This weekend I had the pleasure of visiting the Kelowna Community Food Bank with my family. BC Tree Fruits and I graciously donated 120lbs of FRESH apples!!! With all of the spending going on at this time of year I wanted to make a difference and a change while pressing the importance of giving back. It was so heartwarming to see so many thankful faces. You sometimes get wrapped up in your daily life and forget about the importance of giving back to your local charities and community. Assistance is needed all year round but especially at this time of year. This was a huge reminder to me of how lucky we are to have the simplest luxuries, like a fresh meal and a full belly. Every little bit helps, even a single can of soup can put a smile on someone’s face. I highly suggest giving back it is a great feeling not only for yourself but also for your community.

This weekend it just so happened to be sponsor a family weekend. I of course wanted to take part in this and did everything I could to make sure it happened!!! Even though it was extremely last minute I had the joy of making a families Christmas. A simple donation of a few presents and a few groceries goes a long way. It makes someone else’s Christmas!!! Without this foundation so many families go without presents, meals and joy like the rest of us. That in itself is so heartbreaking to me. If you are at all able to sponsor a family I think it will be your greatest gift of all this Christmas and for the Christmases to come. There are so many families and individuals out there that desperately need your help. Every little bit helps, I know you won’t regret it.

HUGE thank you to BC Tree Fruits and Kelowna Community Food Bank for making my weekend and filling my heart with joy.
What foundations are you donating to this season??