It’s Tuesday … and you know what that means (or now you do!!!!) … it means FLASH SALE at Goodnight Macaroon!! To give you an idea of everything that they offer and everything that’s on sale … I have rounded up my favourite Goodnight Macaroon outfits that you have seen me wear time and time again. Some are brand spankin’ new and some have stood the test of time from last season. Either way, everything below is perfect to wear year round and is easily paired with the rest of your closet. I am alllllll about deals and sales definitely help not only the bank account but also the closet!!! Head to the site here and check out all of the other amazing items you can save on …

Happy flash sale shopping my loves!!!
Hi Jill!
What sunglasses are you wearing in the pictures of the blue floral jumpsuit?
(PS – I admire and adore you)
Thank you!