As I was cautioned many times in the past … once you have a child, your needs take the back burner and it becomes all about the baby! Well, isn’t that the truth (for the most part, anyway lol)!! Which is why instead of sharing my ‘Wardrobe Essentials’ today, I’m going to be sharing my diaper bag essentials and all of the goodies inside it that I can’t live without!! That’s right! I realize that this might not be helpful for ALL of you, but I have been getting so many requests for more posts on ‘baby stuff’!!! I’ve come to realize that the diaper bag is a pretty important one.

I am also LOVE my Glitter and Spice soother holder, I would probably go insane if I had to pick up his soother every time he dropped it!! You can actually customize your own teething necklace and pacifier clip right on there website!! Check it out here. Another one of my favourite items to have when changing diapers is the Saje Wellness ‘Safe Hands’ lotion. It smells amazing, is all natural, sanitizes my hands and doubles as a moisturizer. AMAZING right?!? They also have some great energizing mists that I love using on those crazy long days!!
Kapuluan Coconut is a genius coconut oil packaged into a nice clean little squeeze bottle! We love using coconut oil for everything (including cooking!) and even though Leo hasn’t had any diaper rash yet, we always use a little on him ensure poop doesn’t stick to his little tush! A perfect multi-purpose product as it is also great for chapped skin, lip balm, the works!

Am I missing anything?!?!?! Oh probably lol!!
No diapers in there? ?
See #13
Would you suggest the manual pump more than the hands free? I am looking at buying a pump soon so i would love to hear your thoughts if its worth getting one or both.
Thank you and congrats on your little Leo
Noo … i like both but I loooove my hands free!!!
Will we hear your birthing story soon?! As a mom-to-be in 4 weeks, I was really looking forward to that! Much love all the way from Louisiana 🙂
I’m TRYING!!!!!!!!! Hopefully soon …
For the Medela hands free, did you have to also buy a bra or something too? I read something about that in the reviews?
I would add a change of clothes for yourself even if it’s just a top. For those days you may have a barf, poop, or pee explosion and you aren’t close to home. We always worry about a change of clothes for baby, but what about us!?
Jillian THANK YOU!!! My little guy is six weeks too… I have the medela electric pump and I haven’t gotten more than 2 oz total from it. I just haven’t been able to get the boobs to work! I was so discouraged. After reading your post I thought I’d give the Avent Manual a go and its amazing!!! I’m pumping milk!! Great recommendation! Thanks for sharing. I SO appreciate it! 🙂
Not related to diaper bags but fenugreek helps a lot to increase milk production . When I went back to work and had to pump I started taking it and got double the amount per pumping .
I love that Barrington tote bag. Is it the St. Anne one? I noticed you have your initials directly on the pattern fabric. Is this the way it will turn out if I order it too online? Or is this a special order? It would be great to know before I drop some $$$ !!
Thanks Jillian!