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The Question I Get Asked The Most – Are You Still Filming Love It or List It Vancouver?

Over the holidays I noticed that Love It or List It Vancouver was airing in SO many countries (and even re-airing in Canada!) I love getting messages from all of you about the show, episodes and the re-occurring question “ARE YOU STILL FILMING LOVE IT OR LIST IT???!”, And, the short answer to that is, no. Today I thought I would share with you what  I AM  doing with all of my time instead of filming … because some of my family and friends don’t even know what I’m up to! 🤪

Sometimes I get the feeling that my time of TV defines me, but despite MOST of you knowing me from TV, Being the host of LIOLIV and on The Bachelor and Bachelorette it is just a small part of my career journey. Love It or List It Vancouver, The Bachelor, and The Bachelorette has provided me with so many incredible opportunities, but since filming and being on set, I have had the chance to truly work on and in MY business… the part I am truly passionate about and drives me every day. (sometimes drives me up the wall lol)  In fact, I have even been able to check some career goals off of my list that I am so proud of and I can’t wait to share an update with you today.

Alright, let me bring you up to speed with Love It Or List It Vancouver first! So, I stopped filming Love It or List It Vancouver back in 2019, after I had Annie. There were a few reasons why I decided to stop filming the show, and the first is that it required a lot of travel back and forth from Kelowna to Vancouver on a consistent basis. While we did end up filming one season here in Kelowna,  this city is just not a big enough city to film more than one season here.

As you know, my heart and my home are in Kelowna, so it meant me traveling several times a week with or without the kids. Even when I was filming in the same city as my family I was gone before they woke up and didn’t get home until after they were both in bed. And, it didn’t take me long to realize that those times with my babes were fleeting and I’m only going to get to be a mom once.

Secondly, I have always been an entrepreneur at heart! I have always had this burning desire to have multiple businesses. Not to mention, I have an endless amount of new ideas … ask any of the girls on Team Jilly! 😂. With filming and working so much on set, all of my time was pretty much spoken for which meant I wasn’t able to give my business the attention it deserved and that I ultimately craved to give it.

Being a TV host was incredible and I am so grateful for what that experience brought me, but I never felt in control of that particular job. I felt like I never had creative freedom, I didn’t feel like I was leading it, it sort of felt like I was an actor I mean there’s here is nothing wrong with that. But, for me personally, I was really itching to produce and create something that was my own and something I was in control of. Even though it was an AMAZING job and I was able to work with the most incredible people, I did not feel fulfilled. Leaving Love It or List It Vancouver was scary (especially after 7 years!), but I knew in my heart that it was time for me to try something new. Prior to leaving Love It or List It Vancouver, I had my Instagram account along with my website. I think for some people it may be hard to understand how someone can make money using these platforms, but we do, not only are we able to monetize these platforms but we run an entire company from it! Currently, we are at 13 employees and growing!  Along with these platforms, I started a few new business ventures. So, if you want to know who I am after Love It or List It Vancouver and what I’m up to now, keep reading!

Who is Jillian Harris now?

1. Human Being

First and foremost, I am a human being. I am a mother, daughter, auntie, cousin, and friend. That is my priority. I think you can see on my Instagram that even though I work really hard I try to have a work-life balance so I can spend as much time with the people I love. I enjoy every second of spending time with my kids, my fiancé, my parents, my cousins, family, and friends, those are the moments that truly bring me the most joy.

Jillian Harris and Diversity

2. Founder & Creative Director of JillianHarris.Com

I am the founder and creative director of (the website that you are on right now!) and also run my Instagram account @jillian.harris, both of these platforms generate revenue, which has allowed me to grow a team. We generate revenue via affiliate sales and our partnerships and collaborations with amazing brands such as Smash + Tess, Sandhill Wines, Dyson, Joe Fresh, Melanie Auld, etc. We are so grateful to be able to partner with brands that we truly love while staying true and authentic to ourselves. We have also created Jilly Digital which is hosted through and is a spot where we sell our beautiful Digital Prints, our mobile and desktop Presets, and our Digital Bundles. website reveal

3. Co-Owner of The Jilly Box

In 2019, we launched The Jilly Box! If you don’t know what The Jilly Box is, it’s a quarterly curated box filled with products loved by myself and Team Jilly! We have our own team (Team Jilly Box!) that consists of another 13 full-time employees! The Jilly Box is another separate business on its own. I am part owner with Tyler Evans, who is also my agent over at and I’m so grateful that we are heading into our third year of business together! If you are interested in learning more about The Jilly Box or would like to become an Insider (for the chance to be randomly selected to make a one-time purchase of a Jilly box along with access to promo codes from most of our Jilly Box vendors every quarter!), then make sure to get your name on the list, here! Also, don’t forget to check out The Jilly Market to scoop up previous Jilly Box items featuring home decor, bath and beauty, health and wellness, accessories, and everything in between!

Jillian Harris and the Spring 2021 Jilly Box Reveal

4. Founder of The Jilly Academy

Then in 2021, we launched The Jilly Academy! This was such an important project to me. I have learned so much over the years through trial, error, and fiery determination (not to mention, some overflowing creative juices!) and I truly wanted to share my experiences with those looking to start up their very own side gigs and small businesses or those just simply curious about the world of social media and digital marketing. I am so grateful for my career as an influencer and what social media and digital marketing did for me and my team. It allowed me to work from home more, have more balance over my schedule, grow a team, be proud of my work, and so much more. And what better way to show my appreciation, than to share my very own tips and tricks with YOU, my community.

To give you a little more background, I had been asked to personally mentor several women and with everything going on I was struggling to find the time to do so. However, I felt like I had SO MUCH to share. So, I started writing a little handbook for a few of my girlfriends because I didn’t want to leave anything out. As I was writing the handbook I realized there was so much information that needed to be included so we decided to pivot and create a course, that’s when The Jilly Academy was born. We currently have three courses available, The Brand Strategy, The Content Creator, and The Growth Accelerator! All of these courses build on one another and are filled with all of my tried, tested and true systems, proprietary templates, methods, and trade secrets! Not to mention, we also have digital resources available to purchase over on our Campus Store like; our Media Kit Template, Photoshoot Bundle, and more! Make sure to stop by and check them all out, right here!

5. Co-Author of Fraiche Food Full Hearts Cookbook

Then, there is The Fraiche Food Full Hearts cookbook! The cookbook is not really a business on its own, however, it’s something I am so incredibly proud of! Not to mention, it makes me an author which is sooooo cool! I hope that this cookbook (and our second one!) lives on throughout our families and is passed along from generation to generation. If you don’t already have a copy, make sure to grab one via the link below! I dare you to try my Garden Bolognese recipe this weekend! 😉🍝

The Fraiche Food Full Hearts Cookbook

6. Farmer

Last but certainly not least, is the farm! That’s right, back in 2020, Justin and I bought a farm right here in Kelowna. I have no idea if this is going to be a business or not but what I can tell you (for certain!) is that currently, it is not a lucrative business! LOL! 🤪. . But we are learning and loving this new venture and determined to make it successful. Eventually, it is our goal to do something with the property, and we are currently brainstorming what that will look like. Will it be a flower farm? A winery? A tourist destination? An events barn? It ALL sounds really exciting, but also very exhausting! 😴

Farm Inspired Instagram Accounts

You might be wondering, so what does the future hold? And while I don’t know exactly what the future holds there are some projects that I’ve always dreamed of like, owning my own clothing line, furniture line hosting a podcast, or creating a magazine. I don’t do any more interior design because there is simply no time to do it (as you can probably tell!) and, to be honest, it just doesn’t excite me the way it used to.  I enjoy design and style and implementing it in my own home but at this stage in my life, I don’t plan on getting back into the interior design business anytime soon.  But, that may change, you never know!

At this moment, my goals are to continue to evolve this brand, to reinvent myself, to try new things, and to take care of my family and my team. I don’t think I will ever retire or stop working, I love working and I LOVE my job. For those of you who have seen me evolve thank you for supporting me along the way, and, for those of you who didn’t know I was not on television anymore… now you know and I hope you love (and continue to follow along with!) my current endeavours!



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Leave a Reply

  1. Love your story and love following you! Your smile is contagious!! You are so incredibly good at what you do and so inspiring 💗👏💗💗

  2. So amazing to see everything you’ve accomplished since leaving the show!! What about your Airbnb business? Are you still doing that?

  3. Thanks so much for this communication. You’re truly inspiring!! May the Lord bless you, your family and all your future endeavors.

  4. I still watch Love it or List it just to revisit my home town of Vancouver and to get a “hit” of cheeriness and humour. I hope you know how much that show still lifts peoples’ spirits! I wish that more had been done to engage deconstruction and reuse of materials in the home you so beautifully refinished. Perhaps it was done but just not shown. Best of luck in all you do and I will be watching!

  5. Love your story.I would love if you did a magazine.Your such a inspiration too many with your style for fashion,decorating,cooking,family and now having a farm.

  6. Hi – I love your story and I am deeply impressed of both your creativity and all what you have accomplished!

    I’m one of your foreign followers, that «accidently» watched some of the episodes of (the only time I’ve ever watched) «The Bachelor» several years ago – and your lovely personality made me also wanna follow «you» in the «Bachelorette».
    Some years later – also accidently – I came over an episode of «Love It or List It Vancouver» and loved that show completly! Loved both your encredibly talent as a designer, as well as the humour and chemistry in the show. Still miss it!
    As a mom my self, I truly understand your choise – leaving it though 💞

    I must admit – I do follow you on social media too (a little fraid to seem like a stalker 😅) but you are such an inspiring person – and impressingly good at all what you do. It’s truly amazing to see everything you’ve accomplished with all your businesses, at the same time as seem to have the time to be the most dedicated loving Mother of two – and also a loving spouce, daughter, friend, etc.✨

    I’m truly amazed and I wish you and your family all the best for the years to come 🌸

  7. I’m exhausted just reading this! I don’t know where you get the energy to do all this plus the kids, dogs and your garden. You might have to share your energy secrets too😉 Everything you touch turns to gold! You’re very inspiring and a great role model to your kids. Wishing you continued success!

  8. You re an incredibly warm, compassionate, creative, driven and accomplished woman, Jillian! I have enjoyed reading about and watching your many, many projects, experiences and endeavors since first being introduced to you via The Bachelor. Your roles as a daughter, granddaughter, cousin, friend, partner, mother and boss are all so very impressive! The gift of your creativity, time, love and money to so many programs and causes that benefit women, children and people in crisis because of domestic violence, poverty, racism, addiction, fire, flood or war, is beyond wonderful. Thank you for all you do and for your will to keep on growing, imagining and accomplishing!

  9. Jill I am a follower from Australia and I totally love that you are so authentic and give off the “family” first vibes with everything you do. Congratulations on where you are today and I will continue to follow you with enthusiasm – just wish some of the products were available here in Australia (easily). Love your work x

  10. Absolutely loved watching LOL2 with my kids, we homeschool and during lunch my 11&13 yr old ask to watch the show! Congrats on your new endeavors, miss seeing you on the show!

  11. I absolutely love all your home designs on Love it or List it. You definitely are the one person who I would have in my home to give it a redo! After watching you on all your TV shows and reading your page, you showcase as so down to earth and amazing. And, I Love the farm you and your family own!
    Congratulations on a beautiful life you have made for yourself!
    Kamloops, BC

  12. Well Jilly I found you watching old HGTV when I contracted Covid in August. Had never really watched Love it or List It but at the same time I stumbled upon Jill and Justin on Slice. Well there are two very intriguing stories as I watched your transition into being a mom and then also getting engaged. Long story short I have wondered where you are now and so happy to see your success! I also had no history of watching the Bachlorette, This I saw on your own post. My point is that you don’t need all those creds to illustrate what a shiny and lovely woman you are. It took just two hours of watching tv to see that. I wish you all the best in your life!

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