that one!
I feel that Cassie is in it for the social media fame. She also seemed to be acting (poorly I might add) during both the break up and the reunion. Too many calculated hair flips, coy looks, and seemed to be acutely aware of camera angles. She will last the better part of a year while there is travel and publicity but then she will break Colton’s heart
I guessed that Cassie would win on night one!! Really liked her toward the beginning of the show but I’m not too sure if they’re perfect for each other!! Still can’t help but think he’s just a little more into her…but hey if they’re happy than that’s all that matters!!
As for Hannah B as the bachelorette, I think it should be interesting lol!! Her first moments as bachelorette started off a bit awkward and she didn’t really know what to say however, I think anyone would be nervous in that situation and it’s all new to her!! Looking forward to the bachelorette and of course your recaps!!!!
I agree with you Jillian. Tahsia & Hannah were such honest, real sweethearts. I am sure they will find there special love.
Cassie & Colton make a gorgeous couple & he is so in love. What seems odd is even when she was packing her suitcase to leave she said she wasn’t ready & hoped Colton would find the right person for him.
I really hope this all works out because Colton is an absolute gem. I will be watching this unfold. Wishing them love & happiness.
I was shocked Hannah is the new Bachelorette. I will be tuned in in May for some guaranteed humour.
I am thinking about this also about Cassie. I really didn’t watch the bachelor when it was on but I did go through and watch all the show on youtube. I really hope they make it. Colton is so genuine and I like Cassie, but after seeing her other reality show and watching bachelor I really don’t know. I think all this fame and media attention these girls when they come off bachelor or bachelorette shows they almost all change. Look ay Laurine Bushnell she did a complete turn around she doesn’t look anything like when she was on Bachelor and she has had plastic surgery and she looks like a plastic doll. Too many are cashing in on it and they want the fame. But I really do hope Colton and Cassie do make it. I wanted Ben and Lauren to make it but look how that changed so much. I think Ben was the genuine person and it all went to Lauren’s head. She wanted more and more and she liked all the fame and she was searching for that. She was searching for the limelight and she found it now. Just hope this makes her content.