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How YOU Helped Us Donate to 8 Foodbanks

Over the years I have gotten so many requests to do various personal shoutouts from birthday messages to engagement messages and everything else in between! While I would try my best to get to as many of them as I could, it was always difficult for us to manage everything because we didn’t have a good system in place and we were generally trying to squeeze them in at the end of our photoshoots. Mindy (our Digital Marketing Manager), introduced me to Cameo a few years ago, but I always felt weird about charging my followers for a message. Then the COVID pandemic hit and Mindy reminded me that this would be a perfect opportunity to not only get those shout outs done in a way that was super organized but this could also allow us to raise money for those who are in need! It wasn’t too long after that conversation that we were signed up and ready to roll!

Jillian Harris Cameo Account

For those of you who may not know what Cameo is, it’s a website service that allows people to pay for a shout out or specific videos from celebrities and influencers. If there is a specific message you would like me to share with a loved, one you can book a personalized video from me here.

100% of the money that we raise on Cameo will be donated to various charities at the end of each month! On top of that, I have also decided that I would be matching donations every month up to $1000. Here is where things get crazy … I honestly thought that I would be recording maybe 10-15 videos a month. Well, little did I know, during the month of April alone, I recorded a total of 294 videos!!! I couldn’t believe it!!! From those 294 videos, the total amount raised was OVER $10,000!! I was so surprised and blown away by that that I decided to match this month’s donation by $2,000 instead of $1000!! It has been exactly one month since we started with Cameo and I am SO proud to announce that with YOUR help we have raised $18,442.24 Canadian

So, where is this money going? Due to the COVID pandemic, I personally feel that foodbanks are bursting at the seams, which is why we wanted to donate the money raised this month to various foodbanks. Instead of donating all of this money to one food bank, in particular, I asked the girls on Team Jilly to pick a food bank that they hold near and dear to their heart and we would split the total up equally amongst them all. I’m so proud and humbled to let you know that we were able to support all of the Foodbanks you see below equally thanks to YOU! 

Cameo Blog Fundraiser Total

Recording these videos brings me so much joy and allows me to connect with each one of you on a deeper level! I am already so excited to start recording these videos for May! If this sounds like something you or a loved one would love you can book a personalized video from me here



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  1. Hi Jillian
    Just wanted to thank you and your team for these great contributions to incredible food security organizations! As a small nonprofit in Chilliwack we recognize the challenges for funding in theses times. We just cancelled our annual Dinner Auction that was scheduled for Friday May 1sr that pays a large portion of our costs to feed 800 kids at risk in 23 schools every school day. Keep up the great work you are truly appreciated!

    Mike Csoka
    Chilliwack Bowls of Hope Society

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