Well, its back to work for this new mama and that also means back to working out. With Leo being almost 4 months old now (I don’t know where the time has gone) there is no excuse for me anymore to not be trying to whip my butt back into shape!!!! Once American Thanksgiving hits our work out routines start to spiral out of control leaving us at the end of the Christmas holidays making our New Years resolutions all over again (ok maybe not all of us lol)!!!
BUT it doesn’t have to be like that … make “working out” fun again!!! Head to a barre class with a girlfriend then go get your nails done … or go to spin then grab a glass of wine … or just go for a long walk with someone you haven’t seen for a while so that you can catch up and get the body moving!! Start incorporating little things like this back in to your life EVEN throughout the holidays!!! Follow along with me below as I share my 5 tips that I have found to help me jump-start my own workout routine.

1. Schedule: First things first, you need to make time in your schedule for working out. Block out the time directly in your iCal (or whatever other schedule you use) and leave it open JUST for working out. If you’re a new mom like me … start with either one or two days a week and work your way up to more! You can move the day and time around but make sure it’s in your schedule otherwise it’s probably not happening or you may or may not choose to skip it. I find if it’s in the schedule … I’m more likely to do it.
2. Child Care: Find a gym or a studio with child care!!! Most of the classes are only 45 minutes to an hour and you know that your baby is JUST outside the door. If your baby is crying, they will of course come and pull you out until they are happy again!!! I just started going to Oranj Fitness (opens in a new tab) in Kelowna and they offer this service which is one of the main reasons I love working out there. I don’t need to think about what to do with Leo!
3. Start Slow: I started working out again just about a month ago … but I started SLOW!!! Tori and I would plan one or two days a week that we would take our babies for a walk or a hike. It was KILLER at first but once we started to get into a routine I craved MORE!!! Starting SLOW with small goals is one of the keys to getting into a solid workout routine.
4. Find A Class: Find a class or routine that you like … I find if I enjoy the class I tend to fit it into my schedule a little bit easier. For example, I LOVE going to early morning spin in Kelowna because a) I love the class and b) Justin isn’t at work yet so he can look after Leo. The class just seems to always fit into my schedule!!!
5. Workout Clothes: Treat yourself to some NEW workout clothes. Yes, I will endorse the term “look good, feel good” for working out too!!! Especially after just having a baby, none of my gear has been fitting the same so to get me back in the swing of things, this was one of the first things that I did!! I ordered these white pants (opens in a new tab), light pink hoodie (opens in a new tab) and new nikes (opens in a new tab) all online on Nordstrom (opens in a new tab). I love their activewear selection, they have so much to choose from!! Everything I picked is SO comfy and so stretchy … you may want to wear these pants for Thanksgivin and Christmas dinner lol. BUT I must say, I couldn’t wait to head to my workout class in my new gear …

Pink Sweater (opens in a new tab) | White Pants (opens in a new tab) | Sports Bra (opens in a new tab) | Watch (opens in a new tab) | Nikes (opens in a new tab) | Cell Phone Case (opens in a new tab)
What are some other tools that you use to jumpstart your workout routine?? Let me know in the comments below.
Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.
loveee the outfit – couldn’t agree more with treating yourself to new workout clothes – my only motivation… ha ha
LOL!!!!! I know right?!?! XO
You look amazing! Having a fun workout to look forward to and cute workout clothes definitely makes it easier to get back into a routine!
It’s so true …. and how fun is it buying new COMFY clothes?!?! LOL!!!
I love oranj too! I wish mine was open when I was still on Mat leave
Yes, it’s soooo great!!!! XO
Super fun you are back at it and I LOVE that you emphasized sloooowly. So KEY. My second boy just turned 4 months yesterday and I’ve been able to moderately work in activity, movement, stretching and occasionally a class I love doing!! I’m back soon from a 3 week visit to see my parents with the kids in California and I’ve already scheduled in my workouts for when I am back. Being able to figure this out with my husband as we share early morning workouts during the week has been key. And only starting with 1-2 early mornings as I build back up to more. We at FitMama emphasize visiting a pelvic floor Physio as soon as you are able to help guide you in post partum fitness choices! If you have one to recommend in Kelowna let us know!!
Enjoy your new workout outfit too!!
Jen & Gillian at Love FitMama!
Love it!! Well done Gillian!!!! XOXO
My little one is just about 4 months and I’m loving the Hike it baby group. They offer hikes in many cities throughout the USA and Canada. I love that you can carry your baby or use a stroller and get some exercise at the same time!
SUCH a great idea!!!!! XO
This post couldn’t come at a better time! I love the white workout pants! They may find their way into my cart today 😉
They are incredible, I love love love them!!!!! XO
Did you have to hem the pants? I am only 5’2″!
Great post, and love the way you started out. I don’t think a lot of new moms give themselves enough credit for getting out of the house for a walk! It doesn’t have to (and really shouldn’t) start with a crossfit workout or a 5km run. I would definitely second Gillian’s comment below on finding a good pelvic floor physiotherapist in order to give yourself the proper base core strength in order to protect yourself from both injury and leakage while working out. I work out of Vancouver but am happy to send along some names if you’d like to see one in Kelowna!
Yes, it’s so important for new mom’s to take it slow and not be so hard on themselves. It’s a work in progress 😉 XOXO
I’m the hair stylist sponsor for Oranj Castlegar location, I love, love LOVE Oranj and the amenities they offer, making it so fun and easy to enjoy all the amazing and fun classes!!! Hope you and Leo both continue to love Oranj! When working out is fun, it’s easier to keep at it 🙂
You got that right Amy!!!! XOXO
What are some tips when shopping at Nordstrom and they won’t ship to Canada? I found it occurred for some Nike shoes, especially beauty and some other fashion items. It happens to various items. It can be frustrating.
Oh really?? I haven’t come across that … Is there a Nordstrom close to where you live by chance?? XO
Wow, love hearing about other peoples tips and tricks for a better workout, the more sharing the better! Thanks for posting these 5 awesome tips with us…. now I am off to schedule my workouts hahah xx
One more essential for new mamas…. get cleared for activity from a pelvic floor physiotherapist 🙂
Great tips! I found this article very helpful for me. You are sharing the great info. Thanks a lot for this.