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The Bachelorette Recap: Jason, Who?!

Hey Everyone! Mindy here!! Before we dig into today’s recap of The Bachelorette, can we just take a quick minute to admire the new feature image for the recaps?! LOL!! We were all at Jillian’s house for our weekly meeting and we really wanted to get a new image for these blogs so Jillian ran downstairs and came up with the dress from her time on the show … we thought it would be hilarious to get a photo of her in it but when she tried it on, it didn’t quite fit like it used to because of her cute little baby bump, so we had to tie it up in the back with a piece of string! We get prettttty crafty from time to time! LOL!

Once Mackenzie snapped a few photos Jill decided to throw all of the roses up in the air to get a fun shot but didn’t quite think it through as all of the long-stemmed roses (thorns included!) came crashing down on her … later we thought it probably would have been better to just throw petals in the air … but hey, if we did that, then we wouldn’t have got the shot below … ?? If only we could take you behind the scenes of everything we do!!

Alright, now that I’ve given you the story of the blog image … let’s dig into what happened on last night’s episode of The Bachelorette!

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

Colton & Tia

This was WAY less awkward than I thought it was going to be … in fact, I actually thought Colton dealt with everything really well. I do like the fact that he told Becca about this at the very beginning of the season and didn’t hide it from her. Tia never said anything bad about Colton either which I think is a good sign … if she thought he was totally up to no good I think she would have said something to Becca. Buttt maybe she’s also hiding more of the story?? Who knows!! Either way, you can tell that there is some serious chemistry between Becca and Colton!! I think he will make it to the top 3 for sure.

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

Jordan’s 4000 Matches

Can someone enlighten me as to WHY Jordan would think this was a good topic to chat about while he is on a show fighting for the love of ONE girl?? This was a total facepalm moment for me last night but it’s really not that shocking he would brag about this. What do you think his Tinder profile says? I think it would look something like this …

Jordan, 26

About Jordan

Male model. Can’t turn left. Can only swipe right. Did I mention I’m a male model?

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

Lol!! Is it just me who thinks that Jordan looks like the Ken doll off of Toy Story?? Please … someone agree with me here on this one!! Also … I have a feeling that Jordan will stick around for a while this season because he revolves around drama BUT I don’t think he will make top 5 and I feel like he will be on Bachelor in Paradise for SURE!

Also … how friggin hilarious was it to see the guys painted nails throughout the group date? It kept throwing me off guard when they would be in the middle of a serious conversation and touch their face and I would see a flash of red or blue nails!

The FootBall Group Date

DROOL. I have always had a thing for football players … I think there is something so hot about watching them play and this would have been my ideal group date … hands down. LOL!! HOWEVER … whyyyyy were the guys wearing hockey helmets and not football helmets?? Did I miss something?? I thought that was so bizarre …

Also, I felt bad that Clay ended up hurting his wrist last night and then had to leave because he needed surgery!! Poor guy!! I wonder if he will turn up again this season??

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

David’s Fall

Speaking of injuries … how about David’s fall from his top bunk?! Holy crap … that must have hurt … and all of the blood would have certainly been from his broken nose but could they have amped that accident up any more than they did?! They make it seem like something brutal happened between the guys when in reality he rolled over a litttttle too far in his sleep. Oh dear. I’m glad that David is ok (I read up on that this morning) and that the guys now have barriers on the top bunks … which I’m kind of shocked that they weren’t there in the first place??

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

Jason, who?!

Holy crap … I felt bad that Becca forgot Jason’s name, but truthfully, he didn’t even stand out to me UNTIL last night!! I honeslty didn’t really even notice him before and then last night all of a sudden he stood out and seemed SUPER cute and sweet and now all of a sudden he is on the top of my list!!

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap


A bit of Blake’s jealous side came out last night and while we can all understand WHY he is feeling that way … I think he might have to reign that in just a touch so it doesn’t bite him in the ass!

Chris’ One on One

Okay … I have to get this out there … Chris reminds me of the Whaboom guy from Rachel’s season!! I think it might just be his looks though because their personalities are way different! Chris seems super sweet and I really think Becca likes him but I don’t think he will make top 5 … this might be too early to tell but I just have a feeling. What do you think??

There you have it!! Let me know ALL of your thoughts in the comments section below! I’m curious to know who your top guys are right now!!




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  1. Becca reminds me the most of when Jillian was the bachelorette. Maybe it’s that little bit of Canadian twang in Becca’s Minnesota accent?? She seems like someone who after the show ends won’t care to be wrapped up in bachelor drama— like Jill. And maybe clay will make a return like Ed did?? (Even though that didn’t workout and Justin is way better than Ed!) Becca’s mentioned her celeb crush is Michael Strahan…….. that’s Clay! Ugh writing this makes me want to rewatch Jill’s season! The bachelor was so much better in the beginning 🙂

  2. I was completely confused about the guys wearing hockey helmets instead of football helmets as well!!
    Male model has to go but I think like you said he’ll stick around for a bit longer due to the drama he creates. I really like Colton, Blake and clay but he left 🙁

  3. OMG I also noticed the hockey helemts and thought the exact same thing! That was very odd….also was it not funny to watch Jordan and David arguing and hand talking with their painted finger nails? Jason was hiding his face while laughing at Jordan defend his 4000 twitter matches! This was hilarious!
    I also love Colten and agree he will make the top 3 for sure (Garrett is also a contender too I think). I was very sad Clay had to leave. I hope he is the next Bachelor as he seems like a genuine guy!

  4. I want to slap the model guy upside the head. He is the most annoying guy ever. Chris reminds me of someone, but it’s not the whaboom guy. It’s some actor, but I can’t quite figure it out? I’m glad things seem to be going smoothly with Colton, but I again wasn’t really satisfied with the way he explained things to Becca. Hopefully there was more too it that they just aren’t showing us? I think it’s OK that Blake was a little jealous, he wasn’t an ass about it. Jason was super cute and handled the name thing well. I totally get it because I have those moments where a name just escapes from my brain. Usually if I look at someone’s face it pops back though!

    1. Tanis…is the actor Chris reminds you of Ben Stiller by any chance. That’s who he reminds me of. He’s ok, but I don’t see him in the end.

      Forgetting Jason’s name goes back to my first week question for Jillian…how do they remember all the names at the first few rose ceremonies?? This was Jason’s first date though, so kind of understandable.

      Jordan is a complete douche. One of the things that bugs me about him…why does he have to always say “male” model. We get it, you’re male. We didn’t say Clay was a male football player, or someone was a male lawyer. I know it’s silly, but it annoys me every time I hear it. How did I miss the hockey helmets?? Have to go back and check that out. You would think Clay would have commented on that.

      Hopefully David is ok, and not too damaged. We obviously need a bit more entertainment from him and Jordan. But neither of them will make it to the end.

      My tops are/were Blake, Garrett, Colton and Clay…I hope he makes the surprise return a few weeks from now too!

      Thanks for another great recap Mindy.

    2. Nope, not Adam Goldberg or Ben Stiller. He does remind me a bit of them, but I think the guy I’m trying to think of hasn’t really been in the spotlight that last decade or so. Robby Benson? Hard to find a pic of him that’s not from the present (older and grey), or when he was a teen.

  5. Honestly those hockey helmets? That was so weird… and the face shields too! So odd.

    I absolutely love the entertainment value Jordan is bringing, he has to be my favourite nonsense character ever! He makes me want to count down the days to Paradise to see him in his real element!

    As far as final few guys… I’ve still got my eyes on Blake, Colton and Garret.

    That’s all for this week ??

  6. I predict Becca’s 3 remaining men Colton, Jason, and Connor. Colton resembles Reese Witherspoon’s ex-husband Ryan Philippe.

  7. Hahaha I LOVE the photo of the roses in the air and Jill’s face. The recap is spot on too…but I am loving the pic more LOL!!

  8. Chris reminds me of Ben Stiller – not sure why but I can’t look at him without seeing Zoolander. Same for me on Jason – I didn’t even notice him until last night but now I’m total rooting for him – so cute and nice and seemed so down-to-earth! Lastly, Colton is HOT but I don’t think I trust him (unfortunately). Hope I’m wrong!

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