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Welcome To My Easter Dinner!

With St. Patrick’s Day now behind us we are moving on to celebrate the next Holiday. I can’t even believe it BUT it’s almost … EASTER!! I absolutely love everything about Easter decor … the light, bright, white and vibrant spring colours that I get to decorate my home in is a dream come true!!! I love all of the bunny and egg trinkets, the fresh flowers, the spring smells, and even more importantly … I LOVE setting my dining room table for Easter dinner!!!!

My biggest trick to decorating your dinning table for any occasion is by layering plates. For me, Easter is all about pastels, white’s and vintage hints. I like my main pastel colours to be yellow and blue…in almost any shade lol!!! Always start the stack with the biggest plate you own (I guess that’s a given) and work your way up!!!! You can start the stack like I did with a big, gold rimmed vintage piece … this makes a great base. I then stacked a classic white dinner plate. And finishing it all off with a cute little Easter side plate or bowl full of Easter eggs!!!! You can change up this plate centre piece depending on your family or on the occasion…and it’s a CHEAP transformation!!!!! An Easter dinner table of course isn’t complete without a fresh bouquet of spring flowers and a few bunny trinkets scattered throughout. Now go and enjoy the Easter egg hunt with your friends and family!!!!

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Make sure to check back for my Easter Decor finds for this year!!!!



Leave a Reply

  1. Jillian,
    Easter is: Jesus Christ died for all of our sins–to those who will believe in Him–to give us a better life here when we follow Him–to give us a place with Him in heaven for eternity. He arose from the dead on the Sunday that we celebrate as Easter. It is not bunnies and eggs……where is Jesus Christ displayed on your dinner table? I have prayed that our Lord will reveal Himself to you in a special way this holiday and next year we will see the real meaning of this holiday on your table.

  2. Hey Jillian-
    Are your classic white dinner plates here from Williams Sonoma? I clicked below the image and it took me to their site, but not a specific plate. Would you mind clarifying which set these are?
    Thanks 🙂

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