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The Bachelor Recap: Carbs, Wine, and Some Guy Named Arie

Gooood morning everyone!! Mindy here with another recap of The Bachelor!! I was FULLY living vicariously through the girls last night (my jealousy was at a high 10). I’ve honestly dreamed of traveling to Italy for longer than I can remember … in fact, I always say that I feel like I belong there, and don’t get me wrong, that might be due to the fact that I’m a smidge obsessed with pasta, pizza, wine … and Italian men. I was so hyperfocused on all of the yummy food and wine they were indulging in this episode that I sort of forgot who Arie was and why he was there. LOL!! Kidding … kind of.

Alright, let’s get down to business!! Becca K got the first one on one, and as they hooped into that old car to drive away, I was crossing my fingers that it wouldn’t break down like the car did on Arie’s date with Jacqueline last week (can you say … awkward!!). I was soooo stoked on this date, I mean who wouldn’t love a picnic (did I mention I also love snacks??) with a bottle of red wine … IN ITALY?! Frig. Heaven on Earth!! I’m not surprised Becca K got the rose on this date … love was in the air!! Or the bottle of red, you decide!!

Before we dig into the next one on one … can we just chat quickly about Jacqueline?! Ps. LOVE that she took a swig of his wine before dishing about her feelings (totally something I would do!). Anyway, I don’t think that Jacqueline REALLY wanted to say goodbye, I think she was just nervous about the whole situation and was probably scared that she was going to be left with a broken heart and I can totally understand her wanting to put walls up and run away. I just hope she doesn’t regret it because I do feel like Arie really liked her … then again … I feel he also has strong feelings with the other girls.

So, Lauren ended up getting another one on one which was a bit shocking because she just had one last week, but I think Arie did this because he isn’t QUITE sure where her head is at. Their last date started a bit shaky but they moved past that and she was able to open up to him near the end and as much as he seemed super into her at the time, I think it also left him a bit confused as to whether or not she is ready for this. I was so happy to hear Lauren acknowledge the fact that she has to break down her walls and admit that she is nervous and scared and I think that it’s FAIR for her to feel this wat … but, holy smokes did I ever crap my pants when Arie walked away from her and left her sitting at the table!!  I was thinking “If he hurts her, I’m going to kick his ass!!” … thank goodness he pulled his act together and came back and swept her off her feet. I’ll just slowly put my boxing gloves back where I found them … no need to give Arie an ass kicking today. ? I REALLY think Lauren might end up snagging the final rose along with a sparkly engagement ring … more about my predictions at the end!!

Jillian Harris The Bachelor Recap-1 Jillian Harris The Bachelor Recap-1

Sienne received the final one on one. And again, the perfect date in the history of Bachelor dates. They made pasta and pizza from scratch and dined with an Italian family … are you kidding me? This is the first time I’ve EVER experienced FOMO while watching The Bachelor and I’ve been following The Bachelor and The Bachelorette for a looooonnngg time!! That’s it. I’m running away to Italy. But for real, why does everything seem so much better in Italy?? I realize I’m going off about Italy when this is supposed to be a recap of The Bachelor, but, I just can’t get over how perfect it is. Le sigh. Ok, back to the recap. Lol. I’m not entirely surprised that Sienne didn’t get a rose on their date because I DO feel like he has a stronger connection with the other ladies but holy crap, she is a catch, and if there are ANY single guys reading this blog right now, stop! Pick up your phone, and slide into her DM’s!! This girl isn’t going to be on the market for long. Or, who knows, maybe she’ll be the next Bachelorette??

It was crazy to see Tia, Bekkah and Kendall all on the group date, I was a bit baffled as to who he was going to send home because I thought he was crazy for all of them and it completely BLINDSIDED me when he sent Bekkah home … never in a million years would I have guessed that was going to happen! I thought for sure, he was going to send Tia home!! I love Tia, and I’m really happy for her but I think Arie is really going to miss Bekkah … A LOT. And I truly feel like Tia needs a more rugged, man who loves the mountains … and plaid shirts … and potentially has a beard … and rough hands because he builds things all day. Lol. But for real …

Alright to recap … the FOUR hometowns are going to the following ladies … and here are my predictions moving forward!

Becca K: I think Becca’s hometown will be interesting  … but I’m not convinced she will make it to the top 3!

Lauren: If her family like Arie and things go well … I REALLY think she will end up with the engagement ring!!

Kendall: If her taxidermy collection doesn’t send him running … then I don’t know what will ?? … but I do think she will make top two.

Tia: I think Tia will make top three but will be sent home after that. She may even move on to become the next Bachelorette?? Or maybe that rugged man of her dreams (or mine?? LOL!), will come and whisk her away!!

Alright, so I THINK Lauren and Kendall will be top two … if so, I think Lauren will get the final rose and RING … and MAYBE Tia or Bekkah will be the next Bachelorette … I could almost see it going to Bekkah. Who would you like to see as the next Bachelorette?? Comment below!!



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  1. My husband and I went to Italy in August. We stayed at the same hotel and loved Barga and Lucca! It was incredible to see it again!

  2. Totally expected him to send Bekah M. home; yes, they’ve always had amazing chemistry, but he’s had doubts about her all along, so getting this near the end, yes, this was the logical choice. And be serious, likable as this girl is, it’s very apparent she is not personally ready for a headed-for-marriage type of relationship. And Lauren?? I’m sorry. I just don’t get it. I find her so….bland! Arie is a very touchy-feely, passionate kinda guy, and I just see her as too much of a wallflower (where’s the appeal in that??) I don’t get it.

  3. I would like the next bachelorette to Becca M, if she does not get engaged to Arie. I just do not see it with any of the others in the final 4. Lauren could never pull it off. Kendell is wonderful but odd and Tia would be better on Bachelor in paradise.

  4. Well I’m glad I got the top
    4 right . I like Bekha I think they are good together , and I like Tia , but I agree that maybe Arie would be a bit boring for her . Lauren he seems to like her but she seems blah .. if Bekha or Tia don’t get the final would love to see them
    As Bachelorette. Kendall I like her she seems like a down to earth kinda girl , but the taxidermy hobby creeps me out . I think Kendall 4th , Tia 3rd , Lauren 2nd , Bekha 1st or at least I’m hoping ..

  5. I think Kendall will be sent home after hometown dates. Becca and Lauren will be in the final 2. Arie will propose to Becca and then regret it soon after, since he misses Lauren A LOT! Will Arie and Lauren be the next Jason and Molly? We’ll see… haha just my guess.

  6. I love tia lauren is too emily like and boring and where did kendall come from all of a sudden greetings and love from australia jillian i loved the italy dates too and the paris one so envious

  7. I definitely thought Tia was going home after throwing Bekah under the bus. That is almost always the kiss of death! I predict Lauren is the one with the ex that’s going to pop up and blindside them. Bekah would make a great Bachelorette if only she was a little older. Becca, Kendall or Tia would all be good.

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