I can’t believe that I’m already back with another Cameo update as it feels as though I was just sharing last month’s donation details with you! I’m sure many of you know what Cameo is by now, but for those of you who may not, you can read all about it in over on my initial blog post, here! To give you a quick rundown, each month I do a number of videos for fans and at the end of the month we tally up the amount raised on Cameo from all of the videos and we donate the funds to a different charity each month.
For those of you who may have not heard the news, Fort McMurray suffered from a devastating forest fire back in May 2016 and then they were hit with flooding in May of 2020. From the fire in 2016 and the flooding in 2020, many residents have had to evacuate their homes, they lost personal belongings, and in some cases, their homes burned to the ground or were completely flooded.

I knew right away that I wanted to give back to this very deserving community, but I truly didn’t know where to begin! So many of the residents were affected by the fires and flooding and I wanted to make sure the money raised went directly into their hands. When in doubt, I ask my amazing community for help and thankfully I had a number of suggestions come in, thanks to all of you!
So, Team Jilly and I took the time to go through each recommendation to find out who was in the most need. After a number of emails, phone calls, and some more research, I am SO happy to announce that we will be donating $10,000 to the following charities in Fort McMurray:
1. YMM Helping Others
2. St. Aidan’s Society
3. St. Vermilion Food Bank
When I took a look at the total funds we have raised through Cameo I am in complete shock, we have raised over $54,400 CAD to help those in need! I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, this would not be possible without all of YOUR support! Thank you for keeping me busy these last few months and ultimately supporting SO many people in need! I can’t wait to share many more Cameo fundraising updates with you soon!!
Until then!