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11 of Leo and Annie’s Favourite Books

Reading has always been a huge part of our bedtime routine ever since Leo was a teeny tiny little babe (where has the time gone?!)! I remember Leo starting to love books at a very early age and not much has changed since then. If you missed it when we first shared his favourite books last year, check out that blog, here!

Well, not much has changed in this household when it comes to reading because now that we have our sweet little Annie we’ve also been reading to her and just like her brother, it’s one of her favourite things! Since Leo has grown up so much since last year he has now moved on to a new set of favourite books so today I though I would share not only Leo’s faves but some of Annie’s faves with you below! We always read at least 2-3 books every single night to the kids and I love and cherish this time with them so much!

Leo’s Favourite Books

Between myself and Melissa, our Nanny, we usually read 1-2 books with Leo during the day on a regular basis. In fact, when Leo asks for the TV I have been trying my best to suggest a book to him instead (not to say that he never watches TV) and most times he will grab one! When we read to Leo, or if he grabs a book on his own and flips through the pages, I find that it brightens up his mood! There’s something this little guy loves about books that he doesn’t get from the TV which is awesome!

Too Many Carrots

I love reading Too Many Carrots with Leo because it is all about sharing and what can happen if you don’t share with others. Sharing is something we really try to get Leo to practice (let’s be honest, sometimes it’s easier said than done … LOL), but I think this book does an awesome job of getting the right message across!

Brown Bear Brown Bear

Brown Bear Brown Bear is a “look and find” book which is awesome for when Leo looks at books on his own! He actually memorizes these kinds of books from reading them together and knows what he should be looking for on each page which is perfect for quiet time!

Let’s Pretend Firefighter

Leo has been loving to dress up lately and act out certain things, his newest obsession is dressing up as a Police Officer … he even wears a hat and takes his duties very seriously when someone from Team Jilly commits a “crime”! LOL! So, there’s no denying he LOVES this book about being a firefighter! He acts out every single page and even calls Papa (my dad) to tell him there’s a fire, which I think is so adorable!

Childrens Books Web

Flashing Fire Engines 

The books shown below are great and no matter what, there’s always at least one of these mini books in our pile to read every night! The collection is called the “Amazing Machines”. I’ve gone ahead and linked a ton of them for you below!

Childrens Books Web

Dragons Love Tacos

Dragons Love Tacos is a bedtime favourite in our house! This book is hilarious and no matter how many times we read it, Leo and I laugh out loud every single time!

Night Night Toronto

Night Night Toronto was actually gifted to us by The Fairmount Royal York during our last stay there and it quickly became one of our faves! I love that it teaches Leo all about the amazing and beautiful places in and around Toronto!

Planting Seeds of Kindness 

If I had to pick one book and recommend it to anyone Planting Seeds of Kindness would be it! This adorable book has such an important hidden message about practicing kindness and spreading love! It’s also really easy for kids to memorize so they can read along too.

Annie’s Favourite Books

Annie LOVES bedtime stories just as much as Leo does! It’s been so nice to be able to sit down with the both of them and read to them together! Annie gets so engaged into the books that if I stop reading for a split second she literally lunges for the book basically telling me to keep going! LOL!

If I Were an Owl

Annie has been loving all of the Jelly Cat books, especially If I Were an Owl! These books are perfect for your little ones as they are so interactive. They can touch and feel different textures throughout the book and Annie absolutely loves that!

That’s Not My Unicorn

This is another great “touch and feel” book that Annie really likes! She’s always anxiously waiting for me to turn the page to see what is coming up next!

Classic Munsch ABS’s and 123’s

These books are perfect for introducing letters and numbers to your little ones! Annie is still pretty young for these but they’re great to read to both kids at the same time!

Anne’s Numbers

This is another book that’s perfect for counting and numbers! It also has an adorable storyline!

There you have it! I hope I was able to give you some new book inspo! If you’re kiddos have favourite books that everyone should know about, please make sure to share them in the comments section below!



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  1. My kids love the whole line of “That’s Not My…” (We love all Usborne books!) but their absolute favourite right now is a book called The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland. I highly recommend it! I’ll be looking for some of these books for Christmas presents! Thank you!

  2. My son(3 years old) loves Hungry Bear, Cranky Bear, and Noisy Bear all by Robert Bland. Also any seek and find books.

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