Hey guys! Kayla here! I am back with another recap of The Bachelor and this week is a juuuicy one! Peter and the ladies head to the Gold Coast of Australia which is the perfect location for some steamy Fantasy Suite dates!
Yikes! This episode picks up at last week’s rose ceremony for the long-awaited conversation between Madison and Peter regarding her faith and how she’s saving herself for marriage. Madison tells Peter that she doesn’t want to give him an ultimatum but she kiiiinda is, right? I’m a huge Madison fan, however, I do feel that this conversation should have happened looooong before hometowns! Would you agree?!
You guys, I’m so confused?! Why on earth would they have the girls staying in the same suite together during fantasy suite dates?? That is SO awkward! Hannah Ann and Madison seem genuinely happy to see each other and then Victoria walks in and they’re like *crickets*.

Hannah Ann
First, up is a fantasy suite date with Hannah Ann and this date went really well – which is how all of Peter’s dates with her go! Peter tells Hannah Ann that they have to speak in an Australian accent on the entire date which was kinda cute and nice to see Peter have some personality because I find him a little boring, to be honest??

They start off with some jet-skiing followed by a heart to heart on the beach. Hannah Ann seems to be the most available to Peter and tells him pretty much everything he wants to hear! Part of me thinks she is being genuine but I also think she knows exactly what she has to say to get herself to the finale. Hmmm… I’m torn on how I feel about Hannah Ann and this relationship!
During the evening part of the date, Hannah Ann accepts the Fantasy Suite Date card… obviously! She basically tells Peter to do what he has to do with other women to figure things out, aka I’m the first date so sleep with whoever you want after me… LOL!
Victoria had the second fantasy suite date and I was just waiting for the drama and the waterworks to begin! First off, can I point out how boringgggg this date was??? I couldn’t sense any chemistry between the two of them whatsoever!! The two went for a helicopter ride and then set up for a picnic near a waterfall. They basically talked about how horrible their hometown date went, how they struggle with communication and then laughed at the fact they didn’t have a fight… yet.

The evening part of the date went surprisingly well for a change! This was probably the first time in a LONG time that I wasn’t totally annoyed with Victoria. You could tell that she was trying to justify her craziness by talking about how previous relationships are to blame. The fact that she struggled SO much talking about her past makes me question how truthful she was being?! She eventually started to spiral… surprise surprise! But then Peter whipped out a fantasy suite date card and all was good in the world! LOL! It’s no secret that their relationship is VERY physical, so the two of them saying yes to the Fantasy Suite was obviously a given!
We all know production would strategically give Madison the third Fantasy Suite Date so that she would borderline lose her mind over the thought of him sleeping with other women, right?! But, what better way to distract her on her date than scaling down the side of a skyscraper! LOL! I really enjoyed watching them together on this date and as usual, Madison and Peter’s chemistry was undeniable!

Wow! The evening part of this date was SO intense. My eyes were physically locked to my television!! I gotta say, I respect the hell out of Madison for being so open and honest and sticking to her values, especially with the pressure that comes with being on this show! I totally get how people can say “she knew what she was signing up for” BUT, I totally agree with Madison when she tells Peter how it would be VERY hard to accept a proposal from someone who slept with another woman six days ago. Amen to that, girl!

Peter eventually admits that he has been “intimate” with other women and Madison is clearly upset by this and has to excuse herself to get some air. Oh boy, was anyone else super emotional watching this?? I was tearing up because you could tell they were both really struggling! I feel like Madison didn’t stress to Peter enough about how she felt regarding him being intimate with other women, because he seemed pretty taken back by her saying that she could potentially walk away, what do you guys think?? The date ended there and they clearly chose to forgo their Fantasy Suite… LOL!
Oh my gosh!! The preview for the finale looks soooo good. A clip of the upcoming rose ceremony was shown and Madison was MIA! So, my prediction is that Madison left and the scene of Peter’s mom crying and telling him to “bring her home” is definitely about her, right?! We also see Peter showing up at someone’s house expressing how sorry he is… and that has to be Madison too?? We shall see!!

Next week is the always entertaining Women Tell All and I have no doubt that the claws will be OUT! Who are you excited to see come face to face with Peter again?!
Oh! And before I go, I have to point out that I think Peter makes the saying “chick digs scars” a reality because, damn! He looks good, am I right?

Until next week!
We’re getting close now!!! Juicy episode. I lol’d at the ‘chicks dig scars’ thing. So true! Even if we don’t want to admit it… adds a little mystery. I’m gonna miss these recaps when the show is over! xx
HI kAYLAI watched the bachelor last night and the three woman who are left
well Hannah Ann seemed to have a nice time with Peter but is she really in love with him?
I question that.
As for Victoria I still don’t see see her with Peter but we shall see
Madison is a lovelu person but again her and Peter need to work things out but I still think she is sticking to her
guns for saving herdelf for marriage good luck to all of them
I totally agree that Madison was basically giving him an ultimatum even though she claimed that wasn’t her intent. And she thinks she was really clear with him after last week’s rose ceremony, but she wasn’t clear at all, and failed to tell him about saving herself for marriage. VERY late in the game for this conversation, and she put it off again. I totally get why she’d be upset by thinking about him with other women, but that is just a product of the environment they are in, and she just needs to tune it out and focus on the future. I hope they are going to work it out because I definitely think he has the strongest connection with Madison.
Amazing post, as always! Bring on women tell all!
Great follow up after this episode…I totally agree with what you said for sure!
Do you think Peter may end up with none of these 3 ladies?
The producers sooo tried to create drama with all of them in the same suite.
Madison being the last date was very predictable as well!!
Wait and see……
I just caught up! I think it’s clear who he’s into the, Maddison. I get where’s she coming from, like she said ‘how can I say yes to someone who slept with another woman a few days ago!?’ But, on the other hand, it is what she signed up for..😳
Kayla I enjoyed reading your recap of last Monday’s Bachelor episode. In regards to why production had the three women stay together according to Chris Harrison who was the latest guest one the Bachelor happy hour pod cast it was to force a decision before things went further and have the other women’s opinions on what Madison was doing. It’s hard to know how this season will end but it has certainly been interesting too watch looking forward to the women tell all Monday!!
Glad your sticking up for women love this ❤️