Today is a VERY special day, a day that we recognize ALL of the amazing mamas out there.
To the moms who have worked their butts off, to the moms who have loved, laughed, and lost. To the mamas who put everyone before them, who give it their ALL … to the mamas who eat dinner last, drink ice cold coffee … and sneak chocolate in the pantry.
To the mamas who managed to get a good night’s sleep and to those who are running on fumes. To the mamas who put band-aids on scraped knees and wipe away big crocodile tears. To the mamas that read 10 books before bedtime and still manage to squeeze a glass (or bottle!) of wine in and get up and do it all over again the next morning.
To those who have always dreamed of becoming a mama, we are all thinking of you and sending our fairy baby-making dust your way … but gently reminding you to be patient with yourself and enjoy your sleep (while you can!) … to the mamas out there who have 5 children, twins, or an only child … to the mamas who loved the hospital underwear so much that they stocked up when heading home.

To MY mom, to my aunts and cousins … and the future mamas out there, (Steph, you’re in for one hell of a ride!). Thank you for everything you do, and Happy Mother’s Day!
Awww! Such beautiful photos!!! Happy Mother’s Day to you too!!
Happy mothers day to you Jillian!
I love how you love…
You are such a beautiful soul ❤
Amazing words Jillian!! You are great mom with the huge kind heart! Happy Mother’s Day!!
Happy Mother’s Day Jillian! So right about the hospital under wear
Happy Mother’s Day Jilly!! Lots of love to you and your little nugget, and nugget to be! Can’t wait to find out what you’re having but I totally understand wanting to keep something to yourself – you give us so much of your life, you deserve a little special moment to keep close to you. Hope you had a wonderful day! xo
Love you mama Jill
You said it all and I hope you had a wonderful Mother’ s Day Jillian! <3
Jilly, I love you and that pic in the hospital underwear! I wish I had a picture like that. I had a c-section and asked for multiple belly-bands to take home and basically raided the room for everything that wasn’t nailed down! A year postpartum, I still remember the first time the nurse came in and told me I needed to sit at the edge of the bed and stand up. I thought for sure she had to be joking. …I don’t think my body will ever be the same, but I love it so much more now!
I love this blog post! My sis has been trying to have a baby for several years now and I keep hoping the time will come for her soon. This year she did get pregnant but sadly lost the baby. I just know that she will be a momma soon and I cannot wait to see her be one. She will the best mom, especially seeing her with our little guy. I still tell her Happy Mother’s Day – to me she is a momma already and deserves to have this day be a special one for her as well. I know this day is harder for her than most and all I can do is be there for her. This blog reminds me of that and does make me think of my baby sis. Thank you!
Awwwwww thank you so much for your sweet words, Valerie! Sending ALL MY POSITIVE VIBES your sister’s way!!! XOXO
Thank you for your positive vibes!
Thank you for the beautiful sentiments. Your dad yesterday accidentally revealed the gender of your second child (little guy is getting bigger he said, or something like that). I recall being pregnant 21 years ago with my second son and at the time I loved my first son sooo much, I was worried I would not have enough love and energy for my second son, but he came into the world and I realized my heart is capable of infinite love and this baby was even easier than the first because I had learned how to look after a baby. It all came so effortlessly. I too pray for this for you for your second son. Yes, girls are pretty and love pink, but you can be an aunt to Sam’s baby girl. Congratulations on being a mom to sons!
Happy Mother’s Day! Can’t wait to find out if #2 is a boy or girl!!
What r u having when r u going 2 tell your followers
SOON!!!! Stay tuned … XOXO
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who loved the hospital undies . Mood killers as my husband calls them. Hahaha