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Little Leaders Series: Jackson’s Read-A-Thon Fundraising Event!

Happy Monday, everyone! I am always so amazed and inspired when I hear of kiddos in our community that are making our world a better place and helping those in need. If this is your first time reading this series, make sure to check out all of the heart-warming stories here. Today, do I ever have a little leader story to share that will give you all of those warm fuzzy feelings! I am SO excited to welcome Mind Growth Education to the blog to share Jackson’s story of how he started a read-a-thon fundraising event helping raise money for the Sick Kids Foundation.

Take it away Jackson and Mind Growth Education team!

My name is Isabelle Baril and I am the founder of Mind Growth Education, as well as a wife, a mother of two adorable kids, a former classroom teacher now turned entrepreneur, raised in Sudbury, Ontario but now lives on Vancouver Island, BC. My team and I create interactive and fun reading log programs that can be used at home or in the classroom, combining social studies and daily reading, making reading log programs fun again! After my first year in business, I recognized a huge need for an easier, educational and virtual way to fundraise money for schools and organizations; therefore I created Mind Growth Education’s Read-A-Thon Fundraising Programs. One of the services we offer is that we give the opportunity for children to make a positive change in the world by allowing them to raise money for a cause that is dear to their hearts. We do this by organizing and hosting our “Great Things Happen When You Read! Read- A-Thon” fundraising events for them, all while inspiring them to become the best reader they possibly can be with one of Mind Growth Education’s reading log programs.

Jackson's Fundraising to help the Sick Kids Foundation

That being said, I would like you to meet Jackson Burns. He is raising money for the Sick Kids Foundation by hosting a “Read-A-Thon” event until June 30th, 2021! Jackson is a 7 year old boy from Brampton, Ontario who loves soccer, basketball, swimming, and roblox! From a young age, he has understood the importance of helping those around him, whether it be his family, his friends or his community. This past Christmas, Jackson partnered with the Peel Regional Police and their Toys 4 Tots campaign. He collected 150 toys for those less fortunate in his community. He was so inspired by the kindness and generosity of others that he wanted to continue to find a way to give. Jackson decided he would tie together his love of reading and his interest in helping sick children in the hospital by hosting a Read-A-Thon with Mind Growth Education! He hopes to not only raise money for the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto but also to inspire other kids to make a positive impact and change! Jackson challenged himself to raise $5,000 while reading 5,000 minutes. Jackson chose to use our “Read Across Canada” reading log program first to keep track of his reading efforts and has already read all the way across Canada and is now reading his way across the world. This has been such an amazing platform for Jackson because he can see the progress he’s making along the map.

Jackson's Read-A-Thon for Sick Kids Toronto

Recently I posed the question to Jackson on what exactly is a leader and his response proves that he truly is one, a great role model. “A leader is someone who knows what the right thing to do is and then helps other people do the right thing too. I am a leader in my class because I help some kids with math to help them become leaders too” said Jackson. As of today, Jackson has raised over $2,300 and read over 3,800 minutes. To help Jackson achieve his goal of raising $5,000 for the Sick Kids Foundation, please visit the following link:

For more information about Mind Growth Education’s Read-A-Thon Fundraising programs, please visit our website at fundraising-program/ or to sign up for your own Read-A-Thon Fundraising Event for the Sick Kids Foundation, please visit the following website at:

Jackson Burns Fundraising Event for Sick Kids Foundation

On behalf of Jackson and his family thank you for visiting his fundraising campaign page and we would greatly appreciate any support you are able to give!

Jackson, his family and Mind Growth Education!

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