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Homemade Hey Y’alls: The Perfect Hard Southern Ice Tea

Hey Y’all (pun intended … LOL)!

Last year, a few of us were over at Jillian’s for a shoot, and we really wanted to test out a homemade version of Hey Y’alls Hard Southern Hard Ice Tea. If you haven’t heard of these delicious Summer drinks, then you’re in for a treat, but don’t drink too many … trust us, it can happen easily (they’re THAT good!). LOL!

Homemade Hard Ice Tea

We successfully made a big batch of this delicious Hey Y’all inspired hard ice tea, we made sure to taste test it for you to make sure it was up to par! And today we are going to share how you can make this delicious Hey Y’all Southern Hard Ice Tea right from the comfort of your own home! It’s quick and easy … and oh so refreshing on a hot summer day!

Hey Y'alls Vodka Ice Tea

Homemade Hey Y’alls

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Recipe by From the Kitchen of Jillian Harris


  • 3 3 tea bags of your choice

  • 3 3 lemons

  • 13 ounces 13 peach vodka

  • 1 1 peach

  • 8 cups 8 water

  • Simple Syrup
  • 1/2 cup 1/2 sugar

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 boiled water


  • Simple Syrup
  • Combine 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of sugar and bring to a boil and stirring until sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool.
  • Hey Y’alls
  • Bring 8 cups of water to a boil in a kettle and steep 3 tea bags of your choice (we used Teatly Pure Ceylon Tea). Once the tea has slightly cooled pour it into your preferred jug (we left the tea bags in, but you can take them out if you wish). It should fill up to about the halfway mark. Once the simple syrup has cooled pour it into the jug and stir. Fill the remainder of the jug with ice.
  • Pour in 13 ounces of peach vodka, if you are looking for a stiff drink you can pour in a little extra, really however much your heart desires. Squeeze in lemon juice from one lemon and stir.
  • Cut remaining lemons and peach into wedges and add to the pitcher.
Easy Hey Y'alls Hard Ice Tea Recipe

Well there you have it, it’s as easy as that! We hope you LOVE this refreshing hard ice tea recipe just as much as we loved making (and drinking!) it … LOL! If you’re looking for a few other cocktails to sip on before the end of Summer, make sure to check out these delicious cocktail recipes! Let us know in the comments below what other recipes you would like us to test out and what you thought of our Hey Y’all hard ice tea version!


Team Jilly

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    1. Hi Tina!! We just used Black Tea, I believe it was just called “blends of black tea” from the grocery store, but any kind of black tea should do! XO

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