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Preparing for baby, OH WAIT…HE’S ALREADY HERE!!!

I had been working on a post pre Leo’s arrival … all about ‘nesting’ and how we were preparing for this bean’s arrival and what do you know…I wasn’t able to finish it because SOMEBODY decided to come two weeks early!!!!! And I’m so glad that he did because that means I have 2 extra weeks to stare at his sweet little face. He is absolutely perfect and Justin and I couldn’t be more thrilled to finally hold our little bundle of joy! Not to worry, there will be plenty of posts all about Leo and how his arrival all went down (do people normally share that??? well I AM!!!), but I thought I would finish up this post first so you can find out all the amazing products little Leo is already using and loving!! So to carry on where I left off…

I hadn’t heard about ‘nesting’ until I literally woke up one day and felt like I wanted to re-organize my entire house!! I am normally a pretty tidy person, but this urge to re-organize and get ready for baby came on really strong, almost to the point of panic! So I googled this feeling I had (of course) … and found out it’s actually a THING!!!! Nesting is common and is considered to be an instinct to prepare for birth, but not all pregnant women experience this nesting instinct. In my case, I wanted everything to be ready and in place NOW! Luckily, Justin and I had started our research fairly early on in my pregnancy. We started ordering what we needed to prepare for the bean’s arrival, as we wanted to make sure everything was ready well before the trip to the hospital came.

With my busy schedule, and having to fill TWO nurseries (one in Vancouver and one in Kelowna), we wanted to find a company with great customer service, who could help walk us through items that we needed to fit our lifestyle (I didn’t even really know where to start), as well as help us to keep track of all our purchases and let us know if we were missing any necessary items. We wanted to shop from a local company that we could make purchases from online but also test products out in-store. AND one of the most important things …. a retailer that carried a wide range of baby products so that we didn’t have to shop around at a bunch of different retailers. I know I know … this is a tall list of orders … but read on because we found a retailer that checked all of those boxes ….


1. 4Moms MamaRoo Plush | 2. Medela Freestyle Breast Pump | 3. Bubula Diaper Pail Bags | 4. Bubula Diaper Pail | 5. Lulujo Bamboo Blanket | 6. Puj Newborn Bath Set | 7. Avent Express Bottle Warmer | 8. BABYBJÖRN Travel Crib Light | 9. BABYBJÖRN Carrier One Watercolour | 10. Juddlies Playsuit | 11. Prince Lionheart Wipes Warmer |12. Avent Natural Bottles | 13. Dock-A-Tot Deluxe Infant Dock

It can be overwhelming with all the different baby products out there, so I was very grateful to have Snuggle Bugz help me figure out exactly what I needed AND didn’t need for baby Leo. For all you new mamas out there, I hope by sharing this, I can help you with this process as well, now that I know how HARD IT IS!! Above is a round-up of some of the products I got for Leo and below is feedback on some of the items that we’ve already tried … ALSO make sure to check out the full list of items that I ordered over on the Snuggle Bugz Site HERE!!!!

Here are some of our most used and most loved baby products ALREADY for our sweet boy Leo …


First things first … and one of the most important items to get … a CAR SEAT so that you can take your little babe home from the hospital!! This was the one item that we spent the MOST time deciding on and asking the Snuggle Bugz team a THOUSAND questions about!!! We ended up going with the Peg Perego 4-35 and we LOVE it! It was easy to setup and it will adjust as he grows! The ONLY caution that I have to share with you on it is that it only seems to fit in our bigger vehicle as it is quite large. I MAY need to get a smaller seat to fit in my car down the road. So before you buy … make sure it fits in your vehicle!! Otherwise, we are loving it!!


Next up … the MAMAROO!!!! Justin was really excited about this … and Leo has been loving it so far!! As much as I LOVE having Leo sleep on my chest, it is really nice to be able to move around, go to the washroom, grab a snack and not disturb the littles one’s sleep.


Another item on the list of products that we’ve tried so far is the Dock-A-Tot … it’s hard because Leo still prefers sleeping (on and off) on my chest (queue unsolicited advice about sleeping with baby) … but I think he will grow to love it!


For all you working mama’s or busy bees …. this is an ABSOLUTE MUST!!! The Medela Freestyle Breast Pump (with the bra) is a multi-tasking life saver … you can literally make dinner while you are pumping milk! Two dinners made all at once lol! I’ve been told to stock up on as much liquid gold as possible, and this double pump will definitely save me a ton of time in doing that. This will really come in handy once I am back at work as well.


These super cozy little sleepers from Juddlies have been keeping Leo warm every night so far! I love how they zip all the way open from the bottom of the leg, making it quick and easy to get him suited up for sleepy time! LOVING this ‘cottage’ style too!!


One of Justin’s favourite items so far is the exclusive ‘Watercolour Collection’ BABYBJÖRN Carrier One with Snuggle Bugz!!! He tried using it before Leo was even born … he typically likes the “techy” items the best but he was stoked to try this out!!! I can’t wait to watch him carry Leo around in this…


Last but not least … when it comes to travel play pens, we figured we couldn’t have enough …  so we ordered four!!! In my mind, I thought we could use the extras everywhere else like at my parents, Tori’s, etc. BUT the only one (in my opinion) worth getting is the BABYBJÖRN Travel Crib Light. Watch the video online, it’s just as easy as it looks to put together and break down!!


Before I end this blog I couldn’t help but share a photo of Baby Leo in his Lulujo bamboo blanket. Stay tuned next week as I share more of my experiences as a new mom with you guys ….


Thank you Snuggle Bugz for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  1. If you are Canadian and buying a car seat, make certain it is purchased in Canada otherwise it won’t be “insured” if you were to get in a Motor Vehicle Accident. Your insurance provider may not chose to cover you if you purchase your seat out of country. Inquire with your broker before purchasing out of country items.

  2. Welcome to the world little Leo!! Being a parents is pretty damn amazing (I’ve done it twice both boys) All the best to you guys are you start your amazing journey! PS Leo take it easy on Mom and Dad this parenting gig is new to them too 😉 Xo Brandie

  3. Congratulations! I love watching your snapchats. Just throwing my experience out there on the baby Bjorn one…I hated it. I had the original Bjorn carrier for our newborn and loved it. Then it was time to upgrade as he was getting bigger. We bought the Bjorn One because we loved the original carrier. But I had so many issues with the One. The leg zippers would constantly unzip, his body would always shift when I had to swing him into the back carry position and the carrier was so tight on his body when we put a snowsuit on him to go snowshoeing. I struggled with this carrier for one year then I was given a Tula toddler wrap conversion carrier….mind blown!!!!! I gave the Bjorn One away and have never looked back.
    Looking forward to more of Leo (and big brother Nacho) on snapchat.

  4. I am just so thrilled for you Jillian. Leo is adorable and this is such a special time for your family unit. All of it brings back such fond memories for me when we welcomed our baby girl four years ago (although seems like yesterday). Snuggle little Leo on your chest for as long as you want, and do what ever works for you. That time will be gone in a blink and (IMO) Leo will be better off for it. Congratulations!

  5. Thank you for posting! As a to be first time mom, I’ve been feeling super lost on where to even start with what we will need for our little nugget. Your list was very helpful and thank you for sharing!

  6. Congrats! My son wouldn’t sleep in the Dockatot (he slept on my chest instead) until almost 6 months, and then he all of a sudden started sleeping in it and slept so well! Don’t give up on it yet, it’s a fabulous baby item, wish I had it when my daughter was born.

  7. This is an awesome list! After my first we went through many products trying to find what suits us best. One of the best purchases was our travel play pen by Delta ( same as the Bjorn one) we take it everywhere with us…it has literally been to 6 countries with us since my daughter was born! Good luck and enjoy your new squish!!

  8. My little Harvey who turns 5 months old today only slept on my chest! He still sleeps beside me in bed and we snuggle for most naps. He is starting to sleep on his own but will wake up earlier so a lot of times I just relax with him. I got a lot of advice on how to get him to sleep in his crib and work with him on this and that and it sort of made me feel like a bad mom.
    Now I’ve learned to just do what’s best for our family and remember that every baby and circumstance is different! Not to mention this stage will only last a little while. I cry looking at my baby’s newborn pics. Enjoy every minute!! Even the newborn crys. Lol. One day those end too! Your bundle is beautiful!! Congrats ❤️

  9. Congrats!! My bub is due in the next couple of weeks so I’ve been following along on your journey and really enjoying the blog posts! Haha yep nesting is totally a thing and yes that Peg Perego car seat is big! Couldn’t fit it in our car so we had to go with another option. We made quite a few similar purchases from Snuggle Bugz – We tried purchasing from all the local kids stores in Vancouver but only Snuggle Bugz had everything we wanted in stock! Anyway congrats again, can’t wait to hear your birth story. 🙂

  10. I totally agree with you about the Peg Perego 4-35 car seat! I love it but it totally take up a lot of space in the car and it’s way heavier than a lot of other car seats on the market. However, it does have good safety ratings so I can’t complain too much about it!

  11. Congratulations and enjoy this time! He is adorable. My little guy Louis is already 5 months and it flies by. Ps..your right on the mark with all the products. I can attest to most of them as well (the carseat is very safe and we did a ton of research too).

  12. Congratulations from a long time fan and reader from Australia! As a mum of two boys, my advice, do whatever you want too, listen to your gut and ignore everything and everyone who has an opinion on how you should do things!!! Unless you want it, of course!! Us mums sometimes do know best x

  13. Congratulations to you and yours…he looks to be a sweet snuggly little addition. I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and have enjoyed checking in to see if the little one has arrived. And now he’s here! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures as a new mom.

  14. Congratuations Jill & Justin on your new adorable baby boy Leo.. It’s wonderful that your open to share all this with your fans/admirers/followers. Can’t wait to see more pics as the Lil man grows. HUGS!!☺

  15. Congratulations, Jill! I have been a fan of yours since the Bachelor/Bachelorette days and I am so impressed with everything you have accomplished! And seriously… all your Kelowna/Okanagan/Vancouver pics are not helping my personal life.. lol!! After having been in that area several times (and having family there), my husband wants to move out there ASAP, but I am tied to our hometown in Montreal! But now.. after seeing all of your beautiful pics, my perspective is kinda shifting..! Anyways, congrats again! Enjoy this beautiful period in your lives! 🙂

  16. Only advice out of the millions I received that was actually true for my fam..Bjorn carrier when they are little and Ergo when they get a little bigger. Best two purchases I thought. He’s one now and still loves the ergo. Xo

  17. Congratulations! He is absolutely beautiful ☺. Enjoy every precious moment of this special time in your life.

  18. I carry my baby everywhere, we don’t have a carseat that leaves the car! Personally my husband hated the Bjorn fit, and he reaches for the ergo and ring slings. I wrap wrap and wrap some more with a little Mei Tai on the side for quick ups. Look into more carrier brands, find a local consultant and test as many as you can to find the one that suits to your body! One that suits your hubby won’t suit you vice versa, watch out its addicting ? oh and consider cloth, for you it’s probably not the saving money appeal BUT it takes 50 years for diapers to break down, but with cloth you don’t worry! And 4 months in we have washed over 450 diapers already……450 by 4 months…….do cloth! It’s fun!

  19. Jillian, I met you through my good friend Chelsea Shaddock and thought you were fabulous the moment I met you. I always thought you were such a great ambassador for the female Canadian when on the Bachelor/Bachelorette and I am so excited for you and Justin on little Leo. He is so precious. You are a true inspiration to women everywhere. All the best to you on your new venture and your new family! xo Sharon

  20. Hi Jillian,
    Just wanted to say I love reading all your posts! Thank you!
    I know that you have the bugaboo stroller complete with bassinet, I was wondering if you have a different stroller for you car seat or if you use the Bugaboo frame?
    would love to hear back from you!
    Thank you

  21. Hi Jill!
    Will you be updating your Baby Registry for Baby Number 2? Im sure you will use some of the same items from Leo – but wondering if you would create a new one now that you’re a second time mama for us new moms who have no idea where to start?!? Thanks!

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