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My Complete Go Bag Checklist for Every New Mama

Last year when I had Leo I shared a blog that included my hospital bag do’s and don’ts which included items I loved having with me and also listed things I brought with me that I didn’t necessarily NEED to bring. Well, this time around I thought it would be helpful to share my comprehensive go bag checklist for every new mama!

Mine & New Babe’s Go Bag

When I shared my go bag items over on my Insta stories I received messages from some of my followers saying that I was packing TOO much. But, the truth is, you never know how long you’re going to be at the hospital for! You could be in and out within 24 hours OR you could end up having a c-section and be in there for a few days!

Either way, I personally like to be prepared for ANYTHING because you just never know what your experience is going to be like!

Jillian Harris Hospital Go BagJillian Harris Hospital Go Bag

I’m bringing most of the items that were included in my Luxury Labour bag with me. Luxury Labour Bags create thoughtfully packed maternity bags for mamas and babies filled with essential items! However, one thing I noticed it’s missing (and should have!) is, Witch Hazel! I used this all the time with Leo and I found it really sped up my healing process!

Jillian Harris Hospital Go Bag

I’m also going to be bringing a few of my own personal things with me like my comfy Aritzia dress which I will wear to give birth in, my baseball hat, toothbrush, mouthwash, a phone cord, etc.

I don’t ever wear too much makeup but I did bring a little with me in case I feel like freshening myself up after the baby is here. Speaking of freshening up, I’m also bringing my Saje Rose Mist with me because last time I got so hot, sweaty, and irritable that it’s nice to have a little shot of essential oils to help cool (and calm) down!

Between the Luxury Labour Bag and a few of my own personal items, me and baby girl are definitely set! Everything I’m taking with me in my go bag fits into ONE bag, I like the fact that it’s packed with all of my necessities and I can grab and go when the time comes.

Jillian Harris Hospital Go BagJillian Harris Hospital Go BagJillian Harris Hospital Go Bag

Leo’s Go Bag

I want to make sure we have items ready for Leo whether he is coming with us to the hospital or if we have enough time to call someone to come get him. We have had family and friends who have offered to pop over in the middle of the night and take Leo if need be so we, again, wanted to be prepared for whatever happens!

We packed him PJ’s, two pairs of clothes, 4 diapers, wipes, shoes, a book, snacks, and a vtech walkman. LOL! We don’t let Leo play with this walkman when he is at home but it’s the perfect thing to keep him busy if he’s at the hospital with us, plus it has earphones!

We have also made sure to keep Leo’s playpen and a bunny close to the front door in case one of his grandparents need to swing by and pick it up they can easily access it and don’t have to be running around searching for things!!

I’ve also planned a little surprise for Leo! We bought him a big Paw Patrol fire truck that we are going to give to him as a gift from our little baby girl once we arrive back home. I’m hoping he will be super excited about getting a gift from his little sis and immediately fall in love with her!! LOL!

Alright, let’s take a look at the go bag items that I’m bringing with us and packing for Leo!!

My Complete Go Bag Checklist

Jillian Harris Hospital Go Bag

Download & print the checklist here: Complete Hospital Go Bag Checklist

Reference List (My Go Bag)

Face Mist

Tooth Brush





Face Cream

Nipple Cream


Essential Oil Roller

Lip Balm

Facial Cleanser & Wipes


Basic Makeup (Bronzer, Concealer, Blush, Mascara)

Neutral Lipstick / Gloss


Hair Elastics / Hair Brush


Shampoo / Conditioner


Hand Sanitizer

Blush Brush


Outfit to Give Birth In


Dress to Come Home In

Flip Flops



Breastfeeding Bra

Baseball Hat

Go Home Shoes

Cardigan or Jacket



Change for Vending Machine

Phone Charger

Reference List (Baby’s Go Bag)

4-10 Newborn Diapers

3-4 Outfits (including go home outfit)

2-3 Swaddles

Natural Wipes

Car Seat

Reference List (Leo’s Go Bag)


Change of Clothes


Baby Wipes




Gift from Baby

I hope you find this list helpful!!



Leave a Reply

  1. Wow! Comprehensive list! Thanks so much for sharing! Would you link your Aritzia dress and products like the witch hazel and the little travel box for baby necessities?

  2. Dont forget shower loofah or just go simple and use the hospita bar soap. Gotta ask is a razor and tweezers on someones mind at a hospital? Just keep shaving/tweezing every few days at home and save the task
    of packing those nonessential items. Who takes diapers to the hospital – hello! its like taking rocks to the river 🙂

  3. Hi Jillian,

    Absolutely love your robe! Unfortunately the link you provided is no longer available, where did you buy it from? Would love to know as I’m set to give birth in a few short weeks and am in need of a new one!

    Xo N

  4. Depends were my essentials and my own towels… those hospital diapers are the worst ..The depends were my size and coverage was great for at home as I also had a 23 month old at home who didnt give mommy any after labour rest time

  5. Thank you for sharing! What dresses did you wear for giving birth and going home in? Also wondering what Witch Hazel you use and where the box for baby diapers etc is from! Thank you 🙂

  6. Where is your actual BAG from ?! Sorry if I missed it!! It’s cute and hopefully not AS expensive as the FD Weekender <3

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