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The Bachelor Recap: Colton is Back in Action!

Good morning everyone!! Mindy here!! I’ll be taking over Jillian’s blog EVERY week to share my thoughts on this season of THE BACHELOR!!! Now … before you freak out … don’t worry, Jill will still be sharing her thoughts throughout this entire season but there will be some days that she won’t be able to catch the episode, which is why I’m here!

Lucky for us, Jillian was in Vancouver this Monday and had some downtime in her hotel room and was able to catch the premiere of The Bachelor!! So, this morning I hopped on a call with her and picked her brain! I’ll be sharing her thoughts, predictions and some insider info below!!

Ready to dive in?? Take a look at Jillian’s thoughts (and my thoughts mixed in!!) below!

Jillian Harris The Bachelor Recap


When it comes to Colton, Jillian is on the fence … she obviously thinks he’s handsome (I agree ??) and sweet but the virginity thing is throwing her off! She can’t wrap her head around it and I TOTALLY get it!! It’s not every day you come across a total hunk who is athletic and played football … is sweet, caring, and a VIRGIN! Right?!

I questioned his sincerity about this for a while when he first admitted his virginity. I thought to myself, there’s no way in hell that’s true. But, I’ll also be the first to admit that as time passes by and the more I hear him talk about it … the more I think it’s actually TRUE. What do you guys think??

Either way, one thing Jillian said she knows for sure, is that Colton is there for the right reasons and I have to agree with her (again!!) on that one!!

Jillian Harris The Bachelor Recap

The Girls

Jillian and I chatted about the girls on this season and we both feel that this is such a stand-up group of girls!!! Every single girl on the show is beautiful, smart, and funny!! I mean, to be fair, Monday was night ONE so I’m sure the claws are about to come out soon as everyone is on their best behavior right now! LOL!

Jillian Harris The Bachelor Recap

What’s Up with the Sloth?

The sloth was soooo odd! I mean, I guess it’s not that odd considering there have been many costumes on the show before (ALEXIS SHARK (or dolphin??) doo doo doo doo) but it was a bit strange! As was the box filled with butterflies and Miss North Carolina’s sash! HOWEVER, Jillian filled me in on this and WHY these sort of things pop up in the show!

Bottom line is, it’s something the producers make you do! Sometimes the girls come up with these ideas on their own for sure but most of the time these sort of ideas are a producer thing! Crazy right?! But I guess that’s why they’re producers … to SHAKE things up!!

Jillian Harris The Bachelor Recap

The Alumni’s & Viewing Parties

Jillian and I had TOTALLY different views on this! Jillian, as an alumna herself, loved seeing all of the alumni’s hosting the viewing parties around the world!

Myself, on the other hand, as a viewer, didn’t like it ONE BIT! I mean, yes, it’s a cool throwback to see all of the alumni’s but I REALLY just wanted to get on with the show and was frustrated at the fact that it took up SO MUCH of the premiere!

Ps. ABC … Jillian is wondering if her invite got lost in the mail?! C’mon guys … lol!!

Jillian Harris Bachelor Recap

Potential Villians

We have a feeling there are a few girls that might be the Villians of the show! In no particular order … they are:

Alex B.

While Jillian loves the fact that Alex is a Canadian girl … there’s something off about the music they play every time they show her! Is it a subliminal message? Is she a villain in disguise?

Jillian Harris Bachelor Recap


Jillian is predicting that Catherine will be the next to go home as she doesn’t think Colton will be game for watching her dog for any longer than he has to! I agree that Colton probably doesn’t want to look after her dog (how weird is that?!) … but I feel like she may be around for a while!

Jillian Harris Bachelor Recap


I’m not entirely sure Demi is a villain per se… but I DO think she is trouble … anyone else?

Jillian Harris Bachelor Recap


When it comes down to WHO will get the FINAL ROSE … Jillian is betting on CASSIE!! Cassie is not only adorable but she also has a selfless career as a Speech Pathologist and seems so down to earth!!

I TOTALLY agree that Cassie will make top three for sure but I also think Hannah G. is in the running as Colton seemed to REALLY connect with her (and she got the first impression rose!!!).

Jillian Harris Bachelor Recap

A Favour to Ask

Now … before we wrap this blog up … Jillian would love if EVERYONE went onto The Bachelor Instagram page (which you can find HERE!) and start a petition for them to put Jillian’s season up on iTunes!! LOL!!! It’s one of the only ones not on there … and how BADLY would you want to see it???

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

Make sure to share your thoughts on the premiere below and we will catch up again next week!


Mindy (and Jilly!)

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  1. I watched Jillian’s Bachelorette series when it originally aired but I forget a lot of what went on. Ugh! You poor thing! I forgot Jake (the pilot), was part of your series. He creeps me out!

    1. Carrie, I was at my neighbor’s home one day sitting by the pool. They had a few friends over and one guy looked and sounded very familiar. I was busy watching my kids in the pool and didn’t think much of it. As were leaving and saying goodbye we all shook hands and introduced ourselves. As he shook mine he said his name was Jake. I responded with, “Pavelka???” We both knew then how I knew who he was and just smiled. He was with his girlfriend so I didn’t mention anything but it was pretty funny. I didn’t realize the neighbors were such good friends with him. The husband on the other side is good friends with Sean Lowe.

  2. I completely agree with Jillian’s assessments. I think Cassie will make it to the end. She was one of the ones we liked best. And yes we thought the sloth was odd too!

  3. I agree with the villains lol also predict Cassie along with Heather G? Will be top two lol love this blog!! Keep it coming!!

  4. Totally agree with Mindy on the parties around Bachelor Nation took away from the premier of the season however why didn’t they do something here in Canada and have Jillian do a party in Vancouver or Kelowna! But yes as an ex NFL player found it hard to believe that he was a virgin but I think he’s genuine about this! Great blog Mindy looking forward to next week!

  5. No mention of Canadian Caitlin from you girls?! I thought she was a real contender! As for villains, what about the girl who confronted Catherine on taking time away from the other girls? She might bring some entertainment. Also, a few other notes… no girls with kids? and a lot of the girls were so young! 22 and 23!

  6. Spot on commentary and predictions. I, too, did not like the alum focus. Good thing for dvr and I could fast forward.

  7. I totally agree! Cassie for the win! And Mindy, I’m so with you. I found myself saying ‘Ugh’ when the alumni and viewing parties were on. It was mostly just a waste of time, other than the excitement of the proposals! Whhhaat can I say, I’m a sucker for love 🙂

  8. Well first night the woman are all beautiful to start
    but there will be a problem with CatherineIam not crazy about her {trouble}

  9. I agree with you… love Hannah G and Cassie. Colton is looking good! Hope to see your season again soon… ❤️

  10. I adore Colton. I think it’s great that he’s a jock but is not a player. He’s a sweetie!
    I thought the alumni angle was fun, and it didn’t take any time away from the premiere because it was an extra hour. (I did miss Jillian, though!).
    I would have fired dog girl out the door on night one. Demi is definitely trouble. She will be the one all the other girls hate. The one with the sash might also be trouble.
    I adore Cassie and Hannah B who was Miss Alabama (no sash), but my prediction is that he will end up with the other Hannah who got the first impression rose. He is a smitten kitten, and when he made that comment to Chris about her being like home, I was sold. I know what he means and it absolutely reminded me of the wedding vows I wrote.

  11. Your season was the best one I thought!!! Can’t believe they didnt put it on I tunes. How about kicking Juan Pablos season instead

    I agree with Cassie being top 2 for sure. Shes so sweet!

  12. OK, I have so much to say, everything you and JIllian have to say is spot on, Even when you don’t agree with each other! I have to say that the sloth moment goes down as the number one cringiest entrance there Has ever been on the franchise. I almost couldn’t breathe and felt physically sick from it ?
    I usually am pretty good at picking the top three or four straight from the bios, and although I still don’t know the outcome to know if I am correct yet, after watching the first episode my picks are still the same.
    100% Cassie is my top pick, But they will make us believe it’s someone else for a while because Cassie is not as agressive and confident as the rest of the women, and Colton professes to want a strong confident woman, So they will do the dance for a while making it seem like he’s tortured by wanting Cassie to be the final pick but He’ll be too focussed on Hannah who got the first impression rose and a few of the other women who were very confident on the first night because they made an impact on him right away. Cassie is the one that he will have to get her to “let her guard down”. So she’ll be final pick. I do not do spoilers if I can help it. But I’ve got a very good track record of picking the final picks. I picked Ed for JIllian the minute I saw his bio and when he walked into the room I knew for sure she was going to pick him in the end, although looking back I really think Reid Or Kypton were probably more suited to her. I am looking forward to figuring out everybody’s names, this season it’s all Wide-eyed blondes it seems that all look alike! And I am also looking forward to all of your blog posts about it each week, keep up the good work!
    I agree we need to get JIllian’s season onto iTunes, it was so interesting and fun to watch!
    Happy new year Jillian and team!

  13. My number one is definitely Cassie. I hope he does pick her, so far. And I am surprised he kept Catherine around.

  14. She was the best Bachelorette!! picked a real dud, but who can tell in such a short time?!! Ed was not fit to shine her shoes!! so happy she found her soul mate Justin!! in my opinion, Colton is too young, inexperienced and not ready to marry, he showed that on both his past seasons while leading Tia on in BIP. He is handsome and i love watching all these gals. Finding this season much more entertaining than i thought. However, the virgin card is old and redundant!

  15. Anyone else notice Colton pick up a butterfly and tuck it into the inside pocket of his suit? Made me think he saw potential there and wanted the keepsake.

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