Wakey wakey … eggs and tofu bakey … LOL!! So, you want to know how to become a morning person hey?! The struggle with becoming an early riser is REAL!! Especially for those new mama’s out there who are barely getting any sleep as is! But there are a few tricks out there to beat the clock (no, this doesn’t mean with a sledgehammer!) so I thought I would share 10 of them with you today!!

1. Fake It Till You Make It
Yes … you have to lie to yourself. Why? Because you believe what you tell yourself!! The moment you tell yourself that you’re NOT a morning person, you’ll probably end up hitting the snooze button at least 10 times the next morning. BUT, if you tell yourself you love mornings and you can’t wait to get a head start on the day … the more you’ll start to convince yourself that that’s actually TRUE! Trickery at its finest.
Put it to action: The night before your early rise, tell yourself just how much you’re looking forward to getting up nice and early the next morning and just how much you will be able to accomplish getting a head start on the day!

2. Shut It Off
Yes, it’s HARD to do, trust me … I know!! Lol. Your phone, laptop, iPad and TV are all like a black hole … you say you’re going to just quickly scroll through Instagram for a few minutes … or check a few emails and then BOOM … it’s 1am!!
Put it to action: Give yourself a curfew, allow yourself to cruise Instagram or watch TV but cut yourself off and close everything down 30-60 mins before it’s time to hit the sack! Or, try reading a book instead!

3. Have a Baby
You’ll never sleep again. LOL!! Just kidding … sort of. But, if you are a new mama or mama to be, chances are you’re trying to sort out yours and your babes sleep schedule, if you’re struggling with that a little bit, check out my recent post on Leo’s Sleep Training, there might be some tid bits of info in there (or in the comments!) that might come in handy when you want to get some z’s and wake up feeling refreshed!
Put it to action: Check out Janey’s top 5 sleep tips and give them a try!

4. Get Excited!
Surely there HAS to be something you’re looking forward to, whether it’s an upcoming trip, a date night or a bottle of wine with your name ALL over it … there’s something out there that should give you that little extra boost while rolling out of bed in the morning!
Put it to action: Think about all of the exciting things you have coming up prior to closing your eyes for the night, even if it’s just that first sip of coffee in the morning!

5. Clean Your Room
Yup, that’s right! Clean your bedroom the night before because waking up to a clean bedroom is THE BEST and it helps kick your day off to a great start!
Put it to action: Tidy your room after dinner to make sure it’s nice and clean when you get sleepy. Also, try getting into the habit of making your bed every morning as soon as you get up. Remember, messy bed = messy head!

6. Let The Sun Shine In
Try sleeping with the blinds open because once the sun starts to poke through your windows, chances are you will wake with the sun naturally … buuuut you should probably set an alarm JUST in case! LOL!
Put it to action: Open those shades up wide before hitting the sack!

7. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule
Plan your morning and day the night before so you know EXACTLY what you are getting up to in the am! This includes scheduling time to SHOWER, DRINK water and EAT … yes, I do this!
Put it to action: I use my iCal to schedule everything, start small by scheduling out things you KNOW you have to do like shower, work, etc. Then move on to scheduling things like when to cook dinner and get groceries, etc!

8. Make a Healthy Smoothie
I make a green smoothie almost every morning! I pack it with coconut oil, spinach, coconut water, banana, chia seeds, hemp seeds and frozen mango or pineapple … it helps boost my mood and gets me through my busy mornings! Nobody likes a hangry mama.
Put it to action: Get everything portioned out the night before so you just have to toss it all in the blender in the morning!

9. Give Yourself a Little Spritz
I’m all about giving my face a much-needed pick me up mist, it leaves me feeling energized and refreshed!ROSE water face spritz in the
Put it to action: Rose water face spritz or the ‘good morning beautiful’ wipes are the BOMB!!

10. But First … Coffee
When all else fails, there’s always coffee.
Put it to action: If it’s only coffee that gets you through then make sure to get everything ready the night before so all you have to do it hit a button when you wake up!

What are some tips and tricks you have up your sleeve for becoming a morning person?? Share them with us in the comments below!
I’ve always been a morning person. That’s when I’m most productive and have the most energy. Sleeping in is actually difficult for me to do mentally because I feel like I’m wasting the day. It’s all in your mindset!
I work from a home office and there are some days (read most days lol) that I just can’t get out of bed early…like if I start work at 7:30…I get out of bed at 7:30 lol And I don’t snooze any alarms – the alarm goes off and I turn it off! I don’t know how to explain it…I just can’t get out of bed lol I’m going to try #1 tonight and tomorrow morning…fingers crossed!!
My best tip, just do it!! I find it terrible and painful to get up any earlier than I have to. I also have found that if I just suck it up, don’t hit that snooze button and just get going it’s never that bad. The worst part is actually getting out of bed, after that it’s easy and you’ll be proud of yourself:)
I’ve never been a morning person, but the odd days I do get up early I am SO happy that I did because I feel like I accomplished so much more! The beginning months of motherhood have been HARD, but here’s to figuring out our schedules and nailing the leap weeks! Thanks for sharing Jilly, and thanks for sharing Leo’s sleep training! We’re just about ready to start ?
Great tips, definitely need to work on these! Absolutely love you nightgown, could you share where it’s from? Thank you!!
Yes!! It’s from Nordstrom!! Here’s the link http://rstyle.me/n/crumqyzb96 XOXO
Awesome! Thank you so much!!
Totally enjoy reading your ideas!!❤️❤️☕️☕️☀️☀️
I am excited to wake up in the morning just because I know my coffee will be ready and waiting for me downstairs! Good ole coffee timers! And I’ve actually gotten into the habit of making my bed every morning ( mostly because I bought a bunch of throw pillows and I don’t want those all over the floor lol Motivation!) But I’m also bad about not shutting off my devices and going to bed, it’s mostly the only quiet time I get with two kiddos!
Love this! Going to try tomorrow. So. Not. A. Morning. Person! But wish I was! I always enjoy sneaking those quiet moments to myself before the kiddos wake up.
How did it go Daniele??? TELL US!! LOL!
I read somewhere it’s actually harder to get up once you’ve hit that snooze button and fallen back asleep a few times! Who knows if this is true but I find I wake up easier if I don’t hit snooze!
Continuously a work in progress. No tips here but thanks for yours. Also, What is going on with your beams… I LOVE THEM… how is that joint working structurally ?. Is that reclaimed wood or concrete with wood forms?
OMG thank you! Those beams were made by Urban Roots!! https://www.facebook.com/urbanrootsfurniture/
I just read two books on this subject that I highly recommend! Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning, and Mel Robbins, Five Second r
Rule. Both awesome reads. Have I implemented either? No, but I love the ideas! ?
LOL!! Thank you so much for sharing these with us, Tani!! XO
I loved reading this and I can’t wait to try these tips! I have all early 8am classes for school. I’ve never been a morning person but now I’m excited to try.
You have to let me know how you make out, Sara!!! XOXO
Thanks Jill for sharing. This is very encouraging! The sad thing is I’m writing this comment at 1:30am and Liv will be up in 4 hours ? I really need to work on it.
Thank you!
One step at a time 🙂 XO
I need all the help I can get- Thanks for sharing!
It worked! I took your advice last night/this morning, and it worked! I got up 45 minutes earlier than normal AND it was easy! Thank you! 🙂 P.S. Wishing good thoughts for Nacho!
YAYYYY!!!! Which tip was your fave?!?! XO
Love these tips! I’ve been trying all summer to get up earlier to hit the gym and I’ve failed successfully lol! I need to make a better effort.
My best strategy is to schedule an early appointment to hold myself accountable. I sign up for a 7am spin class 2-3 days per week. I get my gear ready the night before, and head out the door excited to sweat. Also, it feels so good to get a workout in before I get to the office. Only downside is I don’t get to see my 1 year old until I get home from work in the evening.
Yes! Thanks for the tips!
Ok! Going to try to fake it until I make it! Thanks for the tips!
TIP #11: Go travel to a timezone several hours ahead of yours. Use the Jet lag to start a new sleep schedule! I just got back to Toronto from my honeymoon in Croatia and I keep falling asleep at 9:30pm and waking up at 5AM! This is going to help when I go back to work tomorrow 😉
I have set up a routine in my iCal, and I’m gonna fake it till I make ti! And hopefully follow the routine. Thank you for the tips Jillian!!
I’ve never been a morning person and even after the birth of my child I couldn’t change that. I will try your tips since I work at a home office and I find it hard to get up really early and organise everything.
Hey Jillian is that your beautiful white bedroom? If so where did you order your sheers from? We’ve recently renovated our bedroom and I’m looking for sheers just like that. By the way I’ve been making your smoothie this week & I love it! Thanks for the tips.
To have a baby is a perfect tip! You will become a morning person, but also a night person and even a person who can’t find a difference between mornings and nights. Thanks for the creative advice and so inspiring post. Special thanks for amazing pictures.