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My Fave Summer Pillows

Happy Monday!!! Today it’s all PILLOW TALK. Literally. LOL. When Justin and I moved into our new home, I put all of the throw pillows that I owned into a clear plastic bag and put them in our spare room and I didn’t realize JUST how many I had until one day Justin started calling our spare room “The Strange Addiction Room” … LOL!!

It wasn’t until he renamed our spare room and poking fun at me about my pillow addiction that I really clued into this … I remember sitting there and telling myself “NO more throw pillows … it’s becoming a problem” and the first step is admitting it right?? So I took my own advice and started going room by room to decide which pillows would go where, these would be the ones I would keep and then I would get rid of the others.

Jillian Harris Summer Pillow RoundUp

Welp. Then I had to go to The Cross to exchange something and I walked past the pillows … big mistake. I ended up buying two big, beautiful, ridiculously pricey pillows but I just couldn’t help myself!! Now, I know what some of you are thinking … LOL … and BEFORE you start judging my weird pillow fetish or sending me hate mail, just hear me out. I realize that some of the pillows I purchase and post about are expensive but it’s my thing … I LOVE to splurge on throw pillows, I don’t buy expensive clothes, shoes, or purses … I just LOVE me some pillows.

Jillian Harris Summer Pillow RoundUpJillian Harris Summer Pillow RoundUp

I the lesson I learned here is that I realize my “pillow addiction” isn’t over … some people like to collect antiques, old records, vintage cars or even shelves from the Van Racking… and I’m just content with pillows. LOL. Anyway, being that I truly do love these little fluffy pieces of heaven I thought I would tease myself and do a little summer pillow round up, because there are some FREAKIN CUTE summer pillows out there to spruce up your home and patio!!

Jillian Harris Summer Pillows

1. Light Green & Ivory Pillow | 2. Watermelon Pillow | 3. Tiny Arrows Pillow | 4. Pink Pillow | 5. Sergio Pillow | 6. Bumble Bees Pillow | 7. Tribal Boho Pillow | 8. Banana Palm Pillow | 9. Pineapple Pillow

I want to quickly point out a couple of pillows within this round up that have a little bit of a story behind them! The pillow in the top right-hand corner (Number 3) is from that adorable little pop-up shop the girls and I stopped by in Kelowna! Morgan (the owner of LOVEleigh Designs) and her mama do all of the sewing of these pillows and they work with a guy directly from Gambia who travels throughout West Africa to small villages and gets the textiles for them!! Some fabric intertwined into these pillows is from markets and women’s groups that Morgan met during her time in Africa. There are also pieces of weaving in this collection which she purchased from women in Mexico!! Here’s the direct link to the website where they sell these!

Jillian Harris Summer Pillow RoundUpphoto credit

Secondly, the pillow in the bottom left-hand corner is made by a lovely mama of two who I met the other day with Etsy! She owns a textile company called Cloth & Main, she’s a one woman, self-started business and it’s her passion!! Her pillows are ridiculously cute and she’s in the process of working on a website, so for now, you can find all of her creations over on Etsy!! I just love being able to support local boss babes in our community!! Eeepp!! I mean just look at the pillows below … DREAMY!

Jillian Harris Summer Pillow RoundUp Jillian Harris Summer Pillow RoundUpphoto credit

Ok, that’s enough pillow talk from me for the day! Comment below and let me know where YOU purchase some of your favourite pillows … and are you as addicted to throw pillows as much as I am?? There’s gotta be SOMEONE out there that is!!

Ps. Here are a few more pillows I have my eyes on (I can’t help it! LOL!!) …



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  1. I’m a decorative pillow addict myself!! I have a closet full of them that I keep moving around the house! Any home decor is my passion!!

  2. I LOVE throw pillows as well but I don’t know how to mix and match them?!? I usually shy away from patterns just in case they don’t work well together. Any tips?

  3. I totally get the pillow addiction! I’m same way with throw blankets ? They’re just so cute and cozy!

  4. I want throw pillows, but my husband and I never seem to have the money when we find a good pillow set. Or we find someway to talk ourselves out of it. I really hope we find the right set of pillows to match our light grey couch. or a girl could dream…

  5. Love you Jillian! I have to know where the 2 pink velvet pillow and the black and white spotted pillow are from. Love them.

  6. My mother has decorative pillows coming out of her ears! So I know where you are coming from. Every time we go shopping we end up where all the pillows are! It’s a harmless addiction Jillian! Enjoy!

  7. Can you tell me where to purchase the beautiful beach picture above the bed in your post? Thank you

    1. Hi Marsha!! Yes, of course!! You can totally mix and match colours and patterns!! There’s really no rule when it comes to this, it’s up to you and what you LOVE! I have soooo many different pillows and I mix and match them all the time! XO

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