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How I Landed My Dream Job and How You Can Too

Hey everyone! Easton here from Team Jilly! I couldn’t be more excited to take over the blog today and share with YOU how I managed to land my dream job with Team Jilly at 19 years old! I always get so many questions on how I got to be on Team Jilly and how it all came to be, so today I thought it would be a great idea to share that all with you, and some ways YOU can land your dream job too!

How to land your dream jobHow to land your dream job

First I will let you in on how I managed to score this once in a lifetime opportunity! I was in my first year of university at UBCO (here in Kelowna) in the Science program and very quickly found out that wasn’t for me (at first I wanted to be a Doctor … sorry, mom! LOL!). So, I made the switch to business and was still left feeling SO un-fulfilled and I knew I needed to do something about it!

I’ve always been a HUGE fan of Jillian and Team Jilly and watched every insta story, Youtube video, bought every collaboration item and was always amazed by everything they did, and could accomplish, I was so inspired! I always remember walking back to my dorm room so fast because I couldn’t wait to get back to watch Jillian’s insta stories! I would imagine myself being a part of it all in my head and how freaking amazing it would be, and that’s where my dream started. With just one simple thought, I knew I needed to make it happen!

My mom would always say, “Easton, all it takes is for you to try, you have nothing to lose!”, and I thought, “yeah, yeah, I know”, but I didn’t know HOW! I knew whatever I was going to do needed to stand out and catch their attention, so I created a little book with pictures I had taken of fashion, outfits, decor, all the things I loved (kind of like a portfolio).  I wrote all about how inspired I was and if there was ever a job opening or anything I could do for Team Jilly I was SO in! I’ve shared some pictures of my booklet below!

Once I finished my booklet, I emailed Shay asking for an address to send it to, tied a ribbon around it and sent it off! Nothing happened right away. However, A LOT of emails were sent back and forth between Shay and I (mostly from me … LOL!), and finally, Jillian had looked at my book and was very impressed by it and asked for a resume and cover letter! But, it wasn’t until 7 months later that Shay and Mindy asked to meet with me for a potential opportunity … eeekk!! I still remember this day!

So, fast forward to almost two years later since I sent that book and here I am writing a FREAKING BLOG on her website sharing my story with you guys … someone pinch me!!

How to land your dream job6How to land your dream job6How to land your dream job

Now, by no means am I an expert at this (I’m only 19 LOL), but I’m going to share with you some tips and advice that I learned throughout this process that I think are super important and helpful and, ultimately, worked for me!

1. Just do it

Okay, this sounds really cliche but it’s seriously the hardest part! Pushing yourself to actually take that chance can be really tough and intimating! You are constantly bothered with thoughts like “nothing is going to happen”, “why would I even bother”, or “I’m not good enough”, trust me when I say I had all of these and more! Whether it’s just sending in your resume or reaching out to someone JUST FREAKING DO IT! You have nothing to lose, and you might regret not taking the chance, I know I sure would have! And hey if it doesn’t work out it’s not meant to be, there is something greater out there for you!

2. Get yourself noticed

Remember anyone and everyone can send in a resume, think about how can you stand out! Be creative and ask yourself: If I was them would I be impressed by this? When I sent in my resume and cover letter to Jillian I didn’t just send a boring resume and cover letter, I altered it to align with the style and branding of Jillian and made it beautiful! I added in light blush colored borders, small details, and changed the fonts! Make sure however you choose to go after your dream job highlights WHY you would be a good fit!

3. Don’t give up even when you feel like you’re losing

There were so many times throughout this process that I felt completely defeated. I wanted to give up and stop trying and I am so happy I didn’t!! Persistence pays off! If I hadn’t been so persistent and kept emailing Shay I don’t think I would have this job! Something I have learned over and over again is usually when we are on the verge of giving up, is when things start to turn around, so go the extra mile, send another email, or call again!

4. How can you benefit them?

It’s important to showcase your strengths and skills, and share with them how you can make their life easier and what you can bring to the table! They might believe there is nothing you can do for them or they don’t need what you have to offer, so your only job is to make them think they do, and prove to them you can and I’m sure they will soon believe they needed you all along!

5. Exemplify your shared values and interests

When you have a dream job in mind it’s obvious that you have a certain passion, love or drive for it and this is what people like to see! A lot of the time people are wanting like-minded people to work with them who have the same drive and goals, and if they know they share this with you it could make all the difference! Make sure they know how much an opportunity means to you!

6. Have a support system

I have to admit, I would NOT be here if it wasn’t for my family supporting me all the time, especially my amazing Mom! I am so lucky to such an amazing support system, and this makes all the difference in the world! It’s so important to surround yourself with people who lift you up and not tear you down! This can be really hard to do and I think we all struggle with this sometimes! But when you need support or a pick me up lean on those people who you know you can trust, sometimes we forget that they are there and it can be just what you need to push yourself even further!

I am forever grateful for the opportunity Jillian and Team Jilly has given me, and I hope you guys can take something away from this and use it to make your dreams happen!! If you guys have any other advice or tips please let me know in the comments below I would love to know!



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  1. Thanks Easton!. You are so lucky to be a part of Team Jilly. Your determination and drive is very inspiring!!! ♡

  2. Great first post Easton! You’re only 19 years old and you’ve clearly made great choices already so I don’t doubt that amazing things are coming your way. Congratulations!

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