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How You Helped 45 Teachers Clear The List Before The School Year!

I can’t believe that Summer is officially over and that our kids are already back to school (and my little Leo is in Kindergarten! Where has the time gone?!). There is no denying that teachers have a lot on their plate to get ready to welcome the kiddos back. From prepping their classrooms to making sure lesson plans are ready… they have enough on the go and shouldn’t have to worry about paying out of their own pocket to ensure their students are equipped with the supplies they need!

Every August, we like to dedicate our Cameo funds to help our hardworking and dedicated teachers clear their lists! And with your help, this year, we were able to help clear 45 lists!! Psst… keep reading to find out how YOU can help us clear more lists!!

What is Clear The List?

If you are just learning about Clear The List, here is a little backstory on how the campaign came to be. Clear the list all started when a teacher from Texas created the hashtag #ClearTheList on Instagram. The goal of the campaign was to help teachers across the US raise funds for classroom supplies. What all started as a hashtag has now turned into a globally recognized fundraiser right before the school year begins!

Did you know that teachers spend an average of $480 out of pocket on classroom supplies each year? That’s data from the National Center of Education Statistics, reported by the New York Post. I don’t know about you, but I was shocked by that number! This just goes to show you how dedicated teachers are to the learning and wellbeing of our children!

How you can help Clear The List

So, for all of our teachers out there, Team Jilly has been hard at work helping clear your lists, and for those of you that we were able to help, your supplies should either be in your hands or on their way.

We had SO many teachers submit their amazon wishlists, and while we hoped to clear every single one, sadly, we weren’t able to. So, if you are one of our thoughtful community members that is looking to help our hardworking teachers and students start the school year on the right foot, we are sharing our Google Sheet here (with all of the teacher’s consent first!) in hopes that together we can clear more lists!

Myself and Team Jilly are sending our love to all of the amazing teachers out there as you embark on this new school year ahead; thank you for everything that you do!!



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