It is with absolute broken hearts that we share our best friend Nacho has died.
The MRI revealed a large inoperable tumor in his brain & Nacho had declined too far to explore radiation. His days were numbered & we knew we had to get him home.
Late on Thursday, we drove through the night from Vancouver to Kelowna… just the three of us, like how our little family story had started 11 years ago.
We were trying to get Nacho home to say goodbye to the kids & Peaches. Live out his last days in his favourite place.
Nacho passed away with his head on Jill’s lap & Justin’s hand on his back, an hour away from home at 4am. It was one of the scariest & heartbreaking but beautiful moments. He let out his last big sigh (something he did often and we loved) & said goodbye.
Our hearts will never be the same and the last few days have been crushing.
Nacho was much more than just a dog.
He was a pup from Mexico with all the odds against him, a runt of the litter saved by Justin’s brother and delivered to us in July 2014. We had no idea what that gift delivered was going to bring us.
From the streets of Mexico to Canada, to billboards in New York, to being featured on The Ellen Show, magazine covers, local TV shows, his own Instagram account, he amassed hundreds of millions of friends, we didn’t just love Nacho, the world loved Nacho. He even went viral again just this final week of his life.
For the last 11 years, he has been through those beautiful formative milestones of our family. Starting a family, helping raise our babies with love and play, adopting Peaches…our new life at the farm… He was woven into the fabric of who we are as a family. Nacho brought us so much joy, love & happiness and we are so overwhelmed with the thought of not seeing him again.
He slept in our beds, he sat beside us while we worked all day. He travelled with us. He sat right by our feet in the kitchen. Despite tripping over him over and over, we knew there would come a day that we would miss it & that day has come.
He had a heart as big as the world, his love was so strong. Everyone who met Nacho could feel it.
His paws smelled like nachos.
He was our best friend. 💔
