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A Little Reminder for You this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day!! The day of champagne, chocolate, and good food!! Today is the day that we celebrate our significant others but there’s no denying that there are a TON of incredible people out there who may be single or who have loved and lost. So, today I wanted to reach out to you and give you a little reminder … just in case you need it!

Many of you know that I recently went on a cruise with my mom and we had the surreal opportunity to sit and listen to Oprah speak one evening … and in the words of the wise one herself,  “Your life is a journey of learning to love yourself first and then extending that love to others in every encounter”,

Jillian Harris Valentines Day Jillian Harris Valentines DayShe couldn’t be more right. Sometimes we go through life longing for that “soulmate” (trust me, I didn’t find Justin until I was 34 … thankfully he was young and fell in love!! lol!) and we tend to beat ourselves up when we don’t find “the one” as quickly as we would like. However, the one thing to keep in mind is the ONLY person we need is OURSELVES!!

Jillys Presets are HereJillys Presets are Here

So, this Valentine’s Day … treat your damn self. Do something that YOU love. Treat yourself to takeout, crawl into your romper, turn on Netflix, eat all the chocolate and drink the damn wine. If that’s not your thing then do whatever it is that calms your mind and makes your soul happy because the ONLY person who can make you happy right now … is you.

Don’t forget to embrace this part of your life as well … sometimes we rush through the parts of our lives that we “think” we are unhappy in until we look back and realize just how good we had it. Cherish the nights that you can pig out on junk food in your underwear and fall asleep sprawled out across the bed because one day you’ll wake up shivering at the foot of your bed because your fiance, two dogs, toddler, and baby have completely taken over.

Jillian Harris Valentines Day

Last but not least … just remember that I LOVE YOU and so do so many other people and this world wouldn’t be quite the same without you.

Now, go grab your favourite snack and take off your bra … unless you’re at work … then maybe wait until you get home.





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  1. Excellent advice … we should love ourselves no matter what, yet we spend time dwelling on what we see as imperfections. Life is indeed a journey of self discovery. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, Jillian.

  2. What an incredible reminder! That was so very thoughtful of you to take the time to write something so heartfelt. Happy Valentine’s to you and your lovely little family! ???

  3. Thank-you for this post today. A very excellent reminder to take care and love yourself.
    It’s a self-care Valentine’s Day over here today

  4. Love this ♥️ I am happily tucked in on my couch watching Netflix and checking out your lovely new website with ice packs snuggled around my face from having my wisdom teeth taken out this morning. Might not be the most romantic day, but while I sit here and drink my 3rd cup of broth/food for the day, reading this post brightens my day for sure. Thank you for all that you and your team do! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  5. Jill those words gave me goosebumps! I am a 57 year old woman with three grown children, remarried 10 years ago and am just so happy and content with life! I follow you and look forward to hearing what your day brings you. Those two kids, little Leo and precious Annie are so so sweet. Thank you Jillian for sharing yourself and those you love with all of us! We love you right back!

  6. Thank you so much for this post, could not have resonated with me more. Some times I truly think I’m looking for love in all the wrong places and other times it’s right in front of me and I for some reason push it away. Searching for that “click” and soulmate is tough and I’ve honestly become better off on my own! Sometimes a little too indenpedent. After being single and knowing how to love yourself and your life – was it difficult at the beginning of your relationship with Justin to let love in? Or did you just “know”? Xoxoxo happy love day!

  7. I LOVE this! It’s about embracing every stage of our lives and loving it all, especially ourselves! Cute message 🙂

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