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My Thoughts on Returning Back to Work!

Good morning loves!! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that yesterday I officially went back to work after having 9 months of filming off!! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been working these entire 9 months focusing on the blog, collaborations, and partnerships, but it’s been from the comfort of my own home. I’ve been able to set my own hours, meet with the girls on a regular basis all while having little Leo and Nacho close by!!

I honestly didn’t think that I would even be going back to work, we took a hiatus from the show last year and to me I interpreted it that we weren’t coming back! Lol! I was like “Ok, the show is done!” … I always knew there was a chance of it coming back but I didn’t hear from the network for so long that I kind of started banking on my cushy schedule (with less money) for life! LOL!  It came as a bit of a shock to hear that we would be firing back up again, and I will admit there were some good feelings and some bad. I’m definitely grateful for these opportunities and to be able to pick this back up again, this used to be my DREAM job (and still is!), but I just got so used to my schedule with Leo over these last 9 months and my new (more important!) dream job is being HIS MOM! I’m going to miss my slow mornings with him … and being able to see him throughout the day but this is still exciting and we are going to be doing most of the filming in Kelowna this time around and I won’t have to commute as much going forward which is a huge plus … but there’s no denying I’ve had it good these last 9 months! LOL!

Jillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to Work Jillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to Work

In addition to the change in schedule, I realized very quickly when getting dressed yesterday was that I need to order up some new dresses to wear on set because I haven’t had to buy many “dressy” clothes lately so I had a bit of a mild panic attack when I was searching for something to wear on my first day back, but luckily I ordered this adorable lace dress from Modcloth a couple of weeks ago and it’s perfect for a day on set!!

I love the detail on the sleeves, the lace, and the scalloped edges on the bottom because it gives the dress a super feminine look. This dress was also perfect to bust out because it was a bit chilly outside yesterday but the sun was out so it kept me warm and comfortable but also gave off a bright, energetic, spring vibe with its coral colour!! It’s a bit more dressy and business-y which is exactly what I need more of but still fun and youthful which would make it a great option for any upcoming weddings as well!!

Jillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to WorkJillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to WorkJillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to WorkJillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to WorkJillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to Work


So while I was able to pull off the perfect look for filming today (at least one of us looked good today, Todd … ? ) … this is just day 1 … which means I need to get myself in gear and start filling my online shopping cart with some more options … how’s that for an excuse?? Twist my rubber arm, why don’t ya?! LOL! I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again but Modcloth is a great place to find dresses if you’re looking for something to wear to work, or out to a special event, they have tons of great options and their prices are super reasonable!! Below are a few I currently have my eyes on …

Jillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to Work Jillian Harris My Thoughts on Returning Back to Work

What are your thoughts on this lace red dress?? Could you see yourself wearing it??











Thank you Modcloth for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.


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  1. I know it must suck to go back but just know I am very excited to see you both back on tv. I personally have missed the show and the fun bantering between you and Todd.

  2. I’m very excited for the return of you and Todd in LIOLI. That’s actually when I first started following you, and then realized all your Bachelor history later. Keep up the Home Tour stuff, I love everything so far!

    So you have to buy your own clothes for the show, there’s no wardrobe provided?

  3. I have a wedding in July, this dress would look cute, maybe too short, but cute none the less.
    Also, welcome back to the work force! I’ve done it twice now, and lucky for me my girls love being social and going to day home which makes it way easier for me. But man oh man it’s not easy sitting at work all day thinking about what they’re doing, hoping everything is fine, and not being able to just reach out to them and smother them with hugs and kisses. Ugh, I miss them now! lol 😛
    Congrats on coming back, enjoy it!

  4. Jillian, you look beautiful in this dress. This is exactly what I have been desperately searching for to wear to a wedding! Can I ask how it fits? Did you order your usual size? I am conflicted with sizing! Thanks ? Also, I’m looking forward to the new season!

  5. Yes, it sure will be a change for you and your Family, Jillian, however, I and lots of others, have really missed this show and are very happy, you guys are Back Baby!!! xo

  6. Hi Jillian – Love the dress and oh, many years ago I would have rocked that dress and heels but I’ve said this before – everything you wear looks fabulous on you (still loving the bangs too). My husband and I are excited about the re-launching of Love it or List it. We’ve missed you and Todd (and Kenny too – hope he’s coming back) – and totally understand how you feel about missing precious time with Leo who is beyond adorbs! Not having children ourselves – we get to enjoy watching other wee ones grow and evolve. You’re a good role model. Love you. Shere & Jeff P.S. Hope you keep sharing on Facebook!


    Love it or List it Van is my favourite show, it's how I found you! I only learned you were the Bachelorette way later on. So happy for you, I hope the transition is a smooth one 🙂

  8. It’s very hard to leave your little one at home. I completely understand, as it was hard to get used to when I had to drop my daughter off at school. You do feel so lonely and sad. It does get easier, eventually and I hope you get to enjoy a little Jillian time. Also I’m very excited for your show. My family loves watching your show. ?

  9. Ooh, I’m so happy that you’re filming again! I love the chemistry between you and Todd. Looking forward to a new season!

  10. I think that dress suits you perfectly – you look better than the model at Modcloth!

    I’m so excited that your show is back!! You and Todd have such great chemistry!! and it’s exciting to see some houses around kelowna.

  11. Nope, I would look terrible in that dress! But it’s great on you.

    So, is this going to be Love It or List It: Kelowna?
    I don’t care what it’s called, I can’t wait for it to start!

  12. Love the dress! Sadly for me most of modcloths shorter dresses are like shirts on me! Side note, have you ever heard of pyne and smith? She makes BEAUTIFUL linen dresses and is a zero waste company ❤️

  13. Maybe little Leo will make a Kelowna cameo on Love it or List it ☺ I have a 15 month old little dude and a fur child, and recently went back to work a couple days a week. Thankfully I have family in Kamloops to help when my hubby and I are working. You must feel relieved that you’ll be shooting in the beautiful Okanagan close to your family too.
    You and Todd both have beautiful families and wish you two a warm welcome return to the show. (I get excited on Saturday’s when I catch a rerun. Lol).
    Ps. Your dress is adorable… you could wear a burlap sack and make it look good. ?

  14. While I think it’s GREAT that you are able to spend more time at home now that you don’t have to commute to vancouver for Love It Or List It I cant help but wonder how this change to accommodate YOU will affect the other cast and crew. Todd now has to leave his family and commute to Kelowna as do all other crew that need this gig… many of whom are moms and dads too….How is that fair???

  15. I am thrilled you are both back! We are in Australia and adore your show on Foxtel. I had to record the last series because like you said I thought your show was ‘finished’. Hooray it is not. Luv u both. Thankyou for sharing your blog with us. You are truly a beautiful soul & mummy. ???????

  16. That is one of the cutest dresses I’ve ever seen. I’m sorry you had to leave little Leo 🙁 It’s so hard balancing work and motherhood.

  17. Love the dress! I love this show! You and Todd are so cute together! Your brother!! lol I love your show better than the Love it or List it in Toronto! I would watch you Amy day! You do such a great job on the houses!

  18. Love the dress! I need help finding stylish flats that are business appropriate. Would love to see your picks!

  19. Hi Jilly! I love this dress and would love to wear it, I prefer dresses that are not too short and this looks perfect. Can you let us know when Love or List It airs? Don’t want to miss the first episode! Xo

  20. Love ❤️ that dress! And yes I need to lose my muffin top and then I can see myself wearing it, excited to see your show! Insta fan@plumerea

  21. I’m thrilled the show is continuing. Can you keep letting us know where your LIOLI outfits are from? I’ve always loved your style.

  22. I know it’s hard to go back to an “outside the home” work schedule and leave our babies for long hours but Jillian we are SO HAPPY to hear you are back with Love it or List it!!!! We love you and Todd!!

  23. Hi Jillian!
    I’m going back to work at the end of the week a month and I’m having such mixed feelings. This is my last maternity leave and have enjoyed being home with my two younger children (13, 2.5 & soon to be 1)
    It’s hard going back but knowing that I’m not alone I’m leaving the home for a few hours daily helps. It sort of makes me appreciate the time I do have with them, know what I mean?
    Anyway, love your show and Instagram profile. Keep up the good work, Momma! High five!

  24. Love the dress – adorable! (But wait – where are your sweet bangs?!) So glad the show is returning, but understand your reluctance to leave the homefront. Those first days back are always tough, no lie.

  25. I LOVE Modcloth, so many cute styles! I’m currently doing a No Spend Year and that has been one of the hardest things to give up.

  26. Thank goodness my prayers have been answered! ??Love the show can’t wait until the new show airs!!

    The dress is besutiful love the lacey look and the sleeves!

  27. I am so glad the show is coming back! I can’t stand the US version of the show, but the Canadian one is just too good and your my fave. I actually started watching (and loving) the show before I knew you were a bachelorette and it has renewed my interest in the bach franchise a bit. Best of luck this season!

  28. Going back to work is sooo hard but always remember it is quality times that we need to cherish the most! When you get home, be present and notice all the little opportunities that Leo will provide for these unforgettable moments. So precious!

  29. So so so tickled you and Todd are back!!! I’ve survived on reruns for too long… The mom guilt will never go away btw, but you also deserve to do something you enjoy. And you look awesome in everything you wear.. You have been my style idea board for a long time.. The dress is super cute but what are your thoughts on the quality of Modcloth? Does it last? Washable? Just curious..

  30. Hey Jillian, I was interested (and selfishly somewhat comforted) knowing that you find it a struggle to go back to work too and leave Leo. I’m about to go back to work myself and just started taking my 11 month old to daycare (which did NOT go well last day but today was better!). Interestingly enough, we were supposed to be on your show but it would have been right when I went back to work and then we decided to buy a lot and build a house instead! So I love seeing your house updates and hopefully can incorporate some of your style tips into my new house instead! Good luck with the Okanagan episodes! And thanks for introducing me to Modcloth, I love it! And the red dress 🙂

  31. Super cute dress. Colour looks great on you. So happy you are back on TV and that you get to film from Kelowna. 🙂

  32. Good luck Jillian, it’s tough going back to work with a cute babe at home who you just want to cuddle and witness his every day experiences. I’m happy to hear the show will be back and I’m excited to see the houses in Kelowna. I live in Vancouver and it’s a bit depressing watching the shows with the crazy expensive houses and renos, mostly because my little fam of 4 can’t buy a house or even a 3 bed condo anymore.

  33. I going back to work in august and my boys are then 1 year 2mount and 2 year 3mount. I feeling you.
    Your dress is amaizing! Your tv show is The best, my mommytime ? i can’t wait new season ❤️

  34. I am so happy to hear that the show will come back ! Kelowna will be a new look ! I just discovered your show this year, and am so enjoying it !

  35. So excited to have Love It or List It Vancouver back… Missed it so much and both you and Todd are the best host…. can’t wait to watch

  36. Love the dress. Have followed you from the first Bachelor. Love you and Todd on Love or Lust It and live Jillian and Justin. You are just so together and real. A real person in media that us actually a positive role model. Thanks for sharing your life with us all.

  37. Your dress is lovely . So glad you are back on love it or list it Vancouver! You and Todd make a fantastic team. Secretly I love it when you beat him . I am also glad you will be mostly in kelowna my in laws live in Vernon so we visit often and love going to Davison farms too. Love picking apples and pumpkins .

  38. I love the dress on you Jillian. Suits you so well. Oh by the way I’m excited you are coming back to work I love watching you and Todd can’t wait

  39. Love, love your show but have yet to find your new season on tv! Btw congrats on baby no. 2! You said filming in Kelowna would be more convenient for you but didn’t you just build a beautiful new home in Chilliwack? Loved you in the Bachelorette!

    1. Nope!! We don’t have a home in Chilliwack! And we are in the middle of filming our new season! xo

  40. So happy this show is coming back I just love them. No way I can watch Love it or List it that woman is the rudest person on TV.

  41. I’m so glad Jillian and Todd are back, they make a wonderful team.
    I record the repeats constantly so I’m hoping one day soon there will be new exciting episodes to watch.
    Welcome back Todd and Jillian you’ve been missed.

  42. Love the show ! I am an artist in Maple Ridge and would love to meet you and share what I do …..I do memory paintings. I use pieces of clothing, jewelry etc into an abstract painting. I have done some for firefighters, families that have lost a loved one , families that have treasured pieces of clothing from their children. It’s such a unique interesting treasure to hang on your wall. I would be thrilled if you could share your time to allow me to show you pictures or actual paintings and have me do one for one of your families .

    Simply grateful,

  43. OMG Jillian, that dress us gorgeous!

    My name is Anne and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I absolutely love Love it or list it Vancouver and up until reading this post today I was so so sad because I thought the show wasn’t coming back! It’s made my day ( well year really) to know I will see Todd and your good self again. You are both so funny and the work you do is just divine, I love your style so much both your interior design and personal style!

    I’m so looking forward to seeing the new season when it comes out here. In the meantime I will be binge watching all of the previous seasons and keeping up with what you are doing via this website.



  44. Hi we are fans of Jillian and Tod..enjoy their antics . enjoy the show… have kids living in Vancouver, have gone by homes you remodelled and are thrilled that you are coming back..

  45. I miss you, Todd and the show terribly! I’ve been watching re-runs for too long. There isn’t another couple with the same personalities, or as enjoyable as you two on tv. Please tell me you are coming back in 2019…miss you both and the show so much!!

  46. I so miss you two. You were so funny and enjoyable to watch out of all the Reno’s home makeover shows. I did comment a long time ago that you two were funny. It increased. Please come back. I love you two

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