Yes, you really do look THAT disheveled in the mornings!! Ladies… it’s only a temporary feeling of absolute panic and mortification walking past that oversized mirror every day! Big mirrors bring simple character and life to any space, plus it’s a great way to change up a room without having to completely re-decorate. If you’re working within a small space, that big mirror is going to create depth and make the room look not only bigger, but brighter too. Mirrors reflect light – which can be perfect for brightening up any room. No hammer handy? Try leaning a huge mirror up against a wall… you’ll get the same benefits but with a more casual feel.
The only question you should have when buying an oversized mirror is… “How am I going to get this thing home?!” (That’s how big it should be!)
And don’t forget this handy tip… you don’t have to use harsh chemicals or fight streaks to clean your mirrors – Grab a spray bottle with half water, half vinegar!
Jilly xo
Try these looks at home…