Good Morning loves!! Easton here with your weekly Bachelorette Recap!!! I’m going to go ahead and start this off by saying … Bow-chicka-wow-wowwww!! Last night’s episode was a steamy one and it seems like MOST of the relationships took it to the next level thanks to the Fantasy Suites (if ya know what I mean! ?)! LOL!
There’s no denying that last night’s episode was the one EVERYBODY has been (not-so!) patiently waiting for, for a couple of good reasons! Not only did we witness some serious chemistry (here’s lookin’ at you Peter and Hannah!) but we also sat back and watched a highly anticipated goodbye unfold (cough … Luke P … cough!!).
Alright, before I say anymore, let’s get right to it and kick this recap off with Peter!
The more I see Hannah and Peter together, the more I’m convinced that he will be the one at the end!! To be perfectly honest, I think Peter would be the smartest choice for Hannah, do you agree?! But … at the same time, I feel like there is missing something. There’s no doubt that Peter is the total package, but maybe he’s not in Hannah’s opinion?
Let me clarify my mixed feelings! Hannah is such a free spirit and she’s always so bubbly that I almost feel like she needs someone who is a bit edgier … someone who will keep her on her toes (in a good way!) or else I fear that she might get bored. Don’t get me wrong, I still love Peter and I think he is amazing, but I don’t know how well they would work in the REAL world! What is your opinion on this! Then again … we also now know the details behind the windmill story so I could be wrong here! LOL!
As much as I want Hannah and Tyler to be together at the end of this … I don’t think they will be! Hannah definitely dropped a complete bomb on Tyler before the fantasy suite by saying she believes their emotional connection needs to catch up to their physical connection!! I mean who wouldn’t have a physical connection with Tyler ???! LOL! But, I totally understand where she is coming from and I agree that an emotional connection and understanding is JUST as important as a physical connection. So, even though I think it threw Tyler off a little bit, there’s no denying he handled it like a total gentleman!
I totally think Jed had the right to be upset last night and I’m so happy he took the time to voice his concerns with Hannah after last week’s rose ceremony when he was put on the same level as Luke, I mean who wouldn’t be upset about that?!
When Jed expressed his concerns to Hannah about her relationship with Luke I was so happy that someone FINALLY said something, I give him a lot of credit for speaking up! It’s no joke that Luke has made this process a lot harder for Hannah and all the guys along the way. I think Hannah and Jed have an amazing connection though … while the date started off a bit rocky it definitely ended with Hannah looking prettyyyy smitten the next morning waking up to Jed!

I can’t believe I’m STILL writing about Luke, he should have been gone 4 weeks ago! LOL! But anyway, this is the date we have all been waiting for, and let me tell you, it was worth the wait!!!! How dare he try to shame Hannah for her decisions and talk to her in that way! Was anyone else getting angry watching it all unfold?! I know I sure was!! I think Hannah handled herself so well in this situation, talk about girl power, am I right ladies?! It was only a matter of time before this whole thing caught up to Luke and blew up in his face and I couldn’t have been happier to watch it all unfold last night.
However, (unfortunately), it looks like our goodbye to Luke isn’t fully over yet because he seems to appear in next week’s episode, ugh are you serious?!
Ps. We were ALL making this face with you from home, Hannah! LOL!!

Who else can’t wait for the next two weeks until we find out who Hannah ends up with?! I would love to know what you guys think will happen in the comments below!
Until next week!
Sticking to my guns. Have been saying Peter and Jed are the final 2 since episode 1. I’d be equally OK with her choosing Tyler, but I feel like they have lust, not love. Peter is my fave, but I’m not 100% sure she will choose him. She did choose to get it on with him TWICE in a windmill though, so maybe he really is Mr. Right? Maybe that’s why she slowed things down with Tyler?
Seems like Luke didn’t get the memo that Hannah is calling the shots?! The scenes from next week are ticking me off. Yet again, he is proving he doesn’t respect her by acting like she doesn’t get to choose who she spends her life with. He has decided for her. Hope he finally gets the message next week? Buh-bye, Luke
Well from an earlier episode it showed someone “ I think it must be Luke”with a ring to propose. I don’t think he’s taking her serious about her being done. Well I am. And yes I agree with you peter is a good fit. Maybe he levels her out. Thanks for the update. Let’s stay tuned.
Hannah seems very promiscuous ! She’s getting all the loving she can and I don’t think she’ll end up with any of theses bachelors.
I think you nailed it with all of these men. Peter and Tyler are both great candidates to be the next bachelor! The amount of respect they have for Hannah shows they would treat anyone like a queen and they both deserve to find that queen! Tyler would be a bit more exciting to watch as the Bacherlor as much as I wish he ends up with Hannah in the end.
Amen for Luke finally going home and Yaaaas Hannah for defending yourself as a woman who can make her own choices (non of which where “slip-ups”). I think ultimately she ends up with Jed, still holding onto hop for Tyler ??
Definitely excited to see what happens next week. Like for sure tried shaming her as a way to control her. He 100% thought he had it in the bag, that he had her so smitten that the other guys had no chance.
I really like Peter and Tyler. Jed is okay, but he seems not 100% committed just yet. Until next week!
I completely agree with you on so many of your thoughts,, Easton. I think she would get bored with life with Peter. She is spontaneous, fun-loving, impulsive and adventurous. I think life with Peter would be very pedestrian and ordered. I think he is sweet, kind, gentle and loves Hannah, but she’s just so much more creative, zany, playful and bubbly than Peter.
Tyler is my favorite for her but after last night, I sense SHE questions who else he is other than her intense lover, perfect gentleman, compassionate, gentle soul! She must feel something is missing that she needs/wants. She may think he is a player who has been acting how he thinks she wants him to be and she is nervous that this gorgeous, accomplished man man not be able to be faithful to her. I think she fights feeling confidence that she is enough just who she is. She has shared that she has been a pleaser her entire life and we know she is still trying to be true to herself on this journey to find love.
I respect Jed confronting her last night and sharing how he has felt about her relationship with Luke. I think he is not ready for a long term relationship commitment. He’s laser focused on his singing career and I think he lacks confidence in himself right now and I think he is way to serious and in his head to make her happy long term. I could see him falling into a serious funk and being really dark and down if his music career flounders. I have not been impressed by his singing voice, so unless he can make it song writing, I think he’ll be headed for a career change.
I have practically nothing to say re the Luke relationship., except hurrah for Hannah for FINALLY seeing who he is—a narcissist who may never change! Run Hannah run!
Hi Easton/Jill- I love reading your blog about the Bachelorette and look forward to it very much that sometimes, I have to remind myself of the time difference and that you haven’t written the blog as yet- LOL.
I totally think, Tyler and Jed would be the last 2 guys standing…that’s what my gut is saying anyway….and I agree with you. something is missing between Peter and Miss Hannah B.
Thanks again for the blog. XOXOXO
I agree with you. I can’t get on board with Peter though. I have nothing against him but he seems immature to me in a way. She could do far worse though. Jed is my favorite, although I don’t know if he’s a great match either. I don’t really think she can’t go wrong with any of these guys, as long as it’s not Luke. That guy is not to be trusted.