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13 Tried, Tested & True Items I’m Re-Using for Baby #2!

When we found out we were pregnant with Leo we splurged a little considering he was our very first baby … but this time around we made sure to save a few items that can be re-used for baby number TWO!! While we both want to support our economy we don’t want to just run out and buy new things that aren’t necessary!!

The one thing we ARE buying new for baby number two is a crib as Leo isn’t ready to move from his and I fell in LOVE with this oval one from Pottery Barn Kids which I think will look adorable in our little girl’s nursery!!

Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two

1. Peg Perego Car seat

One of the best car seats, in my opinion, I love how light it is, the color (ok, yes I understand this is NOT important at all!!) that it fits with our Bugaboo strollers, and that it has a high NHTSA rating.

2. Bugaboo Stroller

Hands down, our favourite stroller ever!! We had three but recently gifted the Cameleon to my cousin, Steph. Reason being is that we either use a stroller on vacay or in the city (for that we use the Bee!!). OR, we take the stroller on hikes or camping and for that, we use the Buffalo (this particular stroller isn’t available anymore)! However, we JUST ordered the DONKEY2 (pictured below!) so I’m going to have to get rid of one of our Bugaboo’s and I don’t know which one to lose! Justin won’t let me have a garage full of strollers … geesh!!! LOL!!

Jillian Harris Fave Baby Items

3. Lulujo XO Blanket

We took Leo home from the hospital in this blanket and we want to do the same with our little girl! However, I do want to buy another one of these blankets so when they are older, they can each take one with them for THEIR babies!! (queue waterworks) …

Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two

4. Wipes Warmer

This is something you normally have to buy once but for some reason, we gave ours away … so while I do have to buy another wipes warmer, this is something I should have held onto in the first place as it can be used over and over and over again!!

5. Avent Hand Held Breast Pump

I have the Medela electric breast pump as well which is amazing but I was always too lazy to deal with it, like making sure it was charged!! Which is why I loved the hand-held pump better! I just found it was super simple and user-friendly! Not to mention I’m always on the go!! I’ll be going back to work about 6 weeks after baby is born so I’ll want something small and easy to travel with and keep in the trailer at work and one at home! Cost wise – with the handheld you have more flexibility to have a few …

6. OneBerrie Bare Bundle

This is a hands-free towel from OneBerrie that Leo still uses as it easily transforms from baby to toddler use.

7. Nursing Pillow

I was given the Blessed Nest nursing pillow as a gift from my best friend, Karissa and I fell in love with it! It’s filled with buckwheat hulls which makes it feel like a beanbag and it’s NATURAL … it’s so comfortable to use as it molds to your body and your babe’s bod and it’s not too hot or cool!

8. Fawn Design Diaper Bags

You all know my love for Fawn Design diaper bags!! They are faux leather, trendy, and functional!!! They have so many pockets and zippers which make carrying things around with you a breeze!! They actually just re-launched their FAWN 2.0 and I’m obsessed!

Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two

9. Medela Nursing Bras

Because I’m small boobed I found that the crossover Medela Nursing Bras worked the best for me! I also really love the 24/7 Classic nursing bras from Third Love!!

10. Leo’s Hunter Boots & Native Shoes

These are probably going to be hand-me-downs in the family (and extended family!) for some time to come!!

11. Stokke Highchair

This is actually perfect timing as Leo doesn’t use his highchair anymore, he’s all about his step-up at the kitchen counter!!

Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two Jillian Harris Items Im Reusing for Baby Number Two

12. Avent Bottle Warmer

I found this bottle warmer to be the easiest way to heat Leo’s milk without overheating it!!

13. Baby Nest

With Leo, we had the Halo Sleep System and I liked it other than the fact that it was so heavy and bulky so if I needed to have a shower I needed another bassinet. For baby number two, I got a Moses Basket and then I will put our baby nest (Kaitlin’s friend Shayla makes these and she’s local!) in the basket, or on the kitchen counter. We used to use the Dockatot for Leo but these aren’t sold in Canada anymore so we’ve made the switch to the Baby Nest. These are also perfect if you’re going over to someone’s house or camping!!

There you have it!!! What are some of your favourite items that you were able to re-use with your little ones?? Share them with everyone below!!



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  1. I love our peg perego car seats too! Re: which stroller to keep.. i honestly would keep both. The lifespan of the donkey as a double isn’t that long. Leo will be out of strollers before you know it. BUT if you HAVE to get rid of one.. keep the BEE! I wouldn’t love the Buffalo nor the donkey traveling or for a city trip.

    1. FYI doc a tots aren’t meant for sleeping in. They don’t comply with health Canada’s regulations for a
      Safe infant sleeping environment. For more info it goes into more detail right on the doc a tot Canada home page.

  2. In Canada car seats are only marked as pass or fail! They have no ratings. The ratings are based off of American testing (which isn’t as extensive as it is in Canada, which is why some American seats aren’t available here in Canada!). Just want to mention that in case someone can’t afford a Peg and feel like they aren’t compromising on their babe’s safety! They aren’t. A more affordable seat is just as safe as long as it’s installed and used correctly!

  3. I would also add a milksnob cover, so perfect for breastfeeding on the go, especially when babe is older and starts getting superdistracted and covering the carseat/stroller when babe is napping

  4. Unfortunately if you live in Canada you can’t get he dock a tot anymore 🙁

    Have to actually drive out to the US because they won’t even ship it here

  5. Hi Jillian! I just had a baby five weeks ago and also have the madela electric pump. Someone turned me onto the Haakaa silicon breast pump and it has changed my life. I just suction it on to my other breast when I’m feeding him and I’ve been collecting so much milk (not to mention the milk that would have dripped anyways) hands free. I highly recommend and it’s extremely cheap to purchase. I’m not sure I’ll use my electric pump again!

  6. Still on baby #1 but when the time comes, my Boppy Newborn Lounger for SURE! It is so handy, small and light-weight to move around the house, as needed.

  7. Regarding the bugaboo strollers, I would keep all three for now and then when Leo doesn’t use the double anymore get rid of the donkey. The problem with keeping the donkey over the Buffalo is that the seat capacity on the donkey only goes to 37.5lbs and the buffalo goes to 50lbs and is also a bigger seat. I have had a cameleon, a donkey and a buffalo. The only one I still have is the buffalo. I have always wanted to get a bee and I am officially obsessed with the new fox but with my youngest now 2.5 and maybe the possibility of a 4th little one, I am not sure my husband will let me purchase it for one kid…

  8. Our granddaughter is the same age as Leo and when the floors were redone at their house the crib was put away so we put the crib at our house away as well. How do you know when the time is right? Her older sister was caught trying to jump the rail at this age so that was easy. The side rail came off like a bed This little one just wanted to snuggle in a bed anyway when she sleeps over.
    When the girls came to visit they asked about the crib. Being a good Nana I told them the crib fairy came and said we didn’t need it anymore. The crib mattress is beside the bed in case she falls out but she has that under control it seems.

  9. Absolutely love my bugaboo donkey stroller. I pretty much take it everything which can be a pain since I have a few different accessories but I typically use them majority of the time. Love that it comes with a bassinet and you can get an attachment for your car seat plus I like that babes can be side by side and see each other versus one up and one down.

    Bravado Nursing Bras are great too. The ballet style is perfect for night time feeds.

  10. My kids are 5 years apart so there’s not much I reused. But- I saved our crib. I was going to make a desk out of it but our youngest son uses it now. I love it.

  11. I have a 3 month old and can’t live without our donkey. It’s amazing for shopping and hiking even if the new baby just uses it when Leo gets older and uses the ride along board. I agree for airports and quick trips we love our bee. Buffalo I would get rid of if I had the three personally. I can’t live without my lansinoh breastpads (didn’t like medelas) and dry wipes from mynest designs instead of using powder to keep moisture away.

  12. Hi Jillian. Where did you get Leo’s step up that he uses now instead of a high chair?

    Congrats on baby number two.. sending you lots of light, love and positivity for the rest of your pregnancy.


  13. Hate to say it but for a re-use article there is lots of talk about buying new things or duplicates ? not that it’s a bad thing just inconsistent messaging…

  14. The messy heart lulujo blanket is super cute for girls, still monochromatic and slightly different, so they could each have their own special going home blankie ?

  15. Where can I find a helper stool / chair like the one Leo uses at the counter. I know you have referenced this before but I can’t find the name of it anywhere on the website. TIA!

  16. Please do additional research on dockatot and their marketing. I’ve had a terrible experience with integrating them while asking questions about safety. As a birth educator, I highly discourage use of that product.

      1. Indigo-Chapters still sells Dock-A-Tot. Can someone please explain why they are so bad? I have been considering a purchase, but I didn’t know they were not recommended…

  17. I really love the idea of a dock-a-tot but couldn’t justify purchasing as we already had bought/were gifted beds for the baby for each room. We had a Mamaroo (which we never really turned on bc my boy wasn’t into it) in the kitchen, a Rock-n-Play (which is where he napped most of the time) in the TV room, and the Halo Bassinest in our bedroom. I would pick up the Rock-n-Play and put it in our bathroom when I was getting ready. With baby #1 I always had to have an eye on him but I wonder if I’ll be that way with our second. If you don’t have a Rock-n-Play I would recommend it. My baby loved it and it’s taco like shape kept him from rolling around which made me feel secure.

  18. Love the hunters my son has the same two colors and I saved also for his sister lol lol…. yes good thinking so much can be reused glad I had mine close or I would have had alot to buy because I gave so much away. So happy for you one of each is a BLAST!!!! Xoxoxo

  19. You should look up Love Bird Baby Nests that are made in Kelowna instead of a Dockatot – you can support local plus Dockatot isn’t allowed in Canada anymore (I tried ordering from Nordstrom and they went as far as cancelling my order)! She makes the cutest fabrics too!! She makes toddler size too so you can upgrade Leo.

  20. Hi!
    You will love love love the Donkey! Peg Perego is not compatible with it, as it is with the Buffalo etc. I recommend the Maxi Cosi. My babies are 18 months apart and we had the Donkey for first baby and it’s AMAZING. Also, if you are out with just one, I keep it in duo mode and it makes the side basket wider!
    Baby Breeza is also a must after nursing…

  21. I have the same wipe warmer and will definitely be using it for baby number two coming in October. We also loved and will re-use our Halo sleep sacks, playtex ventaire bottles, and Graco sweet slumber sound machine. Jillian – what baby monitor do you have? I don’t like my current one and have been hunting for a new one for baby.

    1. Love the blessed nest breastfeeding pillow. Worth every penny.

      I splurged on a fawn bag and it’s fraying after only a few months of use. So disappointed because I love the design ?

  22. A Hakaa silicone breast pump!!! Such a simple way to collect breast milk that would otherwise go to waste. While feeding baby, place it on the other breast so it collects your let down. One piece, no parts, easy to clean and so comfortable! So good for travel. I used this over my Medela most times. My gf gave me hers and it was my fav gift of all.

  23. Hi! Did you order/receive the baby pink dresser from PB? I thought I remembered you saying something about having to redesign the nursery because of the dresser AFTER I ordered it!?

  24. I have one enormous muslin that I was gifted with baby number 2 and its been invaluable. He was born into a crazy hot autumn so we used it to keep the sun off him without over heating him or to pick him up when he was naked (except for a diaper) but not to have sweaty skin on skin (bleuch). Now he’s 3, we still use it as a blanket in his crib in warmer weather to keep the fan chill off him and I’ve used it to cover my arm in the car when the sun is burning through the window when you’re driving!
    I would definitely have more if I had another baby. With baby number 1, they were not quite a thing in Canada so we missed out (they’ve always been a thing in the UK)

  25. Hi! You posted something once about some black and white panels that you used for tummy time. Can you share the link again for these? Thank you!!!

  26. Hi Jillian.

    I have a Buffalo, a Bee, and a Donkey. My challenge has been choosing a car seat compatible with all three strollers. I found the peg isn’t compatible with the Donkey. Did you find otherwise? At this point I feel limited to a maxi cosi for compatibility reasons. I really want the new Clek but no matter how many times I ask they are sticking to their answer that it isn’t coming until spring (and my babe will be here much sooner than that). Sincerely, Laura

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