Hey everyone!! Today I wanted to chat a little bit about the importance of treating yourself … and by that, I don’t mean going out and buying a brand new wardrobe (although … I am ALWAYS up for a shopping spree) … I’m talking about treating yourself here and there with little luxuries that are inexpensive but that also make you feel like a million bucks. We all know being a mom is tough stuff and I didn’t understand why parents have such a hard time “keeping up” and taking time for themselves until I had Leo … and now I GET IT!! Even with all of the amazing help that I have, I still find it tough keeping up, props to all you parents and single parents out there!! Some weeks I don’t shower for days … I eat spaghetti for breakfast (you should try it actually!) and forget to brush my teeth. LOL. So, in between the craziness of life, I like to sneak in a little “treat” here and there.
If you’re like me and want to get on board with spoiling yourself more often with life’s little luxuries then you could consider the new TD Cash Back Visa Infinite* Card. You can redeem cash back ANYTIME on your Card (so long as you have earned a min. of $25 in Cash Back Dollars) so you can treat yourself to life’s little luxuries – guilt free! I mean, who wouldn’t want to earn Cash Back Dollars on their everyday purchases??? LOL.
Consider this blog your reminder to get in a little “Me Time” … it’s not greedy, or selfish … it’s mandatory for your sanity!! LOL!! Below are a few SIMPLE ways I like to treat myself! Make sure to share some of yours below in the comments section so I can check them out!!

Simple right? Welp, do you know how often (and probably ALL the other moms out there) I drink cold coffee?! LOL. I typically brew myself a coffee … get distracted by a phone call, then Leo is throwing Nacho’s food all over the ground and Nacho is trying to climb up on the couch when we just had his ACL surgery and I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off and drinking ice cold coffee. There is seriously NOTHING better when you can go through a drive-through, order up (AND DRINK!!) a hot, delicious coffee while checking those “to-do’s” off your lists!! OR … better yet … when you can actually GO to a coffee shop and drink your hot coffee from a MUG!! Probably my favourite little luxury.

Eat a Damn Cupcake
I mean … this one doesn’t really need an explanation. Sometimes you just need to lock yourself in the pantry and eat a damn cupcake … but make sure you get one for your kids to … it’s the perfect distraction for you to enjoy some quiet time. LOL.

There’s really nothing that I love more than fresh flowers in my home, there is something about them that just livens up any space yet makes you feel so cozy all at the same time, plus, they smell amazing!!

Detail your Car
This is another one I’m sure all you moms (and dads!) out there can relate to … I feel like when my car and my home are a mess, my mind is ALSO a mess! Between Leo and Nacho, there is dirt, balls, chew sticks, yogurt containers, animal crackers, leashes … EVERYWHERE … you name it, you can probably find it on the floor of my car. When I get the chance to grab that hot coffee and bring my car in for a detail, I instantly feel 10x better.

Want to treat yourself to these little luxuries? Or maybe you have your own little luxuries you’d like to treat yourself to. Whatever your guilty pleasure may be, TD has a welcome offer where you can earn 6% cash back on all purchases made with your Card, for the first 3 months up $3,500, so you can treat yourself to some of your own little luxuries. This offer is ending soon (December 3, 2017) and conditions apply of course but if this is something that you’re interested in head on over to TD.com/CashBack for all of the details!
What would YOU treat yourself to first?!
* Trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under license.
Thank you TD Canada Trust for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own. Please note, you must have earned a minimum of $25 in Cash Back Dollars to redeem
Life’s Little Luxuries – where did you get those pink shoes from??!!!
Manicure/Pedicure or both 🙂
Please tell us about the shoes too! They are to die for!
I love all of these ways to treat myself (and I’m not even a mom…yet…unless you count dog mom?) Getting a hot latte tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration.
Okay, seriously, I love all that. But can we talk about where you got those c-ute pink shoes?!