Good morning everyone! Mindy here! Jillian has officially taken off for her cruise with her mama so I’m here today to share my Bachelor recap with you!
You know what, I was pleasantly surprised by a few things last unfolded on last night’s episode of the Bachelor! I’m going to share them with you below … starting with Colton’s one on one date with Tayshia!
I’m not sure how many of you also felt this way but I feel as though Tayshia has been flying under the radar up until now! I was shocked to see her get the one on one as I felt as though she hasn’t been on camera much as of late. However, with that being said, I couldn’t have been happier for her!
I think she completely ROCKED the one on one date with Colton!! I mean … the girl went BUNGEE JUMPING!! That is enough to make me crap my pants and she handled it like a rockstar … even better than Colton handled it!! LOL! I think she really stood out last night and I have a feeling she is going to be a very strong contender!!

Okay, I know we’ve talked LOTS about Demi so I’ll make this one short and sweet. As much as Demi frustrates the girls in the house and she’s a bit of a villain … she is ultimately hyper focused on Colton which I THINK is a good thing??
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know she stirs things up but I thought it was interesting when she was trying to convince Courtney to go talk to Colton instead of waiting for him to come to her. I think sometimes we all need that little kick in the butt and Demi was trying to give it and when Courtney didn’t listen, Demi stepped back up to the plate.

I can understand that Courtney was hurt last night when Colton didn’t come pull her away to talk … however, it DID take a lot of convincing from the other girls to get Courtney to take the initiative and go find Colton so I wasn’t entirely surprised when she went home last night.
I think she will no doubt find the love of her life but I can’t imagine this setting was easy on the girl … I honestly don’t know how any of them get through this crazy situation! LOL!

Caelynn was a shining star last night for many reasons! She took the initiative to make amends with Hannah which I thought was such a class act (and kudos to Hannah for putting it behind her as well!). Then she had the most incredible date with Colton and really opened up to him about some very tough matters.
Caelynn really opened up on so many levels last night and embraced her vulnerability which I thought was so incredibly inspiring. I can’t imagine talking about her sexual assault would have been easy so I applaud Caelynn for being so strong last night. Atta girl!
There is also no denying that Colton is HEAD OVER HEELS for this girl … I’m thinking top two! What do you think??

Hannah G.
Can we all just take a quick moment to recognize the electric chemistry between Colton and Hannah?! I mean, that make out session got pretty steamy … right?!
While I’m not convinced that Hannah G will make top two … I DO think she will be top five for sure!!

What did you think of last night’s episodes?? I want to hear your thoughts on Demi … Hannah G and Caelynn … make sure to share them in the comments section below!
Demi needs to go!!! I definitely think she is there for the wrong reasons and just wants to “win” … I was unsure about Caelynn but I really like her after last night’s episode. I think she’s going the distance for sure, and I’m pretty certain we’re gonna see her with a ring at the end of this!
Hi Jillian well another crazy night on the Bachelor
I thought Caelynn was very lucky last night with all her gifts Demi well not much to say about her Hannah I wish her the best on the showother then that we will have to wait till next Monday
Yes was happy about all the ladies, Was impressed that Hanna and Caelynn reconciled for the time being. And super cool that Caelynn had a nice date with all the clothes and opened up later in the evening.
Its funny I thought Demi has been a bit over the top on some things but I like her attitude toward going and getting what she wants and not backing down, She handles the confrontation by the other ladies one on one, well in my opinion, she could have been way worse! I think she went too far in calling the other lady a cancer though and talking to Colton about it, that was a bit immature. I think the other ladies that keep coming to her need to step up and handle their own time with Colton instead of using the time to talk to Demi, which is what she is saying. This is the bachelor, not the bachelorette where the men come to the woman to talk. U gotta grab him and talk if u want to make a connection! I did think she needed to be a bit more courteous on the group date though and not jump on his back and hog him, but I like that’s she asked for a picture with him with the red paper. There are ways to handle things.
I also liked the fact that another lady offered Colton a set of chop sticks that match hers. That stuff is thoughtful and creates some connections without pissing a bunch of ppl off.
Hanna G stepped up, that was good, maybe could have done a bit more talking! Hah but maybe they did, editing….
I totally get Courtney not wanting to chase after Colton. This just isn’t a good environment for her personality type. Not that it can’t work for someone with her style, he’s just not that into her. Just as well she has moved on. Hopefully she’ll have better luck outside the house.
IF there is a “cancer” in the house, it’s name is Demi! What a manipulator. I hope she goes next week.
Caelyyn’s date was great, and we got to see a lot more depth from her. I’m pretty confident she’ll get a home town date, but I still think “the one” is Hannah G. Sticking to my guns!
(It was refreshing to see Caelynn and Hannah bury the hatchet. Good on them)
Yes! My top 3 would have to be Cassie, Caelyn, and Hannah G. I really do like Elyse, but I don’t think she’ll be top 3. Top 5, yes.
I think Caelyn, Hannah G, Taysha and Cassie are top 4. I just don’t understand why Cassie hasn’t got a one on one date yet? Any theories out there? Maybe he’s waiting until closer to the end? Those ladies are all stunning and seem authentic. I guess hometowns will decide… he seems to have smoking chemistry with them all. Once concern for Caelyn is that maybe her sexual assault may remind him too much of past relationships and problems. It may be an issue I feel. Poor girl, what a hellish nightmare that was for her.