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My Bachelorette Recap Aka an Evening of Fomo

I MUST start this off by saying I’m really impressed so far with this season. I absolutely LOVE Rachel, she’s articulate, genuine, BEAUTIFUL, quirky … (the list could go on) and I just love watching her!!! It’s so crazy though, every time I watch the Bachelorette it brings me RIGHT back to my days on the show … SO many memories … and similar feelings I can see Rachel working through. One thing I noticed last night was that Rachel is really good at focusing on the POSITIVE and on the positive people which is so crucial when there are so many other things that you can be focusing on. Anyways, lets get started on last nights episode …

I kind of crapped my pants when I saw Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis on the first date of the show  … I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining in ANY WAY lol … but Martina McBride was on my season and I LOVE her … but I had MAJOR FOMO when I saw that Rachel got to hang with Ashton and Mila!! Also, don’t you think that it should be mandatory that every guy has to go through the “Husband Material” test prior to us ladies committing to them?! LOL!! Or is that taking it too far?? LOL! Either way, I freakin loved watching the guys struggle through the course and Mila giving them a hard time on the sidelines!! And the cherry on top? When Ashton shut down participating in Lucas’ WHABOOM antics. Pure freakin’ gold. WHABOOM!!!!!

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap Rachel Lindsey

Okkkkkk and can we talk about the dog party?! Dog smoothies and a photo booth?! Ummmm BarkBox … hellooooo while I was sitting here having FOMO over Ashton and Mila … Nacho was having MAJOR Barkfest FOMO … he’s convinced himself that his invitation surely got misplaced in our move but I have a feeling if it doesn’t show up, he’s gonna have a bone to pick with you!! Pun 100% intended. LOL!!!!!

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap Rachel Lindsey

NOW … I HAVE to address what happened between DeMario, his ex (?), and Rachel. Did someone say DRAMA!?!?! At first, I was like “YES GET HIM THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!!” and then the more I thought about it, the more I realized, maybe she’s the one that has the issues?? I mean, she’s not there to protect Rachel … is she??? She’s there to get on TV and cause some drama. I know that some of you will be disagreeing with me on this one. But it also made me reflect back to when I was applying for the show and when I got in … I have to HONESTLY admit that I do believe it’s a little reckless to throw everything that you have before going on the show entirely away. Yup. I said it. Lol. Hear me out …

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

When you try out for the show you don’t know if you’re going to make it or not, so you continue your life as it was … then, BOOM! You get the call and you’re going to be on the show! Excitement hits and your head is in the clouds. When you start filming you have to give away your phone, you can’t communicate with other people, you can’t watch TV or go on the internet … you’re basically in this new world, and it’s exciting and crazy and you have NO idea how it’s going to end up and you REALLY get into the process. It gets EVEN harder when you really fall for the person because you literally get lost in this brand new world and you kind of forget about the others before them … so when someone from your past shows up it’s a rude awakening to reality and it’s at that very moment you realize you may have hurt someone or didn’t end things properly, etc. I mean, when I applied to go on the show, I was dating someone and didn’t take the show THAT seriously. A part of me thought there could be something better but you don’t drop your entire life because there is NO guarantee of how it will all turn out!!

So, to sum this up … I CAN see why DeMario was seeing someone before, or currently, or whatever it was … but the bottom line is, he obviously wasn’t happy with her and no, it wasn’t fair for him to string her along AT ALL but I understand COMPLETELY how it could have happened …

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap Rachel Lindsey

Can we all just take a second and admire how STUNNING Rachel looked in that red top and jeans on the Bark Box date?! I’m obsessed with that shade of red lately, I think it looks AH-MAZING on almost anyone … it really compliments everyone’s skin tone!! I started looking at so many red tops while watching  … I might have to order a couple … lol!! I mean, how cute are these?!?!

Alright, this post is getting a little long so I will start to wrap it up now and I’ll leave you with my UPDATED top 5 list as things have changed a little since I watched the premier!! Here we go …


Josiah: He WAS in my original top 5 and I think he will go far! He seems like a great guy!!

Dean: I mean his smile and THAT KISS!!!! Need I say more?!

Peter: So down to earth and SWEET, plus he loves dogs!!

Diggy: I just love his style! LOL!

Copper: Obviously.

Well?? What did you think of last night’s episode?? Did your top 5 change at all?? Share your thoughts with me below in the comments section!



PS. Before I let you go, I should remind you that there is just under one week left of Nordstrom’s Half Yearly Sale, if you missed my favourite picks from the sale, check them out here! PLUS, I also created a dedicated page on my site for all of the items on MY wishlist! Take a look, here!


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  1. If DeMario didn’t handle the situation so poorly, then maybe (big maybe) he could have been a contender. But, he had no solid and heartfelt response. That, and do you want drama after the show when it is hard and difficult enough to move from the show world into the real world?

  2. Well said about the DeMario situation. He seemed genuine and the ‘ex’ didn’t present very well that’s for sure.

    By the way I watch your instastory as if it’s a TV show! Hmmmm something someone should consider!

    1. I agree! Didn’t anyone besides me think DeMarios’s gal was a bit looney tunes? Come on, ok the guy didn’t break it off totally. Maybe he wasn’t sure of the show and didn’t put full trust in it. She might have walked away from a good guy. Who knows. Maybe she did the right thing but I wish just maybe she will at least hear him out. She did totally go into lawyer mode.

  3. I feel like DeMario got a bad rap as well.. the girl seemed vindictive and mean.. I really like Josiah as well

  4. I can’t remember anyone’s names yet, but there is definitely chemistry with the chiropractor, and gap tooth guy (good first date), and I do like Josiah. No one else is jumping out yet, so I guess I have a top 3. All I have to say about the whaboom guy is that the guy that has a hate on for him should be the one to leave next, and personally, if I was choosing a winner for the competition, I would probably choose someone that didn’t drown the baby!

    1. When DeMario first saw his “ex”, didn’t he act like he didn’t know who she was? And even said “who’s this?” After that, it doesn’t matter what he said, because he had already lied in a way, by pretending he didn’t know her.

  5. I’m glad DeMario is out. This was just the 2nd week of airing, Rachel had not formed a relationship with him. The look on his face and the lies he tried to tell were priceless and classless.
    Also I noticed Rachel wasn’t too thrill with Chris Harrison on the shows trickery. DeMario was seen by his girlfriend on AFTR. I would imagine she contacted ABC right away. DeMario got through the first rose ceremony but couldn’t escape the 2nd one. This may not have been a satisfactory relationship for DeMario, but he forgot to break it off before he went on national tv to pursue Rachel. The results of his dishonesty was getting busted.

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