He’s baaaaaaack!!!! That’s right, Nick Viall has ANOTHER attempt at love and there are A LOT of mixed feelings about this buzzing on social media!! Whether you’re for or against Nick, I must say … I’m SOOOO excited to see what happens and I really do have my fingers (and toes) crossed for him on his 4th time around to find love!!! There’s something about watching the premiere that I always love … I love watching all of the girls different entry tactics as they meet Nick for the first time and head into the mansion. I love trying to pick my top 4 right off the bat. Anyone else??? Judging from last nights episode …. this season is going to be a good one …..
Hats off to all of the ladies in last night’s premier, I remember just HOW nerve racking the first night was, not only are you trying to make a really good impression on EVERYONE but you also end up so crazy tired and filled with emotions near the end of the night that’s it hard to stay true to yourself and keep your composure … I remember staying up until 6 AM to film the rose ceremony and we ALL know the booze is FLOWING that first night LOL!!!! I’m actually surprised there weren’t more girls that were HAMMERED and delusional!!! Talk about walking zombies … I totally give the girls credit the first night as I remember it all too well …

Nick totally has his work cut out for him!!!! This group of women seems to be feisty and they all have one thing in common … they seem to all like the colour red LOL!!! There’s no doubt red is a power colour and snags attention but it HAD to have been hard on Nick last night when trying to remember who is who in the sea of red!!!!!
But I’ll tell you one thing … it’s not hard to spot the dolphin in the crowd … or is that a shark?!?! LOL!!!! I really have to agree with Nick here … it was a shark … hands down… but at least we all remember her and she definitely got his attention …
There’s no doubt the Shark girl was the star of the show last night and I have to give it to her, as much as it was an odd way to make your first appearance she certainly stole Nick’s attention AND that of the ladies in the house … can you say S.M.A.R.T?!?! Well done shark girl, two flippers up for you!!!!! LOL!!!

There was also another lady in the mix that will soon snag the attention of the ladies in the house … BUT I don’t think she will be scoring any love … she was actually Jade’s Maid of Honor at Jade and Tanner’s wedding (which Justin and I both were guests at)!!!!! Nick was ALSO at the wedding … booze was flowing … and they dun dun dun …. hooked up!!!! My only question is … why is she waiting until NOW to “call him back”?? Couldn’t she have done that sooner?? …
Oh and of course the ladies don’t know about all of this … yet … cue the palm sweat!!!!!

Ok, so the girl that totally stole MY heart last night was Danielle M. Danielle just seems so down to earth and genuine … I almost wanted to be her friend!!!! Plus … she brought Nick a bottle of her Dad’s homemade Maple Syrup … how adorable is that?!?! She gave Nick a taste … BUT all Nick could muster up was something along the lines of “You’re fingers are clean right?!” WHATTTT!!!!! Nick!!! No!!!! LOL!!!!!! (Insert face palm here) ….

ONE of the girls who I want to talk about but who I didn’t REALLY notice was Rachel. She ended up getting the first impression rose … but I didn’t really even remember her, and she definitely didn’t give me a lasting first impression … anyone else??? My eyes will definitely be on her next episode to see what Nick saw in her …

As always, I can’t wait to get to know the other ladies in the episodes to come. I think there will be A LOT of drama this season and I’m excited to see how it all pans out!!! What do you think?? Who were some of your fave ladies??? Comment below!!!
Until next week …
I can’t believe the women were being catty and crying last night already. Ughhhhh! I much prefer the Bachelorette. Will I continue to watch? Not sure.
It’s a LONNNNG night @janisebachler:disqus … I literally remember staying up until 6am to film the rose ceremony!!! Talk about being over tired with a mix of vino!! LOL!!
Oh, I never even thought of that. Yes, the tears would be more understandable. Thanks for the background. As usual, I should walk in their shoes before judging.
And what about Corrine? It think that’s her name. The owner of the “Multi-Billion Company” that thinks she’s an entitled princess? Also the one that got the first kiss. And the one that will sneak into his room in the middle of the night. That one. He needs for her to go! She’s trouble!
Lol … it’s going to be an entertaining one, isn’t it @debbiepolingcroff:disqus ?!?!
Oh yeah, and I think Corrine will be the “OMG” girl of this season!
Hey Jill,
Totally agree, why would Liz suddenly come back in the picture? Doesn’t look good for her at all… and thinking that he wouldn’t remember her doesn’t say much about what she thinks of him!
I totally noticed Rachel from the start!!! They had a lot of chemistry and I totally called her for the first rose!
I think poor Nick is really going to get tested this season, it seems many of the woman are going to bring up sex or try to come after him for sex because if his history, can’t wait to see how he handles it all.
Definitely rooting for him to find love, loved him from the start and never saw him as a villain but more of a victim. Hope he gets to shine and prove everyone wrong, but most importantly find the love of his life!
What about the two Canadian women?! The one from Van seemed a bit weird at first… but I think she’s growing on me.. and the one from Montreal is gorgeous and seems to stick around for a while from the previews…. loved her dress too.
Hi Jill he Must have kept Dolphin girl on just as a lighthearted joke otherwise Nick better start giving his head a shake !!! been on the show four times and no luck LOL
I really liked Rachel and Vanessa. Vanessa seemed pretty genuine – plus, she’s Canadian! And they seemed to have a lot of chemistry. I think she would have gotten the first impression rose if she wasn’t so rudely interrupted by Corinne.
Hi Jillian!
First off, Happy New Year + Congratulations on your engagement! So happy for you all! Love following your family. Been rooting for you since Jason’s season of the Bachelor.
Onto the episode, I actually am excited to see how this plays out. I have to admit I was bummed at first because I loved Luke and was so excited for him to be the Bachelor, but now that the season has started I’m interested in seeing how it plays out with Nick. I loved Vanessa! She seems genuine, but at the same time could still handle Nick. Haha. She looks so much like Andi, tho! Plus, it looks like they had an instant connection. I thought for sure she’d get the first impression rose. I also like Danielle. L + Rachel. I DONT like Corrine. I feel she’s not mature enough for the situation and will definitely be the villain this season! I get that you should go after what you want, but in a certain way, tho. Think she’s using sex and going about it all wrong. I don’t think he’ll choose her in the end tho. But who knows? I keep going back and forth about Nick. I think he loves being the Bachelor and definitely a Ladies man, but is getting to a point in his life to settle down!
Danielle M… is she not the girl from Cole Swindell’s music video “middle of a memory”????
I think a big part of Rachel and Nick’s connection was her attendance at Marquette and ties to his home state. There was probably a bit more conversation about Milwaukee that we didn’t see, because their conversation seemed to come natural. He looked so comfortable with her. The same with Danielle. Wisconsin folks always bond quickly.
I have watched almost every season and I am happy to see Nick as the Bachelor. I think in previous seasons, he was misunderstood and disliked “for the wrong reasons” so I am hoping for the best for him! I agree with you about Danielle M! I think she was so cute and seemed very genuine – plus she looks a lot like one of my friends. Shark girl cracked me up but the whole dolphin obsession may end up being too much as time goes on. Should be a fun season!
Happy New Year! – Shelley
I noticed Rachel – I said she will go far if she isn’t quiet and they both have big families!
Love Montreal girl #CanadiansRule ? Vanessa? I think
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