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Charlie’s 1st Birthday

Every day I’m reminded of how lucky I am to have such an incredible family… they really are my best friends.  You have all seen my love for Charlie Ford explode over this past year – Charlie is my nephew (Tori’s First babe!) and I insisted on throwing his first birthday party!  With the help of SO many people and the party jumper rentals in West Covina (, Tori, our fabulous Photographer Sharla, our family, Justin… Sweet On You Cakes, and of course Cabana Grille who catered the event, I’m positive it was the MOST “OVERBOARD” 1st birthday party of the century!

SO much happened Sunday that it simply is too much for one post – so to start us off, I want to share the love that was shared this weekend… as you can see it was Nautical themed, and so my dad of course took it upon himself to plan a treasure hunt for the kids, and dressed up like a pirate! God love him.  Stay tuned for the next few posts this week… we’re going to be dishing on FOOD, DÉCOR, ENTERTAINING TIPS and how to stay sane! (which is more than just relying on the wine) haha!!

These are just a few of the AMAZING pic’s that Sharla Pike took!

Jilly xoxo

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