Hi everyone! As many of you know our household is ALWAYS on the move … whether we’re running out the door for work, trips, dropping Leo off at preschool, taking the dogs to the vet, or getting out and having a little family fun, our door sometimes feels like it’s revolving! Not to mention, we constantly have packages being dropped off, Team Jilly comes and goes throughout the week, and family and friends like to pop by unannounced for visits. Sometimes it can be tough to feel connected to our home at all times and feel like we have a handle on who is coming and going, but we recently had TELUS SmartHome Security installed and it’s been so helpful with our day to day life and it also brings us a greater sense of security … plus we can control the ENTIRE system from an app on our phone! Crazy hey?!
Below I’m going to share how we stay connected to our home as a family (and as a business owner!!) even when we are away! I’m sharing this with you today because I’m sure there are many of you out there with families (or not!) that are just as BUSY (or even more so!) as our little household! Also … make sure to stick around to the end of the blog as one of you just might walk away with your very own TELUS SmartHome Security system for free … more on that to come!

Control Everything Remotely
I almost always feel like I’m in a rush to get somewhere, so if I run out the door and forget to turn off the lights, turn down the AC or lock the door, I can control all of this through the TELUS SmartHome Security app on my phone! I personally love this feature because I feel like I always have a million things going on at once and there’s nothing worse than pulling out of the driveway and remembering you didn’t lock up!
Also, if a delivery person pops by and has a few packages to drop off when we’re out, I can actually open our garage door (while still keeping the inside door locked) so they can set the packages safely inside so they’re not just sitting out in the open on the porch!
This also comes in super handy when Team Jilly or my friends and family beat me home. They just have to ring the doorbell and with the camera feature, I can see them standing on our porch, talk to them (it’s a great way to play a little prank too ?) and unlock the door to let them in, all from my phone.

Security Cameras
Now, this feature is so important for our family. We have cameras in both of the kid’s rooms and throughout our home. Not only does it give us a sense of security because we can check-in and see what’s happening at home when we’re away, but it’s also a great way for us to bust Nacho and Peaches when they are lounging on my nice new couches when they shouldn’t be! LOL!
One of my favourite parts of this camera system is that I can actually talk to them through the system and tell them to get off the couch! It’s pretty hilarious to see the shock and surprise in their faces when they hear my voice and they can’t see me! TELUS SmartHome Security is a complete security system … not only does it allow me to bust the dogs, check-in on the kids when they’re down for bed, but TELUS security experts also monitor for fires, floods, carbon monoxide AND break in’s, 24/7. Nothing is getting past this mama anymore! LOL!

The main reason Justin and I love our TELUS SmartHome Security system because honestly, it just makes our lives easier. No more bickering about if we turned the AC or heat down (and bonus, we’re saving energy!), no more worrying about whether or not we actually locked the front door as we were racing out to work, and I love being able to tell the girls or my family to make their way over even when I’m out at the grocery store, because I can let them in with one tap on my phone and meet them at home. Even better when they use that extra time to pour me a little something something and have it waiting for me by the pool … LOL!
We want you guys to be able to enjoy the same peace of mind and smart home that we have now, so we’re giving away the entire TELUS SmartHome Security system and a years’ worth of service for FREE. Entering is easy, all you have to do is make sure you’re following me, Justin, and TELUS on Instagram via the Rafflecopter giveaway below! We will randomly select and announce the winner in this post on August 14th!
Please note: Currently, TELUS offers SmartHome Security in BC and AB, so the contest winner must live in an area where TELUS offers the service!
Good luck everyone!
Thank you TELUS for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.
You two are too cute together! Also, Justin looks great in glasses. 🙂
That’s sad ,I follow you on Facebook but do not have Instagram. I have been following you on love it or list it as well as watched you on the batchlor. The security system would be a excellent option for us. But I wish everyone good luck. You have beautiful children and love nacho and peaches.. Enjoy Darlene
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