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The Bachelorette Recap: My Thoughts on the Guys

Morning everyone! Mindy here with another recap of last night’s episode of The Bachelorette! Today I thought I would share my thoughts on some of the guys because I felt there were a lot of things that happened last night that made some guys rise to the top and others fall totally off the tracks.

Let’s take a look …


I’m happy that David is back and for some reason, I think he looks kind of good with a bruised up face! It makes him look tough but his story about how it happened it a little embarrassing!! I think he needs to make up a cool story about what happened … lol.

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap


Those gold underwear need to be thrown in the garbage!! I’m sorry, but for some reason, I feel like the gold underwear boosts his ego even MORE but I’m not even sure why?? All I can think about is Goldmember from Austin Powers whenever he rocks them and I don’t think they’re turning Becca on in the slightest. Remember when he leaned in to kiss her when he was sporting them?! She looked like she had ZERO interest in locking lips and was awkwardly giggling … AKA dying on the inside and wanting to run away. I know he is probably good for ratings but … for Becca’s sake, he needs to go! We all know he will probably make his way onto paradise so just let him go so he can start shopping for gold banana hammocks to bring with him.


Am I the only one who didn’t understand why Nick was wearing a tracksuit to the rose ceremony?? I’m straight up confused.

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap


I don’t even know what to say. First, he thinks the earth is flat … or rectangular?? THEN … he almost chops his damn foot off with a big SWING AND A MISS chopping wood. Personally, I think guys that can chop wood are SERIOUSLY HOT so if I were Becca and I saw him swing that ax and fully lay it into the dirt, I would have been so turned off. Not to mention, Lincoln has been in the news lately for some pretty bad stuff … he needs to go, STAT.

Jean Blanc

Excuse me with I facepalm myself over and over and over. Jean was SO WEIRD last night … to the point where it made my stomach churn a little!!! From the super awkward kiss (you could tell Becca was SO not interested) to the point when he “poured his heart out” to Becca excusing him and him basically asking for the perfume he brought Becca back. This situation was all sorts of strange.

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap


This guy can swing an ex and toss a log around like it’s nobodies business and it’s freaking HOT. However, I’m not sure he is best suited for Becca … they definitely have chemistry but I don’t think they actually match up as a solid couple. I could totally see Colton being on Bachelor in Paradise as well!


When I first saw John on last night’s episode I literally had no clue who he was … I guess he really hasn’t stood out to me up until this point! But HOLY SMOKES, I think John absolutely killed it last night! He completely surprised me and total brushed off his title of underdog. Although … I don’t think Becca is THAT into him …


I think Wills is super sweet and so cute BUT I think when it comes down to it, he’s one of those guys that girls become friends with and talk to ALL the time but nothing ever comes of it because they hit the Friend Zone too quickly. I don’t think him and Becca will end up together but I REALLY want to see him find a sweet girl because I think he would be an amazing partner!


I think Becca is HEAD OVER HEELS for Garret and they seem pretty perfect for each other but obviously, the news of him being previously married and divorced threw her off a little bit. I’m happy they were able to talk this through and his words seemed to put Becca at ease which is great but I think this is going to be a bit of an internal battle with Becca the more serious they get as I think she will have some fears that he may do the same to her. However, I DO think he is in it for the right reason.

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

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Based on last night’s episode of The Bachelorette I have to say I think the tops 5 guys are as follows (in no particular order):

  • Garrett
  • Blake
  • Colton
  • Jason
  • David

Who would you say the top 5 guys are?? Comment below!!



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  1. With you on EVERYTHING except David. He does NOT do it for me… he’s a total goof!! You can tell he thinks he’s cool/funny for picking on Jordan, but he’s really just making a fool of himself. He’s just as bad as Jordan but just in a very different way. Shocked you think he will make Top 5! I guess if she wants to keep him around so she has an easy person to pick off in the end?? Poor guy. But yeah, with you on the other 4 guys making it to the end. If I were to pick a 5th to replace David then I’d probably say… Chris? Though it looks like he’s got a bit of drama in the next episode. We’ll see! xx

    1. I totally agree with you about David. I don’t think he’s AS bad as Jordan, but it is childish that he’s getting caught up in that drama. Of course she’s not seeing what we are, but she’ll figure it out. At any rate, no chemistry between her and either of those 2 guys.

  2. With you on the amazing chemistry between Becca and Garret. But I really hope David will leave soon. Yes, Jordan is a bit weird and full of him self, but in a hilarious way. David… he just bully’s him. Plus his voice.. why!!

    I really like Conor as well, hope he will make it to the top 5

  3. I think you hit the top 5 right on the head. That’s our pick and even in that order! I really like Garrett, Blake and Colton.

    I don’t care for any of the others and wouldn’t want to waste time watching any of the others on paradise, specially not Lincoln. He’s not trustworthy in my opinion and I don’t think fellas with records like that deserve any additional platform or fame RIGHT!?

    Good recap! ?

  4. Though Colton is my personal fave, I’m 99% sure her top 2 will be Garret and Blake. Colton will likely also be around til home town dates, and I’m not sure who the 4th might be? Wills?

    No question in my mind that track suit guy, gold shorts boy, and flat earth dude need to GO! Glad “John White” is history. That whole interaction was super awkward, especially the perfume thing. Ugh

  5. Seriously, does anyone eat their food on dates?! It always looks so good yet untouched. That’s a tragedy in my mind ?

  6. I think Garrett is going to win it. He is the best all around (from what I can see so far) . I also think that Colton and Tia will both be on bachelor in Paradise because that would make for great ratings.

  7. Garrett, Blake and Colton will be top 3. Maybe Jason and Wills to round out the top 5?? David has to go ASAP…..he is just as bad as Jordan (Robby and Dean’s love child LOL) but in a different way. They are both way too childish. I hope they are both on the upcoming 2:1 and she sends them both home!!!!

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