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The Bachelorette Recap: Hometown Dates Already?!

Hey everyone! Easton here with your Bachelorette recap! Wow, can you believe we’re already at the hometown dates?! We are nearing the end of the season and I still don’t know who Hannah is going to pick! But, to be honest, I don’t think she has a clue either! LOL!! ? This weeks episode was pretty cute. I’m such a fan of the hometown dates and being able to see each of the guy’s families and where they came from!

Well, should we get straight into the details?! Let’s do it!!

Peter’s Hometown

If anyone would have told me on the first episode that Peter would make it this far I wouldn’t have believed them!! Peter and Hannah have one of those unexpected relationships that seemed to have just organically formed out of nowhere!! I truly think Peter is the FULL package. He’s smart, kind, successful, cute, AND he’s even a freaking hopeless romantic!? Does it get any better than that?! LOL! His family seemed very nice and down to earth, which is a huge bonus nowadays and Hannah seemed to fit right in!! I wouldn’t be surprised if he is one of the last two!

What do you guys think? Do you think Hannah will pick Peter in the end?!

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recep

Tyler’s Hometown

Ow ow owww!!!! ? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again! Tyler is SO good looking, it almost distracts me from anything he does or says, I don’t know how Hannah does it! LOL!! Seeing Tyler around his family was so cute and heartwarming so much so that I think it made Hannah see him under a different light! I think after this hometown date you can definitely tell Tyler is ready for a proposal at the end of this! Eeeek, for some reason I’m so excited about Hannah and Tyler!!

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

Luke’s Hometown

All I can say is how the heck did Luke P. make it all the way to hometowns?! I’m still not falling for his BS … anyone else with me?! LOL!! I think the way he has acted so far this season really showed his true colours and if he acted that way once, there’s no doubt he will do it again!! Another thing that is really concerning about Luke P. was his trouble getting along with the other men in the house, I think this says A LOT about a person! However, on the other hand, his family seemed very normal, which is absolutely bizarre because Luke P. is not … LOL!!!

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

Jed’s Hometown

Jed and Hannah are undeniably cute together!! How adorable was it when they were writing their song together, and right after he told her he loved her … ugh, my heart! ❤️ But … I still don’t think Jed is all in, what do you guys think?! I wasn’t very surprised that Jed’s family didn’t think he was ready for a proposal at the end of all of this because I don’t think Jed was very serious going into this in the first place! As much as Jed and Hannah get along, I think they have very different paths in life and don’t belong together!

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

In other news … how disappointing was it that no one got sent home?! It’s the most dramatic part of the episode! LOL!! I guess we will have to wait until next weeks episode, and boy oh boy it looks good!! From what I could tell, it seems like Luke P. gets himself into some serious hot water and I can’t WAIT to watch the drama unfold!! ?

Until next week!



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  1. I am predicting it will Be Peter and Tyler in the final two. Either one of these men would be great match for her but in my heart of hearts I am hoping for Tyler. I think Luke is intentionally in this to stir things up

  2. Hi Jillian:
    I watched home town dates on the Bachelotte and I have to say I loved it with Peter&Hannah the plane
    as far as Tyler goes those two really hit it off for luke I think he thinks its a big joke being a plain fooland least but not for all Jed should have said somrthingabout ex girlfriend but Iam not sure about him the season has been
    really diffcult to follow but I hope Hannah followers her heart in theend.

  3. I agree with all you said.. I think it will be Peter and Tyler in the end. I want her to pick Peter, I know what it’s like to be a pilot’s wife, I think she fits the bill. I can see her choosing Tyler, but probably not his lifestyle unless she’s into interior design and they open their own business together. Hmmm…that sounds like a bachelorette we know. Looking forward to the tossing of Luke P,

  4. Ugh! Why is Luke still there? She keeps shooting herself in the foot, and damaging her connection with the other guys by keeping him around. Looks like she’ll be regretting that decision next week!
    I’ve been all about Peter and Jed as the top 2 since the first episode. I’d be equally happy to see Tyler in there, though I think it’s more of a chemistry thing with them. Lust, not love! Same with Luke. She’s attracted to guy she imagined he was on day 1, noi the guy he really is.

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