I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about having a baby, I mean, it’s no secret that when you have a baby (especially your first), your whole life changes, it’s a whirlwind, it’s chaotic, it’s crazy and different, and you realize that life won’t be the same again … and all of a sudden, it hits you, life isn’t the same at all … and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
While I thought I was going to be the one teaching Leo about life (being his mom and all), it turns out, he’s been the one teaching ME all along and today I’d like to share some lessons my little lion has taught me over these last 7 months…
Lesson 1: My time is more valuable than ever.
The biggest thing I CAN’T believe is how my priorities have changed. People often comment, “you must be so busy” but to be really honest? I’m not. And I don’t want to raise my baby with this ‘manic’ non-stop lifestyle that I was living before. But, just because I’m not as busy as I was before… it doesn’t mean I have MORE time… confused? Well… my time is now saved for Leo. THAT is my priority. SO, I’m missing phone calls, texts, emails and no longer RUSHING from one end of town to the other to ‘fit it all in’ … I’m really busy these days… doing ‘nothing’ with my babe, which to me… feels like everything.

Lesson 2: You can’t have enough pictures of one tiny human.
This needs no explanation. Instead, I’ll just go take another picture of Leo.

Lesson 3: I actually LOOK forward to ridiculously early mornings.
When I hear his tiny cry at 6am … my first thought is “Oh Leo, go back to sleep” but … the second my foot hits the floor I can’t get into his room fast enough. I LOVE our quiet routine. Coffee, bottle, kisses from Nacho, the morning news. It’s literally my FAVOURITE time of day. When Justin or Cassandra (our Nanny) ask me at night if I want them to wake up with Leo in the morning I almost always say no. Even if I need the sleep the next day, I just can’t imagine skipping one day of our little bonding moment.

Lesson 4: I want to make the world a better place.
I think of Leo being my age. I think, what if he gets bullied, hurt, or scared. What if there is a war, or the city he lives in isn’t safe? Or what if all of our natural resources are gone, what if the beautiful wilderness I grew up exploring, is no longer? Since having Leo, I can’t stop thinking about HOW important it is to continue to do what is right. Recycle, reduce consumption of all goods, continue to practice a plant-based lifestyle. Support charities that need it, spread joy and love, say “Hi” in the grocery line, do whatever I can to make this world a better place even if it is just a smile… for my little Leo’s future and the future of HIS family…

Lesson 5: I have no idea what I’m doing.
I think back to Leo’s first few weeks and I SWEAR I didn’t feed him enough. I remember him crying ALOT and thinking well I JUST fed him an hour ago… but now, looking back … he was probably freaking HUNGRY?!?!?! I look back just on his 7 months on this planet and even though every day I am SO proud of who I am as a mom, and know I am doing my BEST … I know I haven’t done everything perfect. But, I’m okay with that. I know Leo is loved beyond belief and I know that I am constantly learning and putting him first … but still … I have NO CLUE what is going on! LOL!!

Lesson 6: My Mom and Dad and ALL Moms (and Dads!!) are SUPER HEROES!!
I just still can’t believe how Mom’s of multiples do this, and run businesses or keep their houses clean! LOL … I am SO lucky. I have an amazing team that works for me that works SO hard to keep my sanity under control. I have a house cleaner and a part-time nanny. Still… it’s a struggle, SO OMG MOMS and Dads around the WORLD who are juggling this … YOU ARE MY SUPER HEROES!!

Lesson 7: I’m grateful for sleep training.
I honestly don’t know what life would be like if Janey from WeeSleep hadn’t approached me regarding sleep training for Leo … I would probably be totally run down and frantically reading multiple blogs and books on HOW to get your babe to sleep through the night. If any of you are considering sleep training, I highly recommend it! Ps. I know so many of you have asked details on our sleep training experience and I promise you … it’s coming … after I’m done doing nothing with Leo … and taking his photos … LOL!!!

Lesson 8: I can sing and someone ACTUALLY LIKES to listen to it!
I love singing … but that doesn’t mean everyone loves to HEAR me sing lol … I’m no Adele but guess what?! Leo thinks I am. Even if it’s just another round of “Old MacDonald” he thinks it’s just the best when I start busting out this song, his smile says it all!

Lesson 9: I get to be a kid ALL over again!
This one is pretty self-explanatory … I mean c’mon … my favourite old books … old (and new!) toys … and this is JUST the beginning! I can’t wait until he is ready for some fun adventures, playing in the mud and running in fields … le sigh!

Lesson 10: I don’t care about a messy house anymore!
As I sit here and type this, Leo is flinging cheerios everywhere. His toys are under my stool and all over the couch. There’s some of his pureed food caked onto the side of the island. This used to drive me CRAZY … now it’s all a sign of a happy home…

Crazy right? That a 7-month-old can teach you SO much in such a short period of time?! I often find myself thinking of how much he will teach me by the time he’s 7 … and 17 … and 27 … whoa … so weird to think of him getting older. For now, I’m going to cherish every single day … and every single lesson he teaches me along the way.
I’d absolutely LOVE to hear what your children have taught you so please make sure to share your stories below!!
My. Any gives me the happiest moments I have ever had, daily. They are so amazing. ❤️❤️❤️
I think our babies might have been born the same day! My little guy’s name is Aakash, and he’s alao taught me so many things in the almost eight months he’s been here. He’s 11 years younger than his brother, and so different. He has taught me a renewed well of patience, an appre iation of slowness, the ability to keep acting silly. He’s taught me to starre at the shadows and reflections and prisms of light around the room. He has taught me how to laugh again, and practice saying ah o eee ooo.
Also how to exclaim with joy while eating my food! Enjoy your time with your baby!
I have a sweet 4 months old baby girl named Melody. A few days ago I had the same realisation of all these lesson I would say that one big difference that I have with yours is the sleep training since I decided to try co-sleeping. My husband works night shift and I exclusively breastfeed her so we are in a good situation for that and both my baby and I slept all night all the time. My favourite moment of the day is the morning she wakes up so happy and she’s so cute when she stretches out her legs and arms. Being a vegetarian, motherhood makes me consider veganism more seriously for my baby, the planet and the cow that I strangely more sympathized with since Breastfeeding. She also thought me that love and family is the most important thing ever , I’m currently looking at a plan to be a stay at home mom when my maternity leave is over because being her mom is what makes me happy.
Hi Jillian!
First of all, I’m a huge fan of yours…from your bachelor days to now! I’m pregnant with my first (eeeeek!!) and am having trouble finding a variety of onesies with zippers. I’ve noticed that Leo has a few, any tips on where to look (ps I live in the US).
I’m a new mom of an adorable 3 month old. He does sleep well through the night (6-8 hours straight) however it takes a lot of intervention to get him to sleep for both his bedtime and nap time – lots of rocking, bouncing and nursing to sleep. He does not seem to have that “drowsy but awake” phase, if he isn’t sleeping his eyes are wide awake exploring the sights around him. We do have a routine in place but if we try to put him down while still awake he cries and is unable to soothe himself to sleep. I dread his nap times and bedtimes because of the amount of work that needs to be done just to get him to sleep. Will you be sharing your sleep training experience with Leo as mentioned in this blog? I am very interested to know what worked for your family, when you started the training, how long it took to get Leo to start self soothing and putting himself to sleep, etc.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Nicole!! I’m sharing a blog on Leo’s sleep training tomorrow!! XOXO