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5 Ways to Incorporate Pops of Blue into Your Home

From April 1st until April 30th, At Home has pledged to raise a minimum contribution of $250,000!! How amazing is that?? Eeeppp!! So exciting!! If you would like to help out, there are three ways you can donate, in-store, online or by purchasing one of their candles!

Soooo, being that Habitat for Humanity’s official colour is BLUE, I thought it would be fun to show my support of At Home’s collaboration with Habitat for Humanity’s Home is the Key Campaign by sharing some of my favourite blue pieces from their website along with 5 simple ways you can incorporate BLUE into your home! Let’s dig right into it! …

Jillian Harris - Blue Decor-2Jillian Harris - Blue Decor-3Jillian Harris - Blue Decor-4Photo Credit 1 | 2 | 3

5 Ways To Incorporate Blue In Your Home:

1. Furniture: Furniture is one of the easiest ways to add colour into your home. If you’re looking to add a bold coloured, statement piece, try a navy blue couch, a light blue chair, a turquoise armour, or a blue striped bench will do the trick!

2. Pillows & Throws: You can mix and match colours AND patterns when it comes to pillows and throws. Try adding a solid blue pillow with a blue pattern (see anchor pillow below) to create a playful and bright space! Throws can also be the perfect pop of colour for any bedroom or couch. These are also great to change out seasonally!

3. Rugs: Add a pop of blue to ANY room with area rugs, from small to large, you’re in control of how much colour you want to add to your space. I like to use neutral rugs with soft blues to help tie in the room while including some colour.

4. Vintage Decor: There is no better shade of blue than in vintage decor finds. I absolutely love coming across blue trunks, cameras, clocks, chests, water weights, glass jars … the mixture of navy to sea foam and everything in between … there really is nothing better! They look perfect on your bookcase or scattered throughout your home.

5. Paint: Last but definitely not least, you can incorporate blue into your home with PAINT!!!! I have included a few different shades of blue into my new home that I can’t wait to share with you. Including Leo’s bathroom vanity and the pantry!! My tips are to try painting cabinets and cupboards first … and then move to walls once you get a little bit more gutsy, I’m thinking about hiring a House Painter to help me with the outside.

Jillian Harris - Bue Decor

1. Bottle | 2. Tray | 3. Lamp | 4. Clock | 5. Pillow | 6. Decorative Camera | 7. Glass Ball | 8. Plant Stand | 9. Chair | 10. Bench | 11. Rooster Crock | 12. Rug

What are some of your favourite ways to add pops of blue into your home?? Make sure to comment below!



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  1. Jillian,
    I just saw your Instagram post and I am so sorry . My heart is sad that you have been treated this way , it’s extremely unfair and not deserved.

    I enjoy all your posts everyday ! Please take care and know that not everyone feels the way those people making their rude comments do .

    Keep posting and being you !

  2. Jillian!! I saw the comments on the other post earlier today and could not believe those pathetic losers.

    You are FABULOUS! You’re a bright light in this sometimes dark world. We need more of sunshiney genuine people you!! Unfortunately there are jackasses around every corner trying to dim that light. And the lighter you are the more jerks try to dim you’re light.

    I’ll miss you if you take a social media break but I completely get it. Don’t forget you are SO amazing and have an enormously genuine, sensitive, and beautiful heart. I’ve been following you since you were the bachelorette and you have always been an enormously positive influence in my life and I am soooo grateful you put yourself out there. Xoxoxoxo

    1. Please don’t stop posting your instagram stories, I love checking in and seeing what you and your adorable little family are up too. Sorry to see you so sad, please don’t forget that there are so many out there that truly find you inspirational and beautiful inside and out…fuck them haters…excuse my french. Not!..xoxo

  3. Just saw your Instagram story! My heart breaks for you! People have put things on the internet to intetionally hurt me too recently. It’s awful! But be thankful that you’re surrounded by people who love you in your personal life, which matters way more than your public persona. Much love from a long time fan!

  4. Just saw your Instagram story! My heart breaks for you! People have put things on the internet to intentionally hurt me too recently. It’s awful! But be thankful that you’re surrounded by people who love you in your personal life, which matters way more than your public persona. Much love from a long time fan!

  5. OMG! I have no idea what these people posted, but please do not let them get to you. I love your posts on instragram, I look forward to them everyday. People can be so hateful and it’s so very sad to see. You have worked hard to get where you are. I love watching your show, love your stories. Please don’t take a break, you are amazing. Theses people who posted shitty things about you are just jealous. You are not the only one in this world who is privileged, I don’t think you realize how many people you help everyday.
    You are amazing Jillian, please believe that. You have so many people who you surrand yourself with that love you. P,ease don’t let theses assholes get to you. People can be so cruel and it makes me so sad. Love you to pieces please keep up with what you are doing, those people don’t deserve your tears.

  6. Jillian,
    I saw your post on instragram. OMG! My heart went out to you. I’m not sure what they said but people can be so cruel. Please don’t stop your posts, I look forward to them everyday they are the highlight of my day. Those people dont deserve your tears. You are an amazing person. Please! Please! Don’t listen to them.

  7. Just saw your Instagram story and I wanted to let you know that I think you’re wonderful ! ❤️ I hope you’ll keep letting your light shine ! Continue to be the amazing you and don’t listen to the negative people who need to put great people down ! Love you ! ?

  8. Your InstaStory broke my heart!! I hope you tell those assholes to fuck off!

    They are nothing but jealous! Keep sharing with those who thoroughly enjoy your posts daily!

  9. You are such a wonderful woman, mother, friend, role model and genuine human being! I’ve never met you, but I read your blog and follow your Instagram account and through only these few avenues, I still feel so confident that you are an amazing person. My heart broke seeing your pain. In a world where we are trying to teach the next generation about kindness and acceptance, it disgust me to see women treating one another so poorly. You do not deserve to be made to feel badly, no one does! Please know that you have such a positive impact on so many lives, my own included. Please don’t change, or feel the need to grow a thicker skin, just take comfort in knowing that there are thousands of people who feel so much positivity and appreciation for you and what you do! Thank you ❤️

  10. Jillian,

    I love watching your instagram stories, it pains me to see that people have nothing better to do then be negative. You are awesome, talented, down to earth, funny and very likeable 🙂

    Keep your head up and keep doing what you are doing, don’t let a select few make you stop doing what you love.

    Looking forward to seeing the completion of your new home 🙂

  11. Jillian,

    I just saw your Instagram story and I’m so sad for you. People are such jerks. I guess it’s very easy for some people to write negative/sh!tty comments to people they will never meet. The internet brings out the worst in some people.

    I completely understand taking a break from social media. Hopefully you are also able to see that there a WAY more people who enjoy your sunshiny personality 🙂 Your instagram stories always have me cracking up and I enjoy them! You seem to be a really genuine and fun person with a big heart. Try not to let the a-holes get the best of you.


  12. Jillian

    I just saw your instagram story. Please know that not everyone has negative comments. I for one enjoy reading your blog and watching your stories. Ignore the haters. They aren’t worth your time. Have a good weekend!

  13. I just saw your instagram story and it just breaks my heart. I just wanted to say that I love reading your blog and look forward to it in the middle of my crazy life. As a mom to be, I love your honest about motheropod and your experience raising little Leo. Don’t let the few people make you feel like crap! You are great !

  14. I was scrolling through Twitter and was excited to see a link to a new blog post….about Mothers Day. I clicked the link but nothing came through. Then I went to Instagram to see if you had a new Insta story…..because I LOVE them. And there was. I was so enjoying seeing the progress on your home, and your cheery face, and then crushed when I saw you crying.
    As I don’t see the MOthers Day post on your site, I’m thinking you took it down…..because of the haters. I’m so disappointed in how awful people can be to one another – especially women.
    Please know there are so many more people who love and admire you, than there are people who just want to bring others down so they can feel better about themselves. People who love themselves will love others and not feel threatened by others successes. Please don’t let those people win. We love you, your positive spirit, your humour and your beautiful family. Thank you for sharing them with us in this small way.

  15. I just saw your Instagram story and I am so sorry! It broke my heart to see you so sad! You are amazing ! I have been watching you and cheering you on since you were on the bachelor. You have such incredible style and I cannot get enough of your blog! I am a teacher and I look forward to your Instagram stories everyday while I eat my lunch in my classroom! Your family is precious and you are so sweet to share them with ya! Hang in there and remember you are the best !

  16. I painted my Muskoka chairs navy blue last summer and our bedroom linens are blue, white, and cream. Next I am painting our front door navy. I am using Benjamin Moore paint!

  17. So pretty!! I love you Jillian! Ignore the mean bitches, they’re crazy! I wish I could yell at them for you! They are sad and pathetic, You are awesome!
    PS My son has the same birthday as Leo and I LOVE seeing all of your adventures together! So fun! He is seriously beyond precious! Love love love! Keep sharing your beautiful world! We love you!!! Xoxoxo

  18. Jilly, I was so sorry to see you so sad today on Instagram! People are so cruel on the internet and say such mean things that they would never have the guts to say to anyone’s face. I am so sorry for you. You have worked hard in your life and you deserve good things! I am sure you have your struggles too but you power through and always move forward which is awesome! Totally understand if you take a break from Social Media, but I will MISS YOU! I look forward to watching your mini videos at work when I need a break! LOL.
    I like your design and fashion inspiration too!
    There is so many of us that LOVE YOU, I bet more love you than don’t! Hugs!

  19. Hi just wanted to say that I think you are a genuine person and that you really shouldn’t let nasty people get to you. My daughter follows you and is so appreciative of all your post (she’s a new mom, eats gluten and dairy free) so she relates to all your posts and I personally think you’re a really good person. So push those bullies out of your way and keep doing what you’re doing.
    Continue talking to your fans! Have a happy weekend.
    Oh and PS – if working hard and loving what you do is considered privileged then good on you Miss Jillian Harris!! Ok I am done 🙂

  20. Jillian,

    Don’t let these rude, mean, negative people steal your joy. You are a bright light – always positive, generous, kind and funny. Thank you for sharing your lovely family with us. I always enjoy your posts and it has been a real treat to see Leo growing! My children are 16-26 years old and I miss the baby stages. Enjoy your break, but please come back!
    Hugs from Donna in Collingwood, Ontario.

  21. Don’t let those internet trolls bring you down!! ! Keep kicking ass and taking names! It’s just their jealousy that makes them want to tear you down. You are definitely fortunate…. But you work hard for everything in your life and you love your life. Many people are miserable becuase they exist, they don’t strive to LIVE! Be proud mama bear. PS love that you put them on blast and reminded them that their trolling affects a real human on the other end. ?

  22. Jillian – I’ve liked you since the bachelor and I’ve followed what you’ve been doing ever since… I appreciate your insta stories and how real you are with the world. There is never a good reason for people to be hateful. I think you have a beautiful family and I’m excited for you in this time of transition and change. You are blessed and that’s a wonderful thing. I appreciate how open you have been about the things that are given to you… it’s sweet of you to be upfront and real about those things when it’s really non of our business. Hopefully im getting my point across that you are beautiful inside and out… I hope to see your candid insta stories again, but I’ll understand if you decide to pull back that part of you. (Ps. Can you get spell check for your comment boxes? ? )

  23. Oh my goodness Jill, Please do not let the negativity get to you. I know that’s easy for me to say as an outsider looking in, but for me personally you are such breath of positivity on social media and your website and I truly believe that you have remained humble and kind even given all of your success. I have looked up to you for years, not only for your career success but also your character and if people don’t see that in you then they are crazy!! Keep your head up. One Alberta girl to another <3

  24. I just watched your instastory and watching you cry made me tear up. I LOVE seeing all the updates of your new house and seeing how excited you get. I think you are such a strong woman!!! You work SO hard and have made such a name for yourself. You deserve to be happy and excited about things in your life and it’s so fun that you share them all with us. It’s easier said then done but try not to let a couple of jealous girls get you down…you have thousands of women rallying behind you and sharing kind words with you, focus on those instead. You are smart, you are kind and you are important and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

  25. Your Instagram post makes me so sad! You’re one of the most selfless celebs out there! PLEASE don’t let people get you down! You need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others! Don’t feel bad about being “privileged”. You may have had opportunities that others haven’t had, but you have worked your butt off to get where you are!!

    We all love you!

  26. Jill,
    A few years ago myself and my family met you briefly on the beach in Peachland. It wasn’t to long after you were on the bachelorette. I was so nervous to talk to you, but you walked right up to me, gave me a huge hug, said it was so nice to meet me, and talked with all of us for a good half an hour. You were so incredibly nice to us and talked to me like we were old friends. I will never forget it and have told everyone about the day I met you and how kind you were. Thank you. None of these comments can change how kind, honest and genuine you were to me.

  27. Saw your insta story and it broke my heart. Don’t be sad, don’t worry about the haters, you got tons of people sending you light and positivity. Being privileged is never something to be ashamed of, it’s an opportunity and platform to make the world a better place. A platform and opportunity that many don’t bother to use, and you’ve done a great job of that. Best wishes!

  28. So yeah, I cameleer to talk about inserting blue so can we just stick to that? What is the best shade of blue for penetration into a mostly grey (warm greys) home? I want to insert some blue but can’t figure out what shade to go with that will work and not look odd in a warm grey home mixed with rustic brown. Hope this makes sense as I’m looking forward to the blue cheery pop!

  29. Dear Jillian, I, like all the thousands of other people who follow you, am a HUGE fan! I really look forward to your Instagram posts, blogs, website updates and most of all Instastories!! They inspire me, motivate me make me smile and laugh on a daily basis. Esp all the posts with your precious Leo in them! You seem to be such a genuine cheerful person and we all love that about you! Please don’t let those very few insecure, disrespectful, jealous people with too much time on their hands take you down and ruin your spirit! People like that are not worth your time and energy and should never win! The best way to beat them is to try and ignore them, block them and keep “doing you”! Be who you are and never change! That’s why people love you and why you have so many fans! Stay true to yourself and just know that we (your thousands of true fans) are there for you cheering you on daily and will always greatly outnumber those tiny few bullies! Hugs to you and hope to see you back on our screens soon! Crossing my fingers its tomorrow! ❤️

  30. Jillian,

    Sending lots of love your way! I love watching your instastories everyday and your little Leo is absolutely adorable! Keep being you. You go girl! Xoxo


  31. Jillian I saw your instagram. I just want to say I’m so sorry. I really hope the 1% of people who are being so disrespectful don’t ruin it for the 99% who love you and your blog! I look forward to your posts every week. Stay strong girl!

  32. Jillian I saw your instagram. I just want to say how sorry I am. I really hope the 1% of people being so disrespectful don’t ruin it for the 99% who love you and your blog! I personally look forward to your snaps and blog everyday and I know a lot of other people can say the same. Stay strong girl!

  33. Jillian Harris!!!!!!!! You know better not to let the haters get to you!!!! They are .0001% of your followers!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your insta stories of Nacho and Leo. Do you and tell everyone that has a problem to fuck off!!!

  34. Love you Jillian!!! I just saw your Instagram story and I am so sorry for all the negativity you received in your previous post! What a waste of energy. Some people just need company for their own misery. Keep doing what you’re doing!!! Don’t let low value people get you down. <3

  35. I am so sorry that you have to deal with such jealous trolls. These people making these comments don’t even know you and it boggles my mind how they feel this need to try and tear you down.

    From what I can see you seem like an extremely genuine person and so down to earth. I just don’t see why people bother to waste their time writing a pathetic comment criticizing you about your ads or how you talk to Leo or even what you feed him…please people! I am a mom to 2 girls (my youngest is a month or so younger then Leo) and I talk to her in a baby voice all the time and she loves it! If these trolls had kids they would understand!

    Keep doing what your doing Jill and keep your head up high!

  36. Hi Jillian,

    I’ve been fortunate enough to meet you, and was blown away by how sweet and present you were. I’m not sure what these internet trolls are saying, but there are a lot of people who adore you and have your back. I’m honestly in disbelief that anyone could say anything negative about you. Don’t stop being you! XOXOXO

  37. Jillian,
    PLEASE don’t stop your instagram feed!!!! I live in Italy (I’m the one that sends you clips of you being dubbed in Italian on Snapchat) every morning you’re the first person I see. Living in Italy I get the same thing (such a glamorous life). It’s great, but I miss home and DECORATING!!!! Just block the haters.
    P.s. I will miss seeing handsome Leo ???

  38. Hi Jillian, I am so sorry that these horrible individuals could say such hurtful things. You have so many fans, that love your funny, upbeat, personality and great style.
    Your little family is so sweet, so thank you for sharing them with us.
    And do you know what, if they don’t like something for whatever reason , they can always stop following you.
    That’s on them not you.
    Much love
    From Australia ?

  39. Good Morning Jillian,

    I am just sick that people would treat you poorly. I don’t know what was said. What I do know is that twice a day, while I am at work, I take my phone to the restroom so that I can check in to see what you and Leo are doing. It takes my mind off of work for a while and refreshes my spirit. thank you.

  40. Jillian,
    Your Instagram story makes me sad. My daughter & I love watching your Instagram stories and pictures and so on. You are so genuine and so inspiring. Please don’t let those mean people get to you. Whatever they said says more about them and definitely NOT you. Please don’t stop inspiring us! Besides what is wrong with you living a “privileged” life. You’ve earned it. You work hard. That in itself is inspiring. Enjoy your weekend❣️

  41. Beautiful Jillian,

    I know it is much easier said than done. But please don’t give in to those awful people who need to put you down just to feel better about their own pathetic lives. They have issues, not you. Merely through your social media, it is abubdtly obvious that you are a genuine, kind, loving and generous person.

    Please don’t ever feel guilty for your success. You didn’t get where you are without working your ass off and a hell of a lot of talent. I love watching your Instagram and vicariously living through you with my dream career. You are a wonderful, hard working person xo

    1. Jillian,

      I’ve never written to a “celebrity”, but after seeing your IG story, I HAD TO.

      Please don’t listen to ANY negativity. You are a wonderful lady who doesn’t need the advice of a stranger!! Keep doing YOU!


  42. I just wanted to say screw those mean b****es. You do the best you can mama and women spend so much time ripping each other apart when we should be building each other up! I know it’s hard but don’t let them get to you. You are a strong, beautiful, kind woman and you have a beautiful son and a fiance who loves you. Reflect on that and ignore those who try to make you feel like crap because they are unhappy. I genuinely look forward to your Instagram stories every day! ❤

  43. I also just saw your Instagram post makes me so sad. You are the sweetest and never hateful. I absolutely love following your house journey and seeing little Leo. People can be so ugly. They are so jealous. Please don’t let those bitches ruin what so many other people enjoy!!! Xo

  44. Ok-I don’t post on things like this so I’m going to keep it short and sweet…to all the pathetic trolls out there-maybe you should try getting out and hustling and putting some effort and initiative into our own success and you too could live a “privileged life” some people work HARD for what they have and they are PROUD of it! As we should be!! Give it a try and make something for YOURSELF and stop being ass holes to people you don’t even know on the internet. Unbelievable, people. Spread love, not hate…don’t you think that’s what we all need?! ✌?

  45. Jillian,

    I NEVER comment on anything, but I saw your Instagram story and had to post a comment. I LOVE watching you and your sweet little family. It broke my heart to see such an amazing woman so full of grace and humility in such pain over the curel words of others.

    I truly look up to you and am amazed by your positive attitude, bubbly nature, and overall kindness for all. Please look at all these positive comments and know that you are so loved and the words of some can hurt that there is an overwhelming amount of love for you and your family here. ❤️❤️❤️

  46. I just wanted to let you know that watching your stories on IG is like a little escape for me each day – that probably makes me sound pathetic, but being a mom of 2, it’s one way I can take a break during the day! I’ve always loved watching home renovations and motherhood experiences and that’s a lot of what you give! Plus I just love you! You’re funny, talented and an amazing mommy. You have a great life, yet you give back and seem like a genuine person. It’s a shame that someone else sees otherwise, but that’s on them. Keep doing what you’re doing because your fans outnumber the haters 🙂

  47. Sending big ? , move forward and concentrate on the important things in life . Unfortunately the world has negative people , but that’s just so we can appreciate the good ones !? Love from Oz?

  48. Jillian – I LOVE all of your posts and use of social media !!! Do not let the haters win ! If they dislike something you do or say then they can unfollow! I was so sad to see you sad on instagram – people really do suck sometimes . Please know that there are many people like me that enjoy your posts and sharing ! You work hard – and deserve the success – happy wife and momma and working woman with purpose ! Easy to say – don’t let it bother you but I wanted you to know there are people like me that love all the posts ! And Leo … well that little face will hopefully put a smile on yours ?

  49. I just saw your instagram story and won’t be reading what those horrible people wrote, bc they’re not worth the time and effort. I love your posts on the reno’s, family life and your adorable little Leo. You’re a great mom, mom boss and woman. You are real with your stories and posts and that’s amazing. As a mom of 2 boys (18 months and 3 months) your realness is appreciated!!! You don’t try to be someone you’re not. You have worked hard for the life you live, and you should continue to live it how you want. It’s no one else’s decision on how that’s done. I hope you never stop with social media but definitely understand a break with all the negative people who think they matter. I hope you have an amazing weekend with your family and lots of wine!! ?

  50. Jillian you are a very kind and loving person., a great mom to Leo and Nacho? You inspire many including me. What I love about you is you are real. Your instagram stories are funny and I love watching them. You don’t care if you are in make up or if you look perfect. Which by the way I think you are beautiful. Please don’t give those bitches another thought. They are just jealous and mean. ?

  51. Good morning from Texas!

    I just saw your instagram story and I am so sad to see you so hurt because of what people have posted to you. I feel like people that do that are just jealous of you and this is a way for them to feel better about themselves. Those kinds of people are so pathetic. I enjoy your IG stories because you have a life I could only dream about having! You have a beautiful life! Your husband is beautiful. Leo is so beautiful. And you are so beautiful! I thank you for sharing all that you do and I cannot wait to see this beautiful house when it is finished!! You are so blessed!! I look forward to your posts everyday. You make me smile! Xoxo

  52. Beautiful, hard working, genuine, humble, loving, family, inspiration, creative, funny, honest. Jillian you are all these things and more. I watch your stories everyday on Instagram. Don’t let those very few people define who watches you. That is not your target audience. You have worked hard to get where you are and you deserve to be where you are. Take a break but come back!

  53. I’ve literally never commented on a public persona’s site before but I was so saddened to see you sad this morning and want to spread the love. I’ve followed you since we were pregnant at the same time (my surprise third at 40!) and have so enjoyed your posts this year. You’re a bright shining honest and genuine personality . Your posts have brightened my mood and influenced my style and I’m grateful for what you share and put out there. Try to ignore those negative people. They can beat it;)

  54. Jillian,
    You deserve everything you work hard for!!!! Don’t ever forget that!!
    Jealousy comes in many ugly forms, and although attacking you on a media platform may seem empowering to those culprits, what they fail to realize is that it makes them look sad and pathetic… Or worse! They do not deserves your tears, so wipe them and lash back with a smile and MORE love! ❤ love the new house! Kisses to Leo, what a doll! ☺

  55. Jillian, you are so loved and amazing at what you do. People only write hurtful comments to make themselves feel better because they are miserable with their own lives. You have so many fans that support you always.

  56. Jillian,

    I hope you’re doing okay! I saw your video and I don’t know what those people said but I wanted you to know that I look forward to your instagram videos and posts daily. You’re such an inspiration! You’re a strong, intelligent, funny and talented woman who is an amazing mom. I just had my first baby in January and it’s so mentally draining to be at home all day with her with no help. Your posts make me smile and give me tons of ideas on what to do with my house and also just cute items for my baby and I. I won’t lie, I’ve pre-ordered that Melanie Auld black heart necklace for my mother and I as a Mother’s Day present ?

    There are crazy, mean-hearted and ignorant people out there. Please don’t let them get to you. ❤️

  57. Just keep doing what you do! I am shocked how people don’t think how harmful words can be. So many times in social media I think of the phrase we were all taught as children..”if you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all” Truly wish more people would pause and reflect before posting nasty things. Keep your chin up and stay true to your heart!

  58. Hi Jillian! I saw your insta story & it broke my heart. You always ask questions on there, but there’s no send message button so I’m not sure how to respond to them/reach you, so hopefully you see this! I love your posts, and having a 9 month baby just a month older than Lio I love seeing his growth too! I feel like they’d be buds :).

    Please don’t let those hateful words get you down- you have a beautiful heart and there’s so many of us that look forward to your updates each day!

    Xo ?

  59. Hi Jillian. I just wanted to send you a message saying how sorry I am that people were rude to you. You seem to be a wonderful person who gives back when she can, to Mama’s for Mama’s and to KGH. Enjoy your weekend and know that you have so many people who think you’re a generous person, way more than those who will always be negative.

  60. I had my son a week after you. And have loved seeing your opinion about the daily adventures we go on with or boys….JILL being a mom is so hard, especially balancing a career, a family and renovation. YOU Are a Fantastic MOTHER! Any judgey bitch that makes you feel otherwise, is not worth your energy! You have so many people looking to you for inspiration. For style and design, sure…. but also who love your honest and fresh approach to mother hood and life! You have created a wonderful world where u get to work with and for your babe. Do not feel guilty about that!! Spoken from a mom who cried her way to work after dropping my baby at daycare. It sucks! But at the end of the day, we all are just doing our best. And that’s all we can ask!! Do not let the jealous people get to u!! Keep. Being. You

  61. I don’t think I’ve ever left a comment on a blog or famous person’s social media ever! But I felt compelled after seeing your IG video today as so many others have been. I’ve been a fan ever since your time on the Bachelor and Bachelorette as you seemed so real and funny. As it happens, our baby boys are the same age and I’ve enjoyed following your journey along with mine. I really relate to what you are experiencing – and I don’t have any style but sure admire yours! I am so sorry for the cruel comments you received. People who lash out in such an ugly way must be in a lot of pain to treat others this way. Please know for every negative comment you receive, there are likely hundreds or more people like me who are not commenting but enjoying your positive energy and perspective! Thanks for opening yourself up and sharing your life – it does bring joy!

  62. Hi Jillian,

    I never comment on posts, but feel compelled to after your instastories. Don’t let internet trolls sitting behind a computer screen with no regard to people’s feelings get you down. Clearly, they have issues going on within themselves and feel the need to hurt others to mask whatever they’re dealing with deep down. You just have to rise above it and actually feel sorry for people like that and the lives they lead. You’re an inspiration to so many and it takes a lot to put yourself out there and share your life. Keep doing you and keep inspiring the thousands of followers who adore you. XO!

  63. Jillian please don’t leave us. I miss you already on insta-story. My morning was not the same without you. Your the best and those ignorant and rude people need to be ignored. They are awful and not worth thinking about. You are amazing Jillian and always remember that, so very amazing! You really in truly are! It broke my heart to see you so upset. ❤️

  64. I was watching your insta stories last night when your crying face showed up on my screen. I don’t know what those rude (probably jealous) people said to you but I’m sorry they made you feel so awful. This is absolutely no excuse but I try to remember that when people are awful and mean it’s usually because of something they don’t like within themselves.

    I love your Instagram and other social media pages! I look forward to your stories and I love seeing your home reno updates. I admire you so much and you inspire me in so many ways! I hope you find some peace on your much needed social media break and come back feeling refreshed. Xoxoxoxox keep doing what you’re doing!

  65. Jillian,
    I know you said you didn’t want any sympathy but I wanted you to know that I follow you on Instagram because you are so real and genuine.

    I feel like I can relate so much to you (well, besides the whole being a celebrity thing, haha). In the world of Instagram and filters it’s easy to get lost and think that the idea of perfection is real.

    We need more people like you that are willing to show that even with a million followers you are in fact still human. I look forward to watching more of your Insta stories and the progress of your house turning into the most beautiful place ever!

  66. Jillian,

    I saw your insta-sorry, and my heart broke for you! I truly enjoy reading your blog posts & watching your instagram.. I am such a fan ever since the Bachelorette! You do not deserve whatever those harsh people said to you. Keep doing what you are doing- you have much love from Toronto! <3


  67. Jillian,
    I’m so sorry to hear about all of the negative comments you’ve been receiving online. I’m not one to comment on social media, but your story (home decor, vegan recipes, family, etc.) really speaks to me and my life, so I feel compelled to let you know that you’re not alone. And you’ll know that when you come back and see all of these kick ass comments about how great you are and how much your community loves you/your work.
    Never feel bad for who you are or what you’ve worked so hard for. The only people who hate on other’s success are people who aren’t willing to work as hard as you to achieve it themselves. I obviously don’t know you personally, but through your blog, Instagram, show, etc. it’s clear that you’re constantly on the go, making moves and making the world better, one recipe, blog post, pop of color, decor strategy, cute outfit and real life moments at a time.
    Keeping being you and bringing great and much-appreciated content to our lives!

  68. Jillian you are amazing and a beautiful and a strong women and mother. I love daily reading your blog and watching your instgram stories, they are so inspiring and fun. Forgot the haters. Xoxo

  69. Jil. You’re gorgeous and you deserve all the wonderful experiences and joys life has blessed you with, including your lovely home, your fiancée, your utterly gorgeous son. Your bright energy brings joy to the lives of countless others everyday, always remember that.

    Those that hate have darkness inside of them that they need to work through. The universe will not reward those who are not happy for others.

    Keep on going, girl. By the way, my bedroom is currently made up of mismatched IKEA furniture as I live that broke student life and your “privilege” brings me only delight every day, and something to work toward! Hard work pays off and you’ve earned it ?

  70. You have followers all around the world who think you are amazing! Ignore all the negativity. Lots of love from Finland ❤

  71. Hey Jillian.
    I have been thinking all night about what happened to you. It’s not right. I have also seen Katelyn bristowe post crying. I really think this is an opportunity to start change. Celebrities shouldn’t have to get a thick skin. The internet has changed the rules on what people think they are entitled to say to others and it needs to stop. There needs to be more accountability for the words trolls type. Maybe this is the time you gather your bachelor family and demand better controls or start your own version of instagram where trolls are blocked by their ip addresses. If these things were said face to face it would be abuse. If a news article or magazine wrote them it would be slander. Why are we giving trolls so much power???? You can be the one to help stop the haters and spread the love!!!!

  72. Thinking of redoing my Living Room in shades of grey and blue – as always thank you for the post!

    Saw your IG story and I hope your social media break serves you well. Even though there will always be a few bad apples in the basket – its a good thing you have not developed a thick skin. It means you are human and awesome!

    People always hate on those who have qualities and things they wish they had. Don’t ever feel bad for living a “privileged” life. From what i can tell you worked hard for it and always take time to give back where you can. Enjoy your life!

    You are a beautiful and successful woman with an adorable happy baby boy and a supportive loving fiancé. Don’t let those who are jealous and mean bring you down 🙂

  73. Jillian I hope that you get this message soon my heart is breaking right now I cannot believe how upset you were when I heard your insta story this morning. Remember Mean Girls Will Always Be Mean Girls it’s not right I’m sorry that they hurt you. Not sure what it was all about but for me what I see is that you are a loving mother and you are just so excited as you should be for your new home. I really hope this reaches you personally because I want you to feel better and try to put all that behind you I’ve heard another insta story from a person who a girl boss and she had people give her a hard time about some things as well and I just could not believe it. Love your posts love your insta stories and love that you are sharing your journey. XOXO
    Ramona Richards….from California.

  74. Hi Jillian….omg I just saw your instapost and my heart broke….I never leave comments…I just want to say that you are an amazing woman, mother, friend, designer. I love watching them because you are so real….i love seeeing your life through these videos and watching Leo grow…it brings back memories of when my boys were little…and when we were building our house. The only people who’s opinions, comments and suggests that are important are the ones that praise you or lift you up…strong women support strong woman…!!!! Those haters need to get a life…and stop whining and complaining how bad their life is….keep living your life to the fullest… xox J.

  75. Good morning Jillian, I saw the post on how the ladies cut you down so Terrible I’m Sorry about this Just keep on Being You A Fantastic Lady, Wonderful Mom and I’m sure Justin ? you 2 pieces, I look forward to seeing and listening and reading your blog and posts Daily. ?your Social media Follower Miriam Griffin ? ??BTW I’m in the Metro Vancouver area where can I get the Blue tray from I try to add my postal code it won’t accept it. Thanks A Whole Bunch ?.

    1. Every time I see you have posted a new insta story I can wait to see it. It is so fun for us who love watching you to see you share so much of your life from Justinand Nacho to Leo and your home Reno.
      I really hope you read this because the people judging you for trying different products don’t seem to realize that is exactly what you fans want to see.
      Just like I don’t use the same product every day nor should you have to just because you said a certain brand was good. We all like to switch products up and try new things! I think that most of us (the ones that matter!) feel like you have earned our trust through your openness and sharing so much of your life-from blogging to Justin to nacho, home Reno and of course Leo!
      When you endorse a product I feel like it is a friend telling me hey I tried a great new shampoo (or whatever) and letting me know about it should I want to try. And if your sponsors are reading- more often then not I do try them! I never feel like you aren’t bieng honest in your reviews and I think I speak for the majority of your followers when I saw that.
      It is so sad that people choose to try to bring others down. Even if they disagree there is a way to express it without attacking someone’s character- much less there parenting skills.
      It is not easy to ignore the haters and I am sure there will always be the nasty few “schoolyard bullies” but I hope that when reading this you will see that even in these cases the ❤ outshines the hate.
      Enjoy your social media downtime, you have earned it and can’t wait to welcome you back!! Xx

  76. I’m so sorry Jillian for whatever nasty things were said to you or about you! I didn’t see it but just know you have a ton of people behind you that are cheering you on, me being one of them. You are such a ray of sunshine! ? I love following you on social media and keeping up with your little family and seeing how your fabulous house is turning out. Btw I wanna move in ? Keep being you girl! ?

  77. It is so sad to hear that people choose to be so cruel! It just goes to show that people who are so eager to criticize others are extremely unhealthy individuals. I think you are an amazing person and I enjoy you sharing bits and pieces of your life with us. You have so much beauty and positivity to share and I thank you for that! Enjoy your weekend with that sweet family of yours 🙂

  78. Saw your Instagram post as well, unfortunately you willl never make everyone happy and don’t let losers shape your life. I taught my kids that the only people that they need to care about what they think are the people close to you because they really know you! Your a talented girl with a great personality! Your better than the haters! Leo is way to cute! Focus on the good not the bad!

  79. Happy Friyay, Jillian!

    I saw your Insta story last night and your tears brought tears to my eyes. I can’t believe that in 2017, women can be so hard and ugly to one another. Women are supposed to lift one another up and fight the good fight together as a team. I have been following along with you ever since you were the bachelorette and I wanted my future wedding dress to look exactly like the dress you wore in the finale. Thank you for being you and showing your tears on social media, it is refreshing when people show the not-so-perfect times in their lives and to me, that’s you being yourself. No matter what negative thoughts and comments people send your way, know that you are tough and keep standing up for women exactly how you are. Who cares if you have sponsored posts, that’s one of the main reasons why people blog and if people don’t like it, they can stop following and spend their negative energy elsewhere.

    I will keep following along with you and watching every story you post. It’s my bedtime ritual to watch all your stories right before I go to bed and even my boyfriend knows who you are and recognizes your voice now! I love watching you interact with Leo, Nacho, Justin and everyone else. Makes me feel like I’m apart of your life and trust me when I say, I am now obsessed with everything white (especially in the kitchen)!! I cannot wait for your new house to be complete – can I come over and drink wine with you?? 🙂

    Stay tough pretty momma and know that there are good people out there that love and admire you. I am proud to be one of your many admirers! Let me know if you’re ever in Seattle, we can go wine tasting!

    xoxo – Tara

  80. Jillian, dear, you have life by the tail. You are absolutely gorgeous, have a wonderful man, have a perfect baby, a loving and supportive system of family, friends and colleagues. Those people who proves themselves cowards and jealous beings by hiding behind a keyboard typing hateful words, are only to be pitied. There will always be bullies in the world and make no room for them in your soul. Jillian, you are amazing and so admired and loved by all your fans. You have a heart that glows positive and happy. And you also have impeccable taste.

  81. Lots of love to you & your family. Hang in there your beautiful girl. I miss your instagram stories, but I understand you must take time off social media. I send you the best wishes from my heart, and I hope that you are well. Be with your loves ones, and to all the person who don’t understand you as a person, can “go lost to the woods, and stay there”
    Take care Jilly, lots of best wishes from your loyal readers from all around the world. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  82. Hi Jillian,
    I want you to know your instagram posts make my day, I look forward to them. I love seeing how your new house is coming along and seeing what a great mom your are to Leo. Please don’t let jealous , miserable people get to you. They apparently have no life and have done nothing to make it better and so they want to tear others down with them. It made me so sad to see what they made you cry they are bullies. You are a great person you’re happy all the time nice to everyone, a great mom , wife and very genuine. There are so many people who’s day you make and inspire. I know you inspire me!
    Don’t let the bullies stop you from doing the things you love.

  83. Hi Jill,

    I never leave comments, I’m usually just not brave enough to put myself out there… You however do it with heart and sincerity and humor. I have been following you for years and feel like I have a pretty good grip on what type of woman you are, and I think so many of us can relate to you or would love to be your friend. I think it is a privilege that you share as much of your life with us as you do, and so I understand how it hurt you to be criticized like they did. They are “mean girls”, they exist and will try to tear you down only so they feel better about their lives. I can assure you that there are so many of us out here that love you.

    Your Instagram stories are my absolute favorite!! I personally love how you talk to Leo and Nacho, and never tire of any of your content. If you find good products, please keep sharing. Your new house is exciting and beautiful, I’m also building a house and we have very similar taste. 🙂 We all need a break sometimes, so enjoy the peace and surround yourself with friends and family, like you usually do ;-), and we will be here waiting when your ready! You are awesome! 🙂

  84. Hi Jillian! Just wanted to let you know that I think you are such a wonderful person. I love reading your blog and seeing what you have going on Snapchat and Instagram. I’ve been going vegan too and I just love trying all your recipes. Don’t doubt yourself because of what those other people said. You bring so much good in this world! Just keep being you! Xoxox

  85. Instead of hanging art on my walls, I’ve taken photos from vacations we’ve taken to Mexico, Jamaica, California, jasper, etc and framed them to show pops of blue from the ocean and sky. Beautiful way to add a personal touch and color to our space;

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