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Bachelor in Paradise: Episode 3

Is it just me….or is this show just getting WAAAAAY to repetitive and boooring???? I feel like ALL of their dates are the same, and they’re visiting all the same places in Mexico! They should be incorporating challenges or something…they definitely need to add a huge twist into the show to make it a bit more interesting!

This week, Marquel was dating everyone! It was SOO crazy when he almost got struck by lightning! Scary stuff! This week, I guess he’s just trying to test the waters and take time to figure out who the BEST fit for him, but matching up with Jackie was very unexpected!

Are Lacy and Marcus SO boring together that the cameramen don’t film them at all?! What’s up with that?!

AshLee is showing her craziness more and more throughout this season! Did you SEE Graham’s eye rolls throughout their date?!?! It’s so hard to tell if he’s really interested in her, or if he’s just playing it safe!

I REALLY wanted Michelle to make it work with Robert and sway him…but he’s made it clear that he sees something better with Sara!! I’m sorry, but I was NOT okay with Sara crying and feeling sorry for herself the ENTIRE episode! Show some initiative and ask people on dates instead!

Oh Elise, you’re head over heels for Chris!!! I hope he’s into you as much as you’re into him! Take care of that leg 🙂 It was so cute when Chris gave the rose to Michelle….I didn’t know WHAT would happen in that moment! I totally thought that all four of them would have to go home, but it’s great that Michelle can still stay! You are killing it with your style and fashion, you go girl!

Until next week…


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