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Our Mamas for Mamas Brunch

OMG you guys … I have been eagerly waiting to share all of the details of our Mamas for Mamas Fundraising Brunch with you and today is FINALLY the day!! Where do I even begin?? I seriously CANNOT believe how amazing our fundraising auction turned out and just how many of you so graciously donated to such an amazing cause. I had set a goal to raise $20,000 and I can humbly say that we FAR surpassed our goal thanks to ALL OF YOU!!! We raised a WHOPPING $70,000!! Which is so incredibly AMAZING!!

It’s funny when you look back on how everything such as this brunch and the action and think back to how it all started … I remember walking into the Mamas for Mamas space and the ladies wanted to paint the walls and they asked me what paint colour I would recommend. I remember walking around and checking everything out and thinking to myself … there is A LOT more this space needs than just a fresh coat of paint! So without really thinking about exactly HOW this would all unfold, I just told the girls to “leave it with me” … that I would create a little “plan” for them to take and run with …  I reached out to Sticks + Stones to see if they would lend a helping hand and they were ECSTATIC … so while our ideas for the space continued to grow bigger and bigger and become more than just a paint colour … I quickly realized that in order for us to bring our vision to life that we needed to raise a little bit of money to help us execute this … that’s when my idea of a brunch fundraiser was born.

Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch

I remember tossing the idea around on my Instagram stories and telling the girls about it … and I really wasn’t sure how it would all play out … and if anyone would even BID on a seat … I mean, WOULD people even want to pay to have brunch in my home??? I honestly didn’t know … everything was so uncertain. It wasn’t until we reached out to my followers on Instagram and Facebook and asked if this is something they would be interested in that we realized people were actually REALLY EXCITED about the idea!! That’s when we really started to get the ball rolling! We were nervous and scared but mostly excited as this was the very first time we have ever planned something like this and we had no idea what the hell we were doing!! LO!!

Numerous phone calls and hundreds of emails later our idea started to become reality, we reached out to SO many amazing brands and companies to see if they would be interested in donating and we had an overwhelming response … we can’t even begin to tell you how shocked we were when the email rolled in that Aaron Pritchett wanted to do an unplugged performance for all of the ladies at the brunch … PINCH ME!!!

First off … can we chat about the INCREDIBLE gift baskets everyone received?? OMG. Where do I even start?? In each of the baskets, and in no particular order … each lady at the brunch received the following …

Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch

The morning of the brunch we were running around making sure that all of the little details were perfect … the table runner, napkins, name cards and menus (thanks to Minted!!) were placed at every seat and we topped off each setting with the most adorable personalized cookies from The Cake Mama (which were just as delish as they looked!!) … every candle was lit, the beautiful flower arrangements and the tablescape from Bylands were perfectly placed … we were ready and waiting not-so-patiently!

Larry from Temecula limousine rentals ( picked up all 10 ladies from their individual hotels to drop them off here and as soon as they arrived we greeted them with a glass of bubbly (Thanks to Gerran from Browns Social House in Vernon for donating 6 bottles for us to indulge in!!) … once the girls settled in we kicked off the brunch with a toast, snapped some pics, and everyone found their seat at the table and Aaron Pritchett serenaded us with an acoustic performance of “When a Momma’s Boy Meets a Daddy’s Girl” … and that’s about when we all fell madly in love with Aaron and his beautiful wife, Jess! LOL!

Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch

We had the wonderful Chef Jeremy Luypen (Executive Chef at Predator Ridge Resort) and his team, Tina, and Sanjaya, cook us the most AMAZING 3-course vegetarian brunch ever!! Actually, ALL of the food for the brunch was donated by Natures Fare Markets!! It started off with a chickpea and almond milk crepe, topped with tomato poke and avocado “cream” with a micro salad! The second course was roasted root vegetable eggs benedict and sunflower oil hollandaise with smoked tofu and cassoulet. The third course was a delish Vegan Lemon Coconut tart. Each course was paired with Cedar Creek wine which was the cherry on top!!

Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch

After brunch, we soaked up the moment for a little while longer while Aaron played for us then I took the girls on a tour of our home and then we had them head out onto the porch and find their baskets, bring them in and unwrap them all together! Needless to say, they were a HUGE hit … everyone kept saying it felt like Christmas and we CERTAINLY felt that way as well!!

I’m sure many of you followed along with the stories we all shared over on Instagram that day … which then led into the night … I mean, when Aaron Pritchett and his stunning wife, Jessie are in your home sippin on wine, you don’t want that time to end!! LOL!!

Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising Brunch Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Fundraising BrunchJillianHarrisMamasForMamas-127

photo credit

Anyway, the entire brunch (and the renovation process) has been SUCH a dream come true.  Being able to entertain, meet new people, throw a glamorous party all in the name of a good cause… it truly was a dream.  I could not have done it without the girls, Mindy, Shay & Mackenzie … the amazing sponsors and most importantly … YOU. THANK YOU, all for trusting us with this event, bidding on it, talking about it and loving me/us!!!



Leave a Reply

  1. Hi I would love to some how helpful with this fundraiser in the future! I am a senior supervisor with Usborne Books (number one children’s publisher) please let me know if you need in the future!

  2. Looks incredible wow ..those gift baskets were crazy .. how amazing!!!! Beautiful brunch put on by beautiful people for a beautiful cause!!!! Well done ladies

  3. It’s hard to believe this all really happened… But I’ve got the Birdies on my feet to prove it!

    Your belief in, and commitment to, Mamas for Mamas is inspiring. This day was simply perfect! Opening your home, the food, the wine, the SWAG… it was ALL incredible!! I so appreciate all the work that went into this event – you completely spoiled us!

    Massive thanks and much love,

    Nicole xx

  4. Where did you get the dress you wore at the Mamas for Mamas brunch. Looking for something like that for my daughter’s wedding.

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