Good morning loves! Ahh… Thanksgiving. Typically this is my FAVOURITE time of year… I love the crisp air and the slower days… but for some reason, I’m not really welcoming fall this year (can it be pool weather a BIT longer?? LOL) and well… my days have NOT slowed down… but I’m vowing this is GOING to happen by November… hold me to it! LOL .. Anyway – THANKSGIVING has always been a fav of mine, not just the food… (I can already taste the vegan beet rolls!) but remembering to TRULY stop (for a hot second) and give thanks to all that we have.
I wanted to share this with you because first and foremost, I’m SO grateful for all of YOU. Each and every one of you continually show me nothing but love and support and I can honestly say, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without all you cheering me on!!
This year has been a wild ride so far! As many of you who already read this blog and follow along with me on a regular basis will know that we’ve had A LOT on the go. And, wow … I have SO much to be grateful for! Below I’m sharing five of these with you … in no particular order. Except number one … ❤️
1. My Sweet, Boomba
One of the biggest losses I had this year and one of the toughest times was losing my precious Boomba. She was a huge light in my life! I always knew she wouldn’t outlive me but I wasn’t prepared for her to leave. I’m beyond lucky and grateful for everything that she has taught me throughout my life (which is pretty much everything). I’m so thankful that Tori and I were able to dedicate our cookbook to her, as she was a huge inspiration behind it. I’m so happy that she got to see all of her hard work and food come to life through her grandchildren. She left behind a huge legacy!

2. My Family
As you all know my family is a huge blessing in my life. I’m beyond grateful for them and everything they do! I can’t believe my little Annie is already one (her birthday recap will be on the blog next week!), it has been an amazing year having a little girl and watching her grow!
Leo will always be my little baby boy even though he is growing up so fast! I’m also so lucky to have such a supportive and loving fiancé! Justin is the best Dad, and I couldn’t imagine my days without him! And of course, mine and Justin’s parents play a huge role in our lives, we’re so lucky that they are amazing role models, caregivers, and babysitters! Oh yes, and of course the dogs! LOL! Even when they rip up my garden!

3. Team Jilly
Of course, none of the things I do would be possible without the amazing team that I have beside me! I’m beyond lucky and thankful for all of Team Jilly! They put just as much love, hard work, and dedication as I do into everything we take on no matter how big or small it is!

4. Fraiche Food Full Hearts
As I mentioned above, our cookbook, Fraiche Food Full Hearts, has officially launched and while it was one of the more intensive projects I think we’ve had to date … it’s incredible beyond words to see it come to fruition.
Without my job and the work that I get to do, this would have never been possible, I’m so grateful that I get to do what I love every day! It was such a dream to create something filled with so much love alongside my family. It’s so crazy that we get to leave this legacy behind! Having said that, I’m also grateful that it’s over! Phew! LOL!

5. Friends, Health, and Everything Else in Between
Of course, all of the “cliche” things too, being healthy and having a healthy family, a job that I love, a roof over my head, food in my belly, not everybody has these things!
I’m also turning 40 this year (eeekk … where does time go?!), but I’m grateful that I still feel 27(ish), thanks to wine and botox! LOL! I also have the best lifelong friends that have been by my side through it all!

I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving weekend, and that is filled with nothing but delicious food, family and friends, laughter, and of course lots of wine!
Hello Jillian .. I’m sorry for the loss of your dear Boomba. She looks like she had a heart of gold with a beautiful smile to go with it. We never forget the loved ones we’ve lost.
These are all beautiful pictures. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I am so sorry for you loss. I can’t wait to purchase your cookbook. Keep up the good work!
i really enjoy following you and all your adventures. You are talented, sweet and so creative. Oh, yeah, you have a beautiful family!!
So many happy smiling faces..
Where is your dress from that you wore at Annie’s birthday? It’s beautiful!
Happy Thanksgiving Jillian to you and your family.
What a special post. I am on the American side, but Thanksgiving tugs on all the heartstrings! Thanks for sharing things that are close to your heart!